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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Rides From The Motherland: African Designed and Produced Automobiles
Topic: Business

photo of the Kantanka from Ghana. "Kantanka-Otumfo" by Zyfloss - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Commons -

For years many people have held a sterotypically racist view of Africa.  Not only is the continent rich in history, culture and untapped minerals; Africa is rich in modern innovation.  These people who supposedly live in the jungle - swinging from trees --are producing world-class modern automobiles.  If you're in the market for a car you might want to look at Ghana, Uganda or Nigeria for your next ride.
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:54 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:57 PM CDT
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Friday, 28 August 2015
The First
Topic: Dating/Relationships

The First
To open my heart to deep love
The First
To hear my future hopes and dreams
The First
Woman I couldn't breathe without
The First
To show me unbridled passion
The First
To expose me to unrestrained euphoria
The First
To have me mind, body and soul
The First
To be seen as my future wife
The First
To have an eternal place in my heart
The First
To leave a permanent mark on that heart
As time marches on
And life adds
Experiences and memories
The First
Will always be
The First
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 3:10 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 12:58 AM CDT
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Friday, 21 August 2015
Mansa Musa -- King of Kings
Topic: History

Mansa Musa (1280-1337) was the "King of Kings" or "Emperor" of the wealthy West African empire of Mali.  He was known by many names including Musa I of Mali, Mansa Gonga Musa, Musa Keita, Kankan Musa, and many others.  He came to the throne in 1307, and in 1324 began a pilgrimage -- or hajj -- that would awaken the world to the vast wealth of his kingdom.  Traveling from his capital Niani on the upper Niger River to Mauritania, then on to Algeria, before reaching Cairo, Egypt and ultimately Mecca.  Mansa Musa led an impressive caravan of 60,000 men, including 12,000 slaves, all dressed in brocade and Persian silk.  The Emperor himself rode a horse and was preceded by 500 slaves, each carrying a gold-adorned staff.  He had a baggage train of 100 camels, each carrying 300 pounds of gold.  He was so generous and lavish in his spending that he flooded the Cairo gold market (the world's largest gold market), and caused a decline in its value that was felt for over a decade. Impacting the world's largest market for this precious metal impacted the world's market!  The wealth of Mali had such and effect on the world, that by the end of the 14th Century, 2/3 of the gold in Europe was from there!
After conquering the Kingdom of Songhai he made one of its cities, Timbuktu, a major trade hub.  It had caravans connected to Cairo and all other major commercial centers in North Africa.  Aside from commerce, Mansa Musa was concerned with education.  Learning received royal patronage and scholars flooded in from far and wide to make the mosque of Sankore a teaching institution; an institution which laid the foundations of the University of Sankore.  He died in 1337.


Black History Pages  
Encyclopedia Britannica
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:26 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 6 May 2017 4:06 PM CDT
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Saturday, 1 August 2015
U.S. Marines Declare F-35B Operational
Topic: Military

The long awaited F-35 strike fighter had one of its three versions -- the F-35B -- declared operational on July 31 in an announcement by Gen. Joe Dunford -- incoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. The F-35B will be used by the U.S. Marine Corps, which has plans to buy 340 of the B and 80 of the C model.  The F-35B was developed with short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) capability for use from Marine Corps small deck carriers; while the C has larger wings and is optimized for use from U.S. Navy conventional aircraft carriers.  Currently 10 F-35B's are in service with plans for the first deployment to take place in 2017.  The F-35A is scheduled to go into service with the U.S. Air Froce next year, while the U.S. Navy will have operational F-35C's in 2018.








