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December 30, 2004

Hello everyone and welcome to this special New Year edition of the Journal. I just want to let people know that a magazine called “The Cheers” has taken the special task of publishing this fine piece of art week after week. The website is and if you get a chance you should check it out. My buddy Andy Martello (the juggler you have seen on SRTV/MJP) is a columnist there and I hope to soon follow his footsteps. The feedback has been good, but there are some haters who wish they could write as well as me, but end up making a dyslexic look more organized than a palm pilot.

Anway as we come to the end of 2004, I wanted to reflect on some things this year and give my seal of approval and disapproval. So let’s take a look at the list.

Best movie of 2004
This is a very hard topic considering the fact there were not many good movies this year. Especially when people tell you how great movies are and they end up just sucking. I even had to look up a list of what came out this year. I know that makes me a stoner, but whatever.

I would have to say Troy was the best movie of 2004 because it has what everyone loves; sex, violence, war, yelling. I liked it because it served the story well. The Trojan horse is an awesome thing. I thought it was well written and played out. I like the part with all the boats in the ocean. It just was a great movie. I did not get a chance to see the Aviator, but I have a feeling that will kick Troy’s ass. I liked the Manchurian Candidate too, but I thought the ending sucked.

Worst movie of 2004
The fucking Terminal. No question about it. My girlfriend made me see it, so when a girlfriend makes you see a movie guys, you know it is going to blow. Tom Hanks had the worst Russian accent I have ever heard. If you think that Stanley Tucci is going to keep me in an airport, you are out of your mind. I thought the movie went on too long. I felt like a drop of water kept hitting me in the face and no matter where I moved, that drop kept hitting me. I think I fell asleep a couple times too.

Best CD of 2004
It was a good year for music. Fear Factory, who is my favorite band, came back to life with Archetype. Awesome record. Killswitch Engage’s follow up was tighter than their debut in 2002. The New Danger by Mos Def is a good record. I just got it last week. However it was one man who released his album late last year and it made a buzz at the beginning of this year. That would be Kanye West. I thought that his album defined mainstream hip-hop to what is should be. From the heart. He talks a lot of shit, but he backs it up with very meaningful songs about family, life, and coming up from Chicago’s south side. College Dropout was a great album, but I hate the workout song. I skip it every time I listen to it. If idiots like Nelly, G-Unit, Eminem (who used to have this formula, but lost it when he became more famous) followed his formula; I believe hip-hop would be back to the greatness it was back in the 80’s. It isn’t all about the money, and the bling. It is about how am I going to make it past this one day. No matter how much money I have.

Worst album of 2004 (that I actually took the time out to listen to)
Nelly’s Sweat/Suit definitely was up there considering the singles I heard. R. Kelly and Usher recorded the same record, and that is just judging by the singles. However, I was very sad to pass judgment on the album I couldn’t stand this year.

Bjork has always made great records. Debut and Post were great. However her latest effort Medulla needs a transplant. There is barely any music on the record. A lot of it is Bjork making breathing noises like she is having an orgasm with a toaster. There is some percussion but a lot of it is Bjork whining on about shit I can’t even understand. She is a creative force, but this album went way over the top for me. It may not be a bad album for some, but it is definitely an acquired taste.

Best book of 2004
One person who I have fallen in love with (not her but her writing) over the course of the last 8 months is Maureen Dowd. Her book “Bushworld” breaks down the hypocrisy of the Bush administration from day one. All the power and the corruption and the greed, and how it all came to pass. I am still in the process of reading it, but so far I love it. I love it so much, I owe the library $7 in overdue fees.

Worst book of 2004
There weren’t any bad books I read this year, sorry

Best TV series of 2004
Anyone who makes fun of me for this one, I don’t care. Desperate Housewives is fucking hilarious. You can’t knock it until you watch it. These women are some of the most twisted women I have ever seen in my life. From stealing your kids Ritalin, to having an affair with your gardener who is in high school and all the other twists, it is a very funny and unique show.

Worst TV series of 2004
Friends and Sex in the City and thank god they both are off the air. Friends may have been funny the first season, but it totally overstayed it’s welcome. When Rachel had the baby, they should have ended it there. It turned into a soap opera from that point on, not that I have a problem with soaps, just don’t be a comedy first and turn into that. SITC just sucks. I hate Sarah Jessica Parker. I think someone should stuff her in one of those boxes she holds to the camera for those damn Gap commercials. The idea that four women talk about women things (i.e. pregnancy, love, periods) may go well with the girls, but me being a guy, fuck that shit.

Who really impressed me in 2004
No one. Actually I found a few people impressive. First, Beyonce. I have to give the girl credit. She did exactly what she said she would do. She rejoined Destiny’s Child. She didn’t leave her girls hanging. That is admirable.

Barrack Obamma. His speech at the DNC was incredible and he ran his race with honor. He did not launch any negative campaigns against that crazy man Alan Keyes. He really didn’t have to, but he knew that an instead of focusing on how fucked Keyes was, he talked about how great he was. Good for him.

And Mr. Mancow Muller actually got my vote. Mancow was always a big influence for me to get into the radio biz. However, I resented him for a long time because he made the jump for the money (which I understand now since I am older and wiser since back then), and I felt like he was copying Stern as well. However, over the last year, I believe marriage, the FCC craziness, and many other factors have brought Cow back to the guy I heard on Rock 103.5 ten years ago. I feel like he has become a little more honest with his listeners. Many may disagree, but that is my opinion.

Who Pissed Me off in 2004
Just about everyone if you have been keeping up with the Journal since the beginning of the year.

So that’s it. 2004. What a year. For me personally it was a year of transition. From the craziness of the Stoned Ranger, to who I am today, I have come a long way. I graduated with high honors and did an internship with 3 people who I dreamed of working with when I was younger. I did a great radio show for a year that made people smile, and made my co-host want to kill me. (Well maybe not) I brought a new show to television, which many of you who loved the Stoned Ranger still can’t get used to, but you soon will. 2004 has been a year of discovery for me. To find the person that I truly am and finding a way just to be myself, I have found success within myself. Now in 2005, it is time to find that job, get on the air and kick some ass. The MJP will grow and many of you who watch it will not be disappointed. I do not fear the future; I embrace it and am ready to take it on. For all of you who do do not fear the future. Fear right now, because Michael Jae is on his way!!!!!!

Happy New Year everyone. See you in’05.

Your good friend MJ
