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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Saturday, 25 November 2006
Is It Time For A Vacation???
Topic: Travel/Recreation
DateCreated11/25/2006 12:36:00 AM
PostedDate11/25/2006 12:21:00 AM
BodyIf it's time for a vacation, check out Travel Books & Vacations! Along with picking up travel books you can book vacation packages, and browse through an extensive list of travel links. For ganja smokers there are even a few hemp friendly establishments listed.

If you're interested in military theme vacations then visit Military Books & Movies! This site has a large selection of battleground tour packages to choose from. If you've always fantasized about flying combat jets you can even book a vacation there to do just that!

Grab a book and book a vacation!!!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:21 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:57 PM CST
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Free The Weed -- Legalize Marijuana Now!
Topic: Marijuana Legalization


DateCreated11/25/2006 1:25:00 AM
PostedDate11/25/2006 12:03:00 AM
BodyLegislation like The 1937 Marijuana Tax Act made marijuana illegal. Today alcohol is legal and causes untold death and destruction; while marijuana --a plant with huge medical benefits-- is illegal. Somehow this picture seems a bit backwards.

Marijuana has proven health benefits when it comes to problems like appetite, nausea and various types of pain. It has practical applications with diseases like cancer, aids, glaucoma, epilepsy, migraines, Alzheimer's, bi-polar disorder and many more illnesses. Sending someone to jail for a blunt or a dime bag is like sending someone to a cell to get gang raped and brutalized for having a bottle of tylenol. It's ridiculous! Marijuana is the forbidden medicine, and it shouldn't be. Give the people their medicine!! And, if healthy folks want to smoke a joint after work -- SO WHAT, LET THEM!

America, it's time to step into the 21st century with a more logical approach to The War on Drugs. Keep hard drugs illegal, but FREE THE WEED! END THE WAR ON THE PEOPLE AND THE PLANT...LEGALIZE MARIJUANA!!!

CLICK HERE to sign a petition urging the U.S. government to legalize marijuana.

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:03 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:52 PM CST
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Tuesday, 21 November 2006
Racist Richards Unmasked!
Topic: Racism

photo courtesy of


DateCreated11/21/2006 11:28:00 AM
PostedDate11/21/2006 9:52:00 AM
BodyRecently another racist came out from under the hood. Michael Richards, better known as Kramer from "Seinfeld," was bombing onstage at a comedy club when his preferred brand of humor showed itself. With racist verbiage spewing from his mouth like toxic vomit, Richards went on an extended racist tirade against Black people in the audience and everywhere else. The "N' word, it seems, is his favorite word. Funny thing is, everytime he used that word, he proved that he was the only "N" in the house!

Richards --other than his physical appearance-- was never funny to me to begin with. I never saw any talent. However, with his racially offensive comedy routine, he has proven me wrong by showing a great talent at being an ignorant ass! Michael Richards is a racist, so let him be himself while entertaining on the aryan nation comedy circuit On the flip side, reputable establishments, networks, and people of good character should discard him like the bigoted piece of filth that he is!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 9:52 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, 11 September 2016 4:35 PM CDT
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Monday, 20 November 2006
Is Reinstating The Draft The Democrat's Answer?
Topic: Politics


DateCreated11/20/2006 8:56:00 PM
PostedDate11/20/2006 8:50:00 PM
BodyNew York Rep. Charles Rangel has offered up a plan to deal with depleted military troop levels, and racial/class inequities in recruiting. His plan is to reinstate the draft. If I didn't think Washington had lost all touch with the people before that proposal, I'm certain of it now! I really have to wonder about Rep. Rangel's state of mind because his plan is as insane as its reasoning!

1. A draft would increase troop levels. However, going from a professional (volunteer) military to a conscript (draftee) force automatically lessens it's effectiveness due to troop moral. There's a big difference between a person who signs up for service, and one who is forced into it! If I'm dodging bullets in a war that I don't support --and I volunteered-- then I really have no one to blame but myself for being there. I might not like it, but volunteering means that I would have signed up to go wherever the government chose to send me. But, if I'm FORCED to dodge bullets in a conflict that I don't support, I think my anger would be focused on my own government. The government that FORCED me into harm's way!