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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:26 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:59 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 28 July 2015
U.S. Government Stealing Indian Land -- AGAIN!!!
Topic: Politics

photo: Naelyn Pike of the Chiricahua Apache tribe photo credit: Standing Fox

About an hour east of Phoenix, Arizona in a town called Superior, members of the San Carlos Apache tribe have been at standing in protest for three months at a place called Oak Flat.  The protest is in response to Congress' December 2014 move to sell Apache holy land to an Australian-British mining company.  The provision for the sale was added to a defense bill at the last minute -- avoiding any public scrutiny or debate -- by Republican Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake.  The area had been under longtime federal protections, including a ban on mining.  It should be noted that John McCain's campaigns have gotten donations from the company's affiliates.  Additionally, Sen. Flake was at one time a lobbyist for an affiliate of the company. 
This is a case of a nefarious historical practice repeating itself.  The United States was built on stealing Indian land!  It seems that the land grab isn't done -- even in the 21st Century.  Stand against this injustice and add your voice to the protest!  Sign the petition below and STAND WITH THE APACHE:
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:21 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:58 PM CDT
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Sunday, 19 July 2015
The School Of Hard Knocks
Topic: Personal Stories


I started school in 1972 at 5 years-old, going into kindergarten.  The place was Einstein Elementary School in Chicago; located near the housing project where my family lived.  It was ok I thought.  I didn't like being away from my mother and grandma at all, but having story time and nap time wasn't a bad way to spend the morning.  That all soon changed when the school determined that I was too advanced or gifted for my current grade level.  I was abruptly taken out of my kindergarten comfort zone and sent to first grade, after less than two weeks in school.  Most might look at this as an educational achievement and/or opportunity; however, it was anything but!

I was a bundle of nerves as this new chapter in my life began!  I was starting first grade behind, seeing that the academic quarter had already begun.  New class, new classwork, new classmates, and most importantly as it turned out, New Teacher!  Her name was Ms. Nelson.  She was an older African-American woman who wore pointy glasses.  When I entered her class she made sure to give me a special welcome!  When my mother would drop me at school I cried at first -- like many young children do.  Ms. Nelson jumped on this!  She'd wait for my mother to leave, then stand me up in the corner -- in front of the class -- so that the other kids could laugh at me while I cried.  She'd instigate with little comments like "Look at the cry baby," or "Look at the little White boy cry." This last statement requires clarification.  The housing project I lived in was an African-American low income housing project on 38th & Cottage Grove, set next to the Ida B. Wells housing project.  My teacher and all of my classmates were Black.  I stuck out because, although I too am African-American, to many I don't "look" it.  My mother is a dark-skinned African-American, and my father -- who I never met -- was Cuban and French.  As a result I came into the world with very light skin and curly hair.  In Ms. Nelson's eyes, my light skin was her license to target me.

I had a good grasp of reading at the time, but I was lost at math.  I had no clue!   My mom and grandma had told me to ask the teacher questions if I didn't understand something.  I'd ask Ms. Nelson questions and she either wouldn't answer, or she'd call me out in front of the class to make me seem dumb -- once again to be ridiculed by my classmates.  One day I walked up to her desk to get help with a math problem.  She told me to go ask one of my classmates.  The student she sent me to was her pet, a chubby dark-skinned boy.  When I got over to him he shouted "Ms. Nelson, he's looking over my shoulder!" Even though she'd just sent me over to him, she called me back in front of the class for it, and made me stand in the corner once again.  Another day, while at recess, her favorite chubby student had his friend hold my arms behind my back while he punched me in the stomach.  Ms. Nelson walked over.  With her being a "teacher" I expected her to stop it...WRONG!!!  Ms. Nelson smiled as she told her pet to hit me again!  This went on for a couple of more punches, until I got myself free.  On another fine morning Ms. Nelson decided to make the lesson about me!  She stood me up in front of the class and proceded to lecture about how I wasn't really Black like the rest of my classmates.  She went on about how she'd taught my uncle Curtis years before; and how he was dark-skinned, good, and a real Black person like the rest of the class.  She told them that I was White.  I was so stressed by being in that situation that I was completely uncomfortable, ostracized, and learning almost nothing.  I started to get sick and miss school due to the stress.  I told my mother and grandmother everytime Ms. Nelson did something, and my mother would go on the warpath.  She'd argue with the principal and whoever else she could to get the abuse to stop.  Eventually I'd come into class and Ms. Nelson would say "Don't say anything to the little White boy or he'll tell his momma!" I thought that things couldn't get any worse...but they did.

