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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Saturday, 30 October 2010
The Demonic Nun
Topic: Halloween
DateCreated11/3/2010 5:12:00 AM
PostedDate10/30/2010 9:04:00 PM
Mad at mankind
Evil controlling her mind

Nefarious upon inception
Heartless upon inspection

Prayers to heaven just an act
She's already made her demonic pact

False Christian in disguise
Wickedness from the queen of lies

Too lustful and sinful for salvation
She awaits eternal damnation

Excommunicated by the powers of light
Her unclean soul marches into darkest night
Eternal hellfire awaits.....

But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the SEXUALLY IMMORAL, sorcerers, idolaters, and ALL LIARS, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death. -- REVELATION 21:8

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 9:04 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:00 PM CST
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Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Quotes From The Heart
Topic: Dating/Relationships

Love is a word that holds great power and carries great responsibility. If you use it, make sure that you mean it. -- Steven Whitehurst

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:15 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Topic: Religion

I'm so tired of being asked for church donations! Frequently, when I go into or come out of businesses, there's either a wine head by the door asking for donations on HIS drink, or a church person asking for donations for THEIR church. Churches are tax-exempt, so why are they asking me for money! When is a church gonna donate to me??? I need a new car and some bills paid...HELLO!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 3:04 PM CDT
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Thursday, 17 June 2010
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Topic: Environment

To put an oil rig into the ocean --an ocean which we need to survive as a species-- and to have no real plan to deal with a spill is ridiculous! First it was the Exxon Valdez ( which devastated Alaska years ago . Other spills have happened since, each time destroying parts of our ecological system, and now we have BP. In addition, the big car companies continue to produce gas guzzlers when an electric alternative ( has already been proven. Very Sad! The oil pushers continue to get rich and the planet suffers...

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the BP oil disaster or the Macondo blowout)[3][4][5][6] is a massive ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, now considered the largest offshore spill in U.S. ...

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:31 PM CDT
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Thursday, 3 June 2010
Official Facebook Page
Topic: Social Media
DateCreated11/3/2010 5:36:00 AM
PostedDate6/3/2010 5:30:00 AM
My official Facebook page is

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:30 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:57 PM CST
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Sunday, 28 March 2010
Heroes: A Triumph of Spirit, Vol. 4
Topic: Visual Media

"Heroes: A Triumph of Spirit" is a nationally syndicated television program which aired during the 1990's, and highlighted positive individuals across the U.S. Volume 4 included a short segment on me. If you can find it --perhaps at a library-- check it out! Heroes - A Triumph of Spirit, Volume 4 [VHS]: Blair Underwood: Video

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 4:14 PM CDT
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Thursday, 6 August 2009
Helping Military Families In Need
Topic: Military


DateCreated8/6/2009 1:32:00 PM
PostedDate8/6/2009 1:25:00 PM
BodyUSA Cares, Inc. is an organization with the mission of helping military families in financial need.  They have a homeowners assistance program, and a number of others, set up to assist these families that have given so much.  If you'd like to donate or show your support in some way; or if you're a member of a military family in need go to:

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:25 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:03 PM CST
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Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Politicians Play Politics While The Sick Die
Topic: Healthcare


DateCreated7/28/2009 1:45:00 PM
PostedDate7/28/2009 1:12:00 PM
It appears to be politics as usual in Washington.  The Republican minority is busy spreading fear -- this time about healthcare reform; while the Democratic majority infights and spreads indecisiveness.  Many uninsured voters like myself believed in the pledges of Democrats to fix the healthcare woes of this country.  I certainly do realize that Washington politicians have all of the healthcare coverage they'll ever need.  Consequently, when poor uninsured  people in Iowa, or Illinois, or Texas, or Ohio, or in any number of other states die, politicians don't bat an eye.  It's just one more dead poor person who'll be replaced by the next crop of newly enfranchised 18 year-olds.  However,  the remainder of us living sick can and will revolt -- at the polls!