2. Rep. Rangel says that a draft would make politicians think twice before going to war because their own children would be at risk of going into combat. He also says that a draft would rectify race/class inequities in recruitng. The rich kids would go to war along with the poor kids. Uh, Mr. Rangel, don't try to sell me horse shit and tell me it doesn't stink! Because you want the Congress to be more thoughtful about war, and to make the wealthy share in the risk of war, you want to expose all of our children to death in Iraq or some other future war. There was a draft during The Vietnam War, but politicians and the wealthy still weren't sending their kids. Wasn't George Bush's avoidance of service in Vietnam a Democratic Party talking point during the 2004 election with John Kerry??? Also, a huge problem with the draft to begin with was its disproportionate targeting of people of color, and poor Whites. The Draft sends masses of poor people to wars they have no stake in, and Rangel knows that!

If reinstating the Draft is the best solution the Democrats can come up with to the mess in Iraq, then they don't deserve to be in power either! Hell, get rid of all the Democratic and Republican politicians! I'll be damned if I let someone send my child to a military meat grinder that has nothing to do with defending this country! If you really want to see war Mr. Rangel, come into the hood trying to take my child off to war! Anyway, I have the perfect solution: Bring all of the brave women and men in Iraq home, and send all the damned politicians! Draft the President and Congress --and corporate CEO's who engage in war profiteering-- to fight their own damned wars!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 8:50 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:54 PM CST
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Monday, 13 November 2006
NBA...Bring Back The Legends
Topic: Sports


DateCreated11/13/2006 7:44:00 PM
PostedDate11/13/2006 7:13:00 PM
BodyNBA All-Star Weekend has really fallen off in terms of excitement and drama.; with the exception of the 3-Point Competition, the Rookie Challenge against the second year players, and the actual all-star game itself.

The dunk contest is a pale shell of its former self. Back in the day you had yearly rivalries involving the game's top dunkers.: Michael Jordan! Dominique Wilkins! Spud Webb! Clyde Drexler! Larry Nance...and on and on and on. Now the game's top dunkers dunk donuts rather than dunk against each other. Why aren't Kobe Bryant, Vince Carter, Steve Francis, Lebron James and others stepping up to the challenge??? The dunk contest with its yearly collection of little known players is a joke! Add to that the boring Shooting Stars and Skills Challenge competitions, and there's really little reason to watch.

The solution is to bring back the NBA Legends Game. Back in the day legends played games against each other on All-Star Weekend. Games that were exciting! NBA wake up! Scrap the crap and bring our NBA greats back to us! There's no shortage of talent: Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Dominique Wilkins, Chris Mullin, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Scottie Pippen, David Robinson, Mark Price, Reggie Miller, Mitch Richmond...there's even room for Steve Kerr, Kenny "The Jet" Smith, and Sir Charles Barkley! BRING BACK THE LEGENDS GAME! BRING BACK THE EXCITEMENT! BRING BACK THE REAL ALL-STARS FOR ALL-STAR WEEKEND!!!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:54 PM CST
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Wednesday, 8 November 2006
Flight Of The Ratpublicans!
Topic: Politics
DateCreated11/8/2006 10:27:00 AM
PostedDate11/8/2006 11:34:00 AM
BodyCongratulations America on beginning the process of ousting the Ratpublicans from government. Yesterday's elections sent a clear message that many Americans are beginning to wake from the sleep spell that held them over the last decade. The Ratpublicans had all 3 branches of government...and blew it (there's a Mark Foley joke here somewhere). It was time for a huge change, and the November 7th elections proved that. The news just keeps getting better as Donald Rumsfeld (Robert McNamara, The 21st Century Edition) was chased from his hole today. Good job America! Wake up George Bush (A.K.A. HOWDY DOODY A.K.A. ALFRED E. NEWMAN), you have failed this country!!! King George, your castle has crumbled!!!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 11:34 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:55 PM CST
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Monday, 6 November 2006
Evict The Republicans On November 7th
Topic: Politics
DateCreated11/6/2006 6:02:00 PM
PostedDate11/6/2006 4:19:00 PM
BodyRepublican control of the government can be seen as one giant clusterfuck! The Iraq fiasco, a snail paced response to Hurricane Katrina, congressional sex scandals involving boys, the erosion of civil liberties under the auspices of The Patriot Act, and on and on... The Republicans, with all of their fire and brimstone religious rhetoric, have laid a paradigm for immorality in government. STOP THE INSANITY! VOTE OUT THE REPUBLICANS TOMORROW, NOVEMBER 7TH! IT'S TIME TO TAKE BACK AMERICA!!!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 4:19 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:56 PM CST
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Friday, 27 October 2006
Genocide In Darfur
Topic: International Affairs
DateCreated10/22/2006 9:14:00 PM
PostedDate10/27/2006 1:27:00 PM
BodyThe ongoing genocide in Darfur has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people --and has displaced millions--, while the world does nothing. SaveDarfur.Org has organized a petition drive. If you would like to make your voice heard please CLICK HERE.