One day we went to the lunchroom to eat.  The dish that day was roast "beef" of some sort.  Mine was pretty much a big clump of fat, which I wasn't going to eat.  After finishing the rest of my lunch I took my tray up to the lunch lady who was dumping them.  She looked at my tray and saw the fat meat.  "Oh!  You think you too good to eat this huh" she screamed.  She instantly grabbed my fork, stuck it into the fat clump, and shoved  it down my throat!  Worse thing is, the fat got stuck and I couldn't swallow it!  I did the best I could to hold it together, but when I got back to my table I started gagging.  Ms. Nelson looked at me and screamed "You better not!" Just then I let loose a torrent of projectile vomit right in her direction!  She and the rest of my classmates scattered while I was sent to the office to wait for my grandmother to pick me up.  I was a severe asthmatic when I was young, and right after that incident I had an asthma attack.  Eventually, after recovering and coming back to school,  I'd finally gotten lucky -- Ms. Nelson was out sick!  Thinking that I was going to finally have a good day I lined up to go to lunch with the rest of my class.  A classmate decided it was ok to hit me.  He did and I hit him back -- hard!  The substitute teacher, a young White woman, saw what happened, pulled us both out of line, and squeezed our throats as punishment.  I couldn't breathe and consequently had another asthma attack.  That was the last straw!  My mother took me out of Einstein and we moved out of the projects.  I ended up at a private school where I met Curtis Mayfield's children.  The abuse at school was over -- for a while anyway...

Years later I was living in Harvey, Illinois which is a suburb of Chicago.  I was in junior high during the late 70's, attending Lowell-Longfellow Elementary School.  One afternoon Me, my friend Keith, and my other friend Paul were talking in music class.  The teacher, Ms. Lee, caught us and we were sent to stand in the hallway.  After a few minutes in the hall, another teacher named Mr. Dabney came out of his class and called us inside.  He taught what was termed the "Learning Disabled" class.  When we walked in he had the three of us stand in front of his class and face the chalkboard.  His class went wild as he pulled a thick taped wooden stick out of his desk.  He walked over and began to beat us on our butts and legs!  We tried to block the blows with our arms, and those arms got beaten too!  His class was thoroughly entertained as he proceeded to hit us, one by one!  I don't know how many blows we got, but it was a lot!  When he was done he sent us back outside.  The three of us fumed for the rest of the day, just waiting until we could get home and tell our parents.  As light as my skin was I bruised up quick!  Big purple and blackish-blue bruises all up and down my arms and legs!  When I showed my ma, and told her what happened, she snapped!  Of course I was wrong for talking in class, but I didn't deserve to be beaten black and blue because of it.  She got the police involved, snapped on the Principal Mr. Bluford in meetings, and even challenged Ms. Lee to fight outside!  As for Mr. Dabney, he got in trouble and shed some tears, but he kept his job. 

All of that happened during the 1970's -- Ms. Nelson, the substitute teacher/squeezer, and Mr. Dabney.  Even then, teacher and school administrators weren't allowed to hit kids without parental permission -- but some did it anyway.  I wonder how many children were damaged by those teachers and teachers across the world like them.  A student, particularly a young student, needs to feel safe at a place of learning.  How much learning can occur in an environment of hate and abuse!  I learned a lot in school, much of it being very valuable.  However, the school of hard knocks also gave me many lessons in intra-racial prejudice and child abuse.
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:39 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 7 February 2019 4:43 PM CST
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JF-17 Wins Myanmar Contract
Topic: Military
myanmar jf-17

The JF-17, a combat aircraft jointly produced by China and Pakistan, has been announced as the next purchase of the Myanmar (Burma) Air Force.  The air force, which consists of over 200 aircraft, including the Russian Mig-29, is undergoing a modernization.  Myanmar is expected to begin receiving the first of 16 JF-17's in 2017.   This warplane has been reportedly the winner of contracts in the past, but this one seems to be a done deal.
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:51 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 7:02 PM CDT
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Friday, 17 July 2015
The Modern House Negro
Topic: Racism


