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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Monday, 9 November 2015
Obamacare: Pros & CONS
Topic: Healthcare

The main reason I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 was the fact that he promised to make health care available to the millions of Americans who were uninsured.  I have significant medical problems, and was precluded from getting health care due to pre-existing conditions.  Under Health Care "Reform" I was able to get coverage.  The main PRO of Obamacare was getting care to millions of suffering citizens.  This was a good thing, but now let's look at the Cons.

Many of the people taking advantage of Obamacare are poor and middle class -- thus cost is an issue.  Obamacare offers 3 levels of care:  Bronze, Silver and Gold.  The Bronze plans are relatively cheap, but offer garbage benefits and high out of pocket costs for the benefits to kick in.  The Gold level plans have the best benefits, but you basically have to be well off in order to afford them.  That leaves the poor and working class with the Silver plans.  The Silver plans have decent benefits, but they can be expensive too!  Then come the yearly increases!  I'm going into my third year on Obamacare.  After the first year there was an increase of over $100 per month to stay on the plan.  I chose a different plan for my second year -- after that year there was another monthly increase of over $100.  I'm going into my third year of Obamacare and I'm changing plans for the 3rd time!

When Obamacare was passed the President said that patients would be able to keep their doctors.  This isn't exactly true!  As I've explained, costs go up every year.  Consequently many of the sick are forced to choose new plans -- and this leads to changing doctors.  I'm lookiing for a different doctor right now for that very reason!

Yes Obamacare gives care to the sick, but how long will the sickly be able to afford it?  Obamacare made millions of Americans slaves to the greedy insurance companies.  If someone was really looking out for "The People," there would have price controls included in the law to prevent the financial rape of the poor and middle class by insurance companies.  This wasn't done!  Single-Payer was an option that wasn't passed.  The way Obamacare is now, the poor and middle class are eventually going to be priced out of having health care.  The only protections in the plan are for the health insurance companies -- people who don't sign up have to pay a $2000 fine.  This gives the greedy corporations a captive customer base -- a base that they can raise costs on year after year. 

I'm on a fixed income.  I get a very small cost of living increase every year.  This cost of living increase is eaten up every year by an increase in rent.  Where is the extra money to afford yearly raises in health care costs supposed to come from?  It would have been nice if the President and the Democratic Congressional majority at the time had written Obamacare to look out for the people first, but they didn't! Once again the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.  Isn't that the key to capitalism...







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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:58 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:45 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 9 December 2015 - 4:55 PM CST

Name: "Official Hillary Clinton Campaign"
Home Page:

Re: Your message about health care
Official Clinton Campaign (
2:28 PM

Dear Steven:


Thank you for your message about Hillary’s health care policy.


Hillary believes that affordable health care is a basic human right, and she has led the fight to expand access to quality, affordable care for decades.  As president, Hillary will continue that fight, defending the Affordable Care Act against Republican efforts to repeal it, while also expanding affordable coverage, slowing the growth of overall health care costs, and making it possible for providers to deliver the very best care to patients.


Hillary will also work to lower the out-of-pocket costs of copays and deductibles, reduce the costs of prescription drugs, and transform our health care system to reward value and quality.  She will expand access to rural Americans, who often have difficulty finding quality, affordable care close to home.  Finally, Hillary will continue her lifelong fight to ensure women have access to reproductive health care—and have the freedom to make the decisions that are best for themselves and their families.


In the days and months ahead, Hillary will continue unveiling her detailed policy prescriptions for the future we want to build together.  To read more about Hillary’s plans to make health care more accessible and affordable for all Americans, visit—and sign up for The Briefing so you can stay up to date on the latest news and announcements, and get the facts on Hillary’s record and agenda for change.


Thank you, again, for taking the time to reach out.  This campaign is fueled by the energy and ideas of the American people, and we hope you will continue engaging in the issues that matter most to you. 


All the best,



Hillary for America


Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible.

Hillary for America, P.O. Box 5256, New York, NY 10185


Thursday, 18 February 2016 - 3:09 PM CST

Name: "Senator Richard Durbin"
Home Page:

Message from Senator Richard J. Durbin
Senator Richard J. Durbin <>;Thu 2/18/2016 10:49 AM

February 18, 2016


Dear Mr. Whitehurst:

          Thank you for contacting me about health care policy.  Your idea can be part of the conversation as I work with my colleagues on health care initiatives. 

          While in Congress, I have made health care-related issues a priority.  I have worked to ensure that all Americans have access to high quality and affordable health care.  I have fought to increase federal investments in biomedical research and innovation.  I continue to advocate commonsense, bipartisan solutions to fund Medicare for our seniors and keep Social Security solvent for future generations. 

          I have supported increased funding for the federal agencies that advance our understanding of and treatment options for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, mental illness, HIV, and heart disease.  I remain committed to working closely with these agencies to strengthen our nation’s health care system. 

          I will keep your thoughts in mind as I evaluate health care priorities on behalf of the people of Illinois.  Please do not hesitate to contact my office with questions about federal legislation or a casework inquiry. 

          Thank you again for contacting me.  Please feel free to stay in touch.



      Richard J. Durbin
      United States Senator


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