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:27 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:56 PM CST
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The Chicago Cubs: Content To Be Worst Instead Of First
Topic: Sports


DateCreated10/15/2006 1:49:00 PM
PostedDate10/27/2006 1:25:00 PM
BodyWhat Jim Hendry and Chicago Cubs have done on the Northside is a disgrace! The franchise has a history of bone headed baseball moves (i.e. the Lou Brock trade), but let me focus on recent times. Jim Hendry has dismantled the pieces that made the successful. He got rid of Kenny Lofton (the first real lead-off man in years), Moises Alou, Todd Walker, Mark Grudzielanek, and Matt Clement (who was obtained by trading away Dontrell Willis). ..Dusty Baker has been fired. Add to that the loss of Sammy Sosa; and the yearly pinning of hopes on busts like the always injured Kerry Wood, and Mark "The Underachiever" Prior. With all the subtractions of talent, Hendry has done VERY LITTLE to replenish the team... Cub fans deserve much better! We've waited long enough for a quality team to be assembled on the Northside, and for the end of the Billy Goat Curse! If Dusty was fired,..Hendry should have beaten him out the door!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:25 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:02 PM CST
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Wednesday, 25 October 2006
Impeach George Bush
Topic: Politics


DateCreated10/12/2006 9:55:00 PM
PostedDate10/25/2006 12:11:00 AM
BodyIt truly amuses me how Republicans, particularly conservative Republicans, have selective memory loss..along with..a love of the proverbial double standard.

President Bill Clinton cheated on his a..blowjob and playing hide the cigar with Monica Lewinski... He lied about it under oath, and consequently was..impeached. ..Until the end of his term in office, Fox News..went on a crusade against him and his "immorality."

In contrast, President George Bush (who got into office without a majority of the popular vote) started a war..against a sovereign nation under the pretext of lies!.. During the run-up to the war in 2003, The Bush Administration went before the American public and the world body..--claiming with certainty-- that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was an imminent threat... Both were blatant lies!.. Iraq was so a result of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, and..over a decade of sanctions..with an arms embargo, that it couldn't even (1)..combat jet off the ground to defend itself during the 2003 U.S. Invasion..... Iraq had..neither the weapons of mass destruction, nor the means to deliver said weapons, half way around the world to threaten our borders.

In sum, President Clinton's lies cost him his reputation... President Bush's lies have cost the lives of thousands of Americans..and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis... In addition, Bush's actions have cost the United States its international standing... How can..our country claim the moral high ground in current or future disputes when our government starts wars of aggression, kills thousands of people, and tortures many of those that aren't killed...

Let it be noted that conservative Fox News has not gone on a media crusade against George Bush as they did with Bill Clinton... There also hasn't been a peep about Bush's immorality from them... Is this the result of selective memory, an ugly..political double standard, or both?

If a blowjob can get a president impeached, what the hell should a president get for starting an illegal and immoral war...IMPEACH PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH (A.K.A. HOWDY DOODY A.K.A. ALFRED E. NEWMAN) NOW!!!!..

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:11 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:04 PM CST
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