Throughout history, whenever racial, ethnic, and gender groups have engaged in the struggle for equality and social justice, they have had to deal with sellouts and agent provocateurs.  In other words -- collaborators.  Notable examples of people working against the interests of their own groups include the Native American scouts who helped the U.S. Army track down and subjugate other Native Americans during the Native American Holocaust; Vidkun Quisling, a Norwegian politician who acted as a puppet for the Nazis in World War II;  and, Abraham Gancwajch and Stella Kubler, Jews who collaborated with the Nazis during the Jewish Holocaust.  There were even Jews during World War II who fought for the Germans.  Relative to the African-American struggle for social justice and equality there was William O'Neal, who acted as an agent provocateur for the U.S. Government in setting up the assassination of Black Panther Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton in Chicago on December 4, 1969.  As it relates to the African Holocaust in the U.S., the history of collaboration goes back past the 1960's.

During slavery of course there were the field slaves who bore the brunt of the evils of the system...but there were others.  You also had the boss negroes in the fields, and the house negroes who took care of things for the slave master inside.  These 2 classes, boss and house, loved the slave master more than he loved himself.  If the slave master got sick, these Black collaborators would say "Weez sick Massa." If the plantation house caught on fire it was "Our house is on fire Massa!" This mentality of empathizing and collaborating with White supremacist/racist elements in America has continued to the present day -- just look at the picture above.  The photo is of Andrew Duncomb, a "Black" man who led a protest against the first African-American President -- Barack Obama-- with Confederate flags during a presidential vist to Oklahoma.
I've met my share of sellouts during my life.  I once worked with a man who had the job of investigating discrimination.  Even though this job would bring him into almost daily contact with African-Americans facing the ugliness of discrimination and racism, he disliked Black people!  Without prompting he would spurt out things like "White people are better than Black people!  White people are smarter than Black people!" He even took it to the point of saying "White criminals are smarter than Black criminals  -- that's why they don't get caught!" Essentially he was like a fox guarding the hen house.  He empathized with Whites, but not with the Blacks he was employed to serve.  I should mention that his man, with this obvious dislike/hatred of Black people, was Black himself!   He was a Black man with a slave mind as Malcolm X accurately termed it.

Those who work and struggle to bring racial equality and social justice to African-Americans will always have to deal with White Supremacists.  Additionally, we will also have to deal with collaborators.  As Public Enemy said in their song  Welcome to the Terrordome "Every brutha ain't a brutha cuz of color...a Black hand squeezed on Malcolm X the man...The shootin' of Huey Newton...a hand of a N___ pulled the trigger." Remember, everyone who looks like you doesn't want what's best for you. Recognize and Identify the Modern House Negro.
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 6:54 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 7:06 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 1 July 2015
What If The South Had Won The Civil War -- An Alternative History
Topic: Visual Media

The mockumentary "C.S.A.:  The Confederate States of America" gives a look at what life would be like if the Confederacy had won the American Civil War.  Take a look:









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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 10:03 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 7:06 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 24 June 2015
To Hell With The Confederate Flag!!!
Topic: Racism
the whitehurst blog, steven whitehurst, to hell with the confederate flag


People standing up for the racist symbol known as the Confederate flag. I see Caucasians supporting this historical symbol of slavery and racism with the weak excuse that it's just a flag, or part of Southern history. Firstly, it's the flag of rebellion against the United States. The South lost the Civil War, and were on the wrong side of history in building a system of rape, torture and murder of Black people. Secondly, is the Nazi flag just a flag to Jewish people???? ... What self respecting Jew would support raising a swastika on government land funded by tax dollars! Lastly so many Caucasians act like they don't get it, so let's work it this way: Let Blacks rape, torture and murder Whites for hundreds of years, build a system based on the oppression of Whites, and cover all of that with a flag of Elijah Muhammad. Then fly that flag on government grounds supported by tax dollars. How many Caucasians would be ok with their tax dollars supporting symbols of Black supremacy after hundreds of years of racial oppression....I'm sure very few. Racism is something else...
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 11:34 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 7:07 PM CDT
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