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December 19, 2006
And Now, A Sports Update
Hey there people, let’s take a break from the holiday cheer to talk about Chicago sports. Such a dramatic time right now.

First there is the Bulls and the Blackhawks kicking ass. Good job guys!

Now let’s talk about the Bears. Yes they are 12-2. Yes they are leading the charge in the NFC. Yes they have a decent team. Yes I jumped on the Bears bandwagon last year. But they are really starting to piss me off as of late.

First off all, the complacent attitude of Lovie Smith. “We are 10-2 with Rex as our quarterback.” Then Urlacher says to the media “we’re 12-2, what more do you want?” What a shitty attitude. You know we want you to show us you can win so you won’t get blown out your first playoff game as it has been the last few years. Here is the leader of a defense who let a last place team almost beat them in one quarter talking like a dip shit. Yes, I know he would want to kick my ass for saying that, but Urlacher, that is what you sound like when you say shit like that. A dip shit.

Quite frankly, I don’t have much confidence in the Bears chances. Obviously neither does Lovie when he holds the ball with one minute left and three time outs. If the Bears were the championship team they are believed by some to be, they could have easily taken that ball up field and either gotten into the end zone and win it, or had Gould kick the FG. Imagine if the Bucs got the ball in OT and won it. We would have never heard the end of the mistake by Lovie. Yes this city is hard on it’s football team, but maybe because the city is in fear of a collapse. Bottom line, my pick for the Superbowl, Saints vs. Chargers. I thought it might be the Cowboys for a while there, but the Saints are playing great ball.

Then we have baseball. First let’s talk about the shitty Cubs. They must have taken out three mortgages on Wrigley to pay for all the mediocre talent they acquired and Soriano. Many people think the Cubs are going to do great things this year. I for one disagree. You got a power hitter who would make an excellent lead off man, but that’s it. You have mediocre pitching, for some reason they decided to spend a fortune on. Let me rephrase that, you picked up one mediocre pitcher in Ted Lilly, and some bad pitching in Jason Marquis and Neal Cotts. And don’t even begin to praise Ramirez. He always has been a half ass player, and he only showed up the second half because he knew he was going into free agency and he had to look good so someone would drop money on him. It’s a shame the Cubs haven’t learned their lesson with him yet. And of course, there’s big Lou. The man who will destroy the team. Watch and wait, Cub fans, watch and wait.

However, I am not too thrilled with the Sox right now either. Either Kenny Williams has stuck that white flag in the air, or he has something huge cooking. Freddy Garcia for Gavin Floyd, WHY??? The man has a 7.29 ERA. Freddy gave you some good shit at the end of the year. Yes, he will be a free agent next year. So your asking price will not matter. Furthermore, if you really wanted to deal Freddy to the Phillies, you could have at least tried to get Ro back. Then giving up Gload for Sisco? What the hell was that? Gload is someone who can play 1B, DH, and the outfield well. He batted over 300 last year and is a hell of a player. Sisco was 1-3 last year with a 7.10 ERA and the Sox lit him up on a regular basis. What the hell Kenny, is the requirement to pitch for the Sox this year mean you have to have an ERA greater than 7 to start?

Quite frankly, I don’t know what Kenny is doing. All my Sox fan buddies say don’t question him, he won a World Series, but as Janet Jackson said once “what have you done for me lately?” I will remain a Sox fan to the death, but this is pissing me off a little.

So to wrap up the sports, Blackhawks got Savard cool, Wallace looking good on the Bulls, Bears are as lost as Tank Johnson’s common sense, we don’t have a clue what the Sox are doing, and the Cubs may win a World Series, but unlike the Sox who actually won theirs, they will have to break the bank to buy it.

I’m Michael Jae and that’s your sports report here on

