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The Little Dawg Memorial Website

On Saturday January 18, 2003. The world lost a special man. Edward Pinto was suddenly gone from our lives all too soon. After Ken informed SSW Co. President Dave Douglas about Eddie's passing. The SSW Website was shut down and all was there was a tribute to Eddie. This website is in memory of Eddie Pinto. God Speed.


The SSW is shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden passing of superstar/former TV Champion Eddie "Little Dawg" Pinto. He was 17 years old. Pinto will forever be remembered as a man who gave his 150 percent each and every match, and more importantly as a genuinely good person. Pinto always had a knack for keeping the morale high in the SSW lockerroom. His sense of humor was second to none, as every superstar backstage more than likely holds at least one story of a humorous encounter with Pinto. He had an almost infectious presence that made everyone want to be around him, especially when they were down in the dumps.

Eddie joined the SSW in 1999 as Matt Maverick. He quickly impressed the SSW Heirachy with his skill in the ring, his drive to get better and his respect for the industry. He also quickly endeared himself to the SSW Lockerroom for his personality, and morale. After a successful year-long run as Maverick, Pinto dropped the gimmick and revamped himself as Little Dawg, the gimmick he will best be remembered for. It was as Little Dawg that the personality he had began to stand out most. His overall in ring product continued to sky rocket, having the SSW brass discussing the ceiling to his future, that ultimately was to lead to a serious main event push. The early highlight of his career were a strong run into the Tournament of Champions. Originally the goal was for Pinto to actually win the TOC, setting up his huge push. However being the person that he was, Pinto politely declined the chance to win it all, wishing to give others an opportunity that he so rightfully deserved. The accumulation of his career was a gritty and hardfought victory over The Extreme Shooter at WarZone 6. Following WarZone, Pinto took some time off to heal some injuries and focus on other endevors. In recent weeks, Pinto had expressed serious interest in returning to the company again, to where he would have gotten his much overdue push.

In his time with us, Pinto not only blazed an example of excellence and conduct in the ring, but also how to be a better man outside of it. His legacy as being a great person will never be forgotten. His niche will forever be remembered as being a friend in an era where friends are hard to come by.

As fans, friends and workers of the SSW mourn the passing of Pinto-- a great worker and even better person-- we all request you do this. Take a good hard look at all your friends and family. Give all of them a hug and let them know you love them. Constantly keep them in your hearts because in this world, life is too damn short to not do otherwise.

We all mourn the passing of Pinto... The SSW gives their deepest heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, fans and legions of people whos lives he touched. You all will be our thoughts and prayers in this difficult time of loss..

Finally, we here in the SSW say "Farewell Little Dawg". May one day we all live to be as decent and good a human being as you were so we can meet again someday.

Super Star Wrestling Inc.