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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Nigeria To Buy JF-17 Fighter Jets
Topic: Military
nigeria jf-17

To aid in the battle against terrorists, and to modernize air defense capabilities, Nigeria is planning to upgrade its air force with the purchase of JF-17 fighters.  The Sino-Pakistani co-produced jet is capable of both air-to-air and ground attack missions with precision munitions.
While most nations aim to fly 4.5 generation or 5th generation fighters, the JF-17 provides a cheaper alternative for developing nations.  The JF-17 is a 3rd generation airframe housing 4th generation internal features.  The version that the Nigerian air force will be getting is the updated JF-17 block 2, costing Nigeria roughly $25 million per plane.  This version includes a refueling probe, a data link, improved avionics and electronic warfare capabilities,  and the KLJ-7v2 radar.
An even more upgraded JF-17 block 3 model is in the design stage, and scheduled to go into production around the 2018-19 timeframe.  The block 3 will have stealth features, an AESA radar, HMD with advanced wvr missile (possibly the South African/Brazilian A-Darter), a more powerful engine (either of Russian or Chinese design), and may include an internal IRST.
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 2:20 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:35 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Attempted Attack On My Daughter!
Topic: Personal Stories

photo of me and my daughter

I was just on the phone with my daughter while she waited for a bus.  She likes to stay on the phone with me because it makes her feel safer.  She said that a suspicious car was sitting a couple of blocks away with his lights out.  Then he moved a block closer.  She asked if she should walk back home and I told her yes.  Then, all of a sudden, my daughter says "He's following me!"  I'm screaming "How close is he?" and  "Where is he?"  My poor daughter sounded so stressed, almost in complete terror, when she screamed "He's coming!  He's following me!!!" Being on the phone, helpless to save my baby, all I could yell was "RUN!!!" My daughter sounded like she was about to have a nervous breakdown as she ran for her life!  I'm repeatedly asking "How close is he? How close to home are you?"  I was thinking this man was in his car the whole time, but my mother just told me that this garbage had gotent out of his ride and chased my daughter.
Any parent, and particularly any father, can only imagine my feelings right now.  I just listened to the attempted abduction (or worse) of my daughter...and I was powerless to help her!  My daughter is very aware of her surroundings and that's a very good thing.  For those reading this...STAY AWARE! 
That powerlessness that I spoke of comes from not having a car.  If I did, I would be driving her, and she would be a lot comfortable and safe.   I have a GOFundMe Page that addresses this.  I realize that money is tight during the holidays, but any donations after the New Year would be greatly appreciated.  Happy and SAFE Holidays to you all!
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 7:14 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:36 PM CDT
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Monday, 21 December 2015
Only Cowards Beat Women!
Topic: Varied Thoughts

photo of Cris Cyborg photo credit: MMA Weekly

I was just doing my usual daily thing, watching the tv show "Cheaters," when I was actually shocked for the first time.  A cute woman had just seen video of her boyfriend cheating with her roommate; and was confronting them both.  All of a sudden, the man punched his girlfriend in the face!  She was layed out on the ground, face down, with her head near a puddle of blood.

The other night I was watching MMA on "Showtime" when a fight between a Japanases woman and transgendered Cris Cyborg aired.  Cyborg beat the woman into submission, and I was left wondering what television and sport had come to.  Cris Cyborg has no business putting his hands on real women in a violent manner.  It's not competition when he fights a lady, it's a televised crime!  Just because a man starts taking hormone shots doesn't make them lose their male bone structure.  On top of being a natural man, Cris Cyborg is a steroid user!  How can any legitimate sports sanctioning organization endorse men beating women under their banner?  And, how could any self respecting male athlete consider it competition to beat down a woman who is clearly no physical match for them.

What both of these stories illustrate is men trying to exert physical power over women through violence.  Neither the cheater on the tv show, nor Cris Cyborg, have any right to batter women!  No man does!  Men who beat women are essentially bullies who are really cowards in their hearts!  Only a coward would beat a woman!  Ladies, if a man beats you CALL THE POLICE!  PRESS CHARGES!  SAVE YOUR LIFE!

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)










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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:51 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:37 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Clinton Campaign Responds to Whitehurst Blog Post
Topic: Healthcare

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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:34 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:38 PM CDT
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Monday, 30 November 2015
Old Eyes
Topic: Personal Stories
I was waiting for a ride to pull up one day. I was standing on my block, finishing a cigarette, when I saw the car drive up in front of my building. I put my cig out, then ran up, swung the car door open and jumped inside. I looked over to say something and right then I noticed something -- I didn't know who the hell the driver was! I quickly looked around the inside of the car, saw that I didn't recognize a thing, and in Sherlock Holmes fashion deduced that I was in the wrong damn car! I hurriedly said I was sorry, and jumped out! I was lucky, particularly in my neighborhood, that the driver didn't pull out a gun. Yes this was embarrassing and even dangerous, but it was also sad. Sad because it wasn't the first time that it had happened.