People are dying daily in America, and politicians treat the issue like a political football to be used for media sound bites.  This whole issue is very personal to me.  Last week I lost a major piece of my healthcare when a program stopped being funded by the State of Illinois.  So, actually politicians on the state level are playing politics as usual just as much as those in Washington.  This is sick!!!   Since the majority in the House and the Senate are Democrats, the vast majority of the blame for the holdup in reform lies with them.  All I can say is you're in power now Democratic Party, but it doesn't have to stay that way.  Keep playing politics with my life and the lives of millions of other uninsured Americans and see what you get in return at the ballot box during upcoming elections.  Heed my warning and act to save Americans, or don't and lose power...the choice is yours!

Full Story: 

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:12 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:00 PM CST
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Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Fighter Pilot Playtime
Topic: Military
DateCreated6/30/2009 6:49:00 PM
PostedDate6/30/2009 6:00:00 PM
This seems to be a very good time to be a fighter jet pilot in one of the world's air forces if you're looking to fly quality aircraft.  With advances in stealth and the availability of generation 4, 4.5 and 5 fighters on the marketplace, pilots have a bevy of new toys to choose from.

Just as a basic primer on fighter plane generations, generation 4 fighters generally offered improvements over previous generations in agility, weapons,  range, communications, navigation, radar and defensive systems.  Gen 4.5 offered further improvements in radar (PESA/AESA), mission computers, navigation and communication, radar cross section reduction measures, and in some cases super cruise capability and thrust vectoring engines.  Gen 5 jets include even more advancements with the most significant being stealth.

The U.S. air force flies generation 4, 4.5 and 5 aircraft in the f-16 and its various block models, f-15's up through the E model, and the brand new air dominator, the generation 5 F-22 Raptor.  Plus the 5th generation F-35 Lightning II  is coming into service soon.  The U.S. Navy and Marines fly gen 4 F/A-18's and gen 4.5 F/A-18E/F Super Hornets; and both will also fly the F-35 when it comes into service.  The F-22 is not for export, but the rest are there for the air forces and naval air arms of allied nations to pick from.  Additionally, the stealthy  F-15SE was recently unveiled for potential export.

Other nations around the world are also offering new flying chariots for knights of the air.  The French are offering the 4.5 generation Rafale (although no one has bought it yet), Germany/Britain/Italy/Spain are offering the gen 4.5 Eurofighter Typhoon, Sweden has the gen 4.5 JAS-39 Gripen NG in development, India has the 4.5 gen HAL Tejas in the final stages, while the Russians have the gen 4.5 Mig-35 and  SU-35; and soon will have the PAK FA (SU-50) 5th generation fighter. 

Even China is in the game with the 4.5 gen J-10B in the works for Pakistan. due for delivery around 2014-2015.  Today also marks the start of final stage assembly for the 4th generation Sino-Pakistani JF-17/FC-1.  These two reasonably priced models may hit it big in developing countries.  In the JF-17 an African country can upgrade from old generation 2 Mig-21's to a capable medium tech 4th generation jet for less than $20 million.

Pilots of today and the future will have many potential threats to deal with.  In aircraft like these they will be better able to do so.

For explanations on the capabilities of the various generations and aircraft click these links:

For more on the military CLICK HERE

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 6:00 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 10 April 2015 3:58 PM CDT
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Thursday, 26 March 2009
Petition For American Healthcare Now!!!
Topic: Healthcare
DateCreated3/26/2009 3:05:00 PM
PostedDate3/26/2009 2:47:00 PM
BodyI just received an email asking for petition signatures to urge our elected officials to give all Americans the universal healthcare that we so desperately need. I signed the petition right away, and wanted to pass on the link for my readers to do the same if so inclined. America needs action on this issue now!!!

If you are one of the millions of Americans without proper health insurance CLICK HERE to sign the petition.

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 2:47 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:04 PM CST
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