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December 5, 2006
Where Is the Holiday Magic?
Hey guys, its Jae here asking where is that holiday spirit?

You see campers, I am not feeling it this year. The happiness in the air. The craziness of the holiday shopping. The warm embrace of a stranger. Nope not this year. Why? Anyone have any ideas?

I believe it is the fact Christmas music gets played so early. Maybe it is the amount of commercials on TV that talk about Christmas way before Christmas. Maybe it’s the assholes on the street that never takes down their Christmas lights. Maybe it’s the fact they have been showing the Christmas specials early.

Or maybe it is because I haven’t seen “It’s a Wonderful Life” yet.

Christmas is a time where I feel a little bit of happiness, more than usual. I have not felt that yet this year. It doesn’t feel like Christmas. You know, I think maybe the idea of Christmas has become so commercial no one gives a shit anymore. Instead of Christmas being a time to celebrate family, having a good time, and paying tribute to Jesus, it has become a festival of sales from department stores. It has become a race to the discount store to get that door busting deal. It has become the season of the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and the Wii. It has become a reason to advertise specials on Christmas specials. It has become about consumerism at its finest. It has become kind of sad in a way.

Maybe I’m crazy. Maybe I am the only one feeling this way.

What the hell is up with the Heat and Lakers playing each other on Christmas? Come on its bad enough we have to sit through Dallas and Detroit on Thanksgiving. Why does the Charlie Brown Christmas special air 5 weeks before Christmas? Why am I bitching about this stuff?

I think this will be the first in a series of Christmas journals by yours truly. Am I missing something? Am I Scrooge? What’s the deal here? Someone tell me if I am the only one feeling there is something missing about Christmas this year. Thank you.

