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November 20, 2005
This your good friend Michael Jae here once again to strike against people.

I am going to make this short, sweet, and quick. President Bush, when are our boys and girls coming home from Iraq?

I have always thought that we were going there for the wrong reasons, and I truly believe that President may have acted on what he thought was right. After all, Saddam tried to kill his daddy, right? However, what the president believes is right and common sense are two largely different things here.

First off, this president believes it is better to go after a country that is questionable about its nuclear ambitions, whereas other countries such as Iran and North Korea’s are quite clear. You want to talk about the security of America, how safe are we when we go after the alleged perpetrator, when we have the facts and evidence to go after people who want us gone? People who have the capabilities to put a hole in the middle of this great land of ours with their nuclear weapons. They may not be able to get them here, but they still have them, like it or not.

A President who stands on an aircraft carrier like he just received the winning pass in the Super bowl, and claims the game is over, when truly it has just begun. We may have Saddam, but is Iraq any better than it was beforehand? It is only a matter of time before the holy war in that country ends up with another madman running the place. Taking a vote in Iraq is just as valuable as finding a bush to piss in when there is no where else to go. Democracy in Iraq may be great, but what about the charity that is needed at home?

The corporate rape of this country continues. As many people are laid off ten times over by many seedy companies looking to treat people like expendable maggots so they can raise their bottom lines, the Bush Administration continues to dance to the tune of many worried families wondering when are their children coming home from this so-called necessary war. Am I one of these tree hugging bitches that says war is never necessary? No. But I believe war should be a last resort, and it would have been easier to apprehend Saddam with other means instead of playing a game of shock and awe in their backyard.

Back to our country, while we go back to the subject of people losing jobs and having a hell of a time finding new ones, we can say thank you to many of the great education programs here that are doing jack shit for our children. Hell, the American Idol can’t even read or write. She said so in her book. Funny, how can someone who can’t write have a book out? We spend money on pointless shit like Iraq and that killer bird flu which is on its way. Another great way to scare the shit out of everyone so you can make policies up. Our healthcare and insurance rates are going up, while the doctors have malpractice suit after suit. We have homeless people living out there who are so dependent on the system. We are a country who doesn’t want to work for themselves anymore. And what are we doing to fix our situation? We want everyone to be a kiss ass and be polite.

In schools everywhere, kids are treated like babies. We have to be sensitive to them. How about challenging them to do better? Our country has become medicated by all the commercials that we see on TV. Is there a medicine out for complacency yet? Because if there is, no one is taking it. And sooner or later, our freedom of speech will be shot as well. How stupid is it when everything is pre delayed? Isn’t spontaneity good? Doesn’t that work for anyone?

But right now, I would like to say bring our troops home. If Iraq doesn’t want to help in our effort to make it a democracy, then let’s take the money and put it where it belongs. To create band aids for the bleeding problems in our country. Let’s see if our education system can work, let’s find some people jobs, let’s be tougher on criminals, celebs or not, and let’s once again make America the beautiful place it is supposed to be.

Red white and blue
Red for the blood that our soldiers bleed
White for the fear on our faces when W talks
Blue for the tears we cry when social victories are lost

America is my land, and your land, our place to call home
We love it because it is the people’s place
But sometimes termites bite the framework in order to make it good for themselves
The people must stand up!!!

You don’t need an Orkin man; all you need is a voice
The freedom from fear, the freedom of choice
The inhabitants of this land deserve much better than this
I believe that many of us are getting realty pissed
Greed, corruption, and conformity, infiltrate the land
For us hardworking Americans, it’s time to take a stand
So get on your feet my fellow citizens, it is time to attack
To you filthy pigs with the power, freedom is ours and we want it back

Happy days peeps,
