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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Friday, 17 July 2015
The Modern House Negro
Topic: Racism


Throughout history, whenever racial, ethnic, and gender groups have engaged in the struggle for equality and social justice, they have had to deal with sellouts and agent provocateurs.  In other words -- collaborators.  Notable examples of people working against the interests of their own groups include the Native American scouts who helped the U.S. Army track down and subjugate other Native Americans during the Native American Holocaust; Vidkun Quisling, a Norwegian politician who acted as a puppet for the Nazis in World War II;  and, Abraham Gancwajch and Stella Kubler, Jews who collaborated with the Nazis during the Jewish Holocaust.  There were even Jews during World War II who fought for the Germans.  Relative to the African-American struggle for social justice and equality there was William O'Neal, who acted as an agent provocateur for the U.S. Government in setting up the assassination of Black Panther Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton in Chicago on December 4, 1969.  As it relates to the African Holocaust in the U.S., the history of collaboration goes back past the 1960's.

During slavery of course there were the field slaves who bore the brunt of the evils of the system...but there were others.  You also had the boss negroes in the fields, and the house negroes who took care of things for the slave master inside.  These 2 classes, boss and house, loved the slave master more than he loved himself.  If the slave master got sick, these Black collaborators would say "Weez sick Massa." If the plantation house caught on fire it was "Our house is on fire Massa!" This mentality of empathizing and collaborating with White supremacist/racist elements in America has continued to the present day -- just look at the picture above.  The photo is of Andrew Duncomb, a "Black" man who led a protest against the first African-American President -- Barack Obama-- with Confederate flags during a presidential vist to Oklahoma.
I've met my share of sellouts during my life.  I once worked with a man who had the job of investigating discrimination.  Even though this job would bring him into almost daily contact with African-Americans facing the ugliness of discrimination and racism, he disliked Black people!  Without prompting he would spurt out things like "White people are better than Black people!  White people are smarter than Black people!" He even took it to the point of saying "White criminals are smarter than Black criminals  -- that's why they don't get caught!" Essentially he was like a fox guarding the hen house.  He empathized with Whites, but not with the Blacks he was employed to serve.  I should mention that his man, with this obvious dislike/hatred of Black people, was Black himself!   He was a Black man with a slave mind as Malcolm X accurately termed it.

Those who work and struggle to bring racial equality and social justice to African-Americans will always have to deal with White Supremacists.  Additionally, we will also have to deal with collaborators.  As Public Enemy said in their song  Welcome to the Terrordome "Every brutha ain't a brutha cuz of color...a Black hand squeezed on Malcolm X the man...The shootin' of Huey Newton...a hand of a N___ pulled the trigger." Remember, everyone who looks like you doesn't want what's best for you. Recognize and Identify the Modern House Negro.
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 6:54 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 7:06 PM CDT
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