Another day I was once again waiting for a ride. This time I was looking for a minivan. I had been waiting a while, and was getting a bit tired, when my ride finally pulled up. I ran up to the back door, and admittedly pulled on it like a person who was tired of waiting. The door didn't budge, so I pulled again and again...and again the door didn't move. I looked into the window and I saw a couple of shocked children who I didn't recognize; and an equally shocked and unrecognized mom and dad. I figured out my error and immediately apologized. Old eyes come with old age, but if I don't start being more careful with these "Old Eyes" I'm not going to make it to an older age...
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 8:49 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:37 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015
16 Shots In Chicago!
Topic: Police Brutality
16 shots!!! 16 shots at a Black teen on a Chicago street, caught on video, and the shooter gets paid desk duty for a year! If I'd shot a White man 16 times, and it was caught on video, I'd be locked under the jail within hours. The disparate treatment of African-Americans by police and the "justice system" is obvious! Black Lives Matter to me, but they definitely don't matter to those who carry badges as they ride through Black communities like occupying troops in foreign territory. Black Lives also don't seem to matter to the State's Attorney, who only brought charges when it was clear that the incendiary video of Laquan McDonald's murder would be released. The Chicago Police Department has a long history of racism against Black people. I've been called a nigger by a CPD officer, and I've heard CPD officers brag about beating suspects. The nest of rats known as the Chicago Police Department needs to be cleaned out! The Black nation won't continue to accept this! �€ï¿½#‎ReformorRevolution�€ï¿½
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:58 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:38 PM CDT
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Friday, 20 November 2015
Frontline: ISIS In Afghanistan (Video)
Topic: International Affairs

Frontline goes into the deadliest areas of Afghanistan to explore the spread of ISIS.  If you thought they were confined to Syria and Iraq -- Think Again!  Watch this video now:
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 7:29 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 12:21 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Battle Cats: The Use of Cats In Warfare
Topic: Military

photo credit: National Post

Animals have been used in warfare by humans for thousands of years; and cats are no exception.  Anyone who has had a cat knows that they have an independent streak, making them very difficult to train!  This streak has limited the use of felines in war, as opposed to say horses or dogs, but people have found uses for them:
The ancient Persians used the Egyptian reverence for cats against them, carrying cats into the Battle of Pelusium.  It was assumed that the Egyptians would be hesitant to strike the cats by mistake.  The battle ended in an overwhelming Persian victory.
For ages cats have been used by navies as pest control -- or ratters -- to keep food supplies safe.  In the 16th Century the Germans developed plans to use rocket propelled cats, and cats for carrying jars of poisoned gas.
Surprisingly, cats have even been used in modern times.  The British used 500,000 cats to detect poisoned gas during World War I.  In World War II, the British used cats as an early warning system against German bombing.  Maybe the most gruesome use of felines belongs to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), with its Operation Acoustic Kitty during the Cold War.  A cat underwent surgery to have a microphone placed in its ear, a transmitter attached to the skull, a battery placed in the neck, and wires run along the length of the spine.  This was done to create a "Living Microphone," to listen in on Soviet conversations.  Some Russian diplomats were in a park in Washington, D.C.  The CIA subsequently released the cat in their direction on a spying operation.  Everything was going according to plan until the kitty walked into a street -- and was hit by a taxicab! 
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 9:27 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:42 PM CDT
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Beware of Users
Topic: Dating/Relationships

I just watched "Cheaters" and I'm still shaking my head! An elderly churchman had a younger girlfriend living with him. He had been taking care of her for 5 years. It turns out that for the whole 5 years she was taking her elderly boyfriend's money and sending it to her secret younger boyfriend in prison! People are so dirty! She was ugly as hell and the size of a mini-blimp, but had the nerve to play somebody who was taking care of her!

I've met women in my life who were like this woman. People who lie and flirt to get money out of men that they care nothing about. I've had women try to use me in the past -- even women who called themselves my friends for decades! Women have bragged to me about using their looks to get bills paid by men. There are both women and men out in the dating world, simply looking for people to use. The practice is disgusting to me! All I can say is people need to guard both their hearts and their bank accounts. Be sure if you're taking care of someone, that same someone would take care of you!








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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:25 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:43 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015
DEA Head Calls Medical Marijuana A Joke -- Now Thousands Call For His Head!
Topic: Marijuana Legalization

DEA Chief Chuck Rosenberg

Last week Acting DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg caused an uproar when he called medical marijuana a "A Joke."  This comment was a slap in the face to all medical marijuana patients, all who need and don't yet have access to medical marijuana, all who have worked for changes to drug laws, and to all those who have gone to jail for simply trying to "medicate." He went on to say of marijuana "It has never been shown to be safe or effective as a medicine!"  Not only is Mr. Rosenberg's thinking out of step with the majority of Americans -- but it's outright wrong!

In response to his false assertion that weed has no medicinal value, I offer up the classic book "Marihuana The Forbidden Medicine" by DR. Lester Grinspoon and DR. James Bakalar.  Not only does this piece of research discuss ailments that weed can be used to treat, IT'S ALSO WRITTEN BY DOCTORS!   There was also a meta-analysis of 79 medical marijuana studies involving over 6,000 patients published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) this year that found evidence to support the use of cannabinoids for the treatment of chronic pain and other conditions.  Research from doctors versus the uneducated personal opinion of an out-of-step government bureaucrat!

It's ok for a person to be wrong, but for that person to hold a wrong-headed mindset while filling a powerful legal postion makes that person dangerous!  His false ideas on marijuana could cost people their lives in the penal system!  Also, people have died because of the government's war on weed!  Send a clear message by signing this petition to see Chuck Rosenberg go.







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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 3:59 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:45 PM CDT
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