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December 6, 2004

Hello everyone. Welcome to J^2. This is that most wonderful time of year.

The holidays are a hard time for me since my mother passed away and my family and I are not speaking to each other presently. Also, you have the added stress of working a real hard job and having yourself in financial dire straits because you need to pay back school and the holidays are not a total picnic for yourself.

However my problems are not the end of the world I know that. My girlfriend is a great person and I get to spend the holidays with her and her family is very nice to me, I have a roof over my head, a car, and your basic needs for survival. However, many people take that for granted during this season. You need to hold on to these things. There are many people out there who do not even get to enjoy a home cooked meal with their family. There are people out there who spend their Christmas in an alley somewhere. There are people in hospitals who cannot speak, walk, talk or do things you and I can.

My problem with Christmas is people do not enjoy the gift of giving. They revel in the thrill of taking. How many presents can I get this year? It is cool getting presents, but I love to give. I remember when I was younger; I used to be really bad about presents. My dad called me under the carpet as he has in everything in my life. However this one time, I listened. And never again did I give really bad presents. He yelled at me again for spending so much money, but that’s OK. Christmas is about joy, love, and giving. Some people believe is about getting the best sale at Wal Mart. That is sad. ABC reported that 82% of the people who go shopping on “Black Friday” buy things for themselves. Shouldn’t you be using that day for presents for others?

Then of course there is the Jesus factor. Jesus is an icon, Santa is make believe. Yet we spend most of our Christmas time talking about Santa. Not to sound like a religious nut here but is Santa going to get you into heaven? I believe Jesus is an iconic figure for all and a great role model. What did Santa do but give kids presents and eat all their cookies? I don’t think Santa actually gives anyone coal either. If you are an atheist or someone who disagrees, you are entitled to your opinion. This is what I believe, and 90% of the time what I believe is true. He he he. By the way, to the DMFs who want to make Christmas Xmas, give me a fucking break!!! How about we X you off the planet?

Point being, Christmas is more than giving than receiving. That is all. Look for some more biting commentary on the next journal. In fact, I think I am going to break down the list of the 10 most fascinating people of 2004 that Barbara Walters is preparing. Do you know what I find fascinating? I find it fascinating that Barbara Walters hasn't gone away like she said she would.

See you soon.
