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The Toronto Catholic District School Board came to my attention seeking the best advertising campaign to promote their outstanding ways of educational learning. Their latest development seemed a perfect way to promote the TCDSB as an institution that is not old-fashioned.

Introducing Eclass, the Toronto Catholic District School Board’s new web-based e-Learning program.

Using Eclass, teachers and students can now extend their classroom activities to include all the benefits of a virtual school.

Eclass is the fresh, new path to knowledge by the TCDSB. It is a fun, up-to-the-minute method of education that greets the new millennium with a bang.

For students who wish to have an alternative instruction system then Eclass is the way to go. Besides being fun, it helps to expand useful skills such as discipline, obedience, and time management. It is like being in an independent learning program, but with the assistance of a teacher and peers utilizing the convenience of the internet.

Also, for free spirits, this online course provides students with a great deal of flexibility and control over their own learning.

Eclass is definitely the new age of learning.


The audience I am aiming for with this campaign is the vast number of students who attend schools within the Toronto Catholic District School Board. I am also trying to reach other secondary school students from other boards around the greater toronto area.

Eclass will appeal to students of teenage years because many find it hard to sit in a classroom all day, being dictated to by a teacher. Eclass offers them a chance to work at their own pace and freedom from teachers, resulting in happier, more educated adolescent.

Eclass, to a degree, relieves students of pressure of all kinds. Besides the academic aspect it gives less outspoken students a chance to express their opinions without the the fear of anxiety by material aspects.

This campaign will target especially youths who have troubles in regular day school, because of physical problems, harassment by peers, lack of concentration etc.


The proposed scheduling strategy for this campaign is to display an sub sequential amount of various web banners (example seen in part B) on the Toronto Catholic District School Board's website ( This will make people aware of this new program choice when visiting the site for information about regular day school or the actual board.

Also, in future planned partnership with educational internet programs, the banners will be seen on sites like Grolier Online, Encyclopædia and Encarta with MSN. These are instructive websites and are extremely popular with high school aged youth all over the world. This plan will promote the Toronto Catholic District School Board’s Eclass not only locally, but nationally as well as GLOBALLY!