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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Robocalls From Preachers?
Topic: Religion

I just got a robocall from a preacher...WTF!!! I know that politicians make robocalls to get votes, but now pastors are calling for converts??? Must need a new Cadillac. SMDH!!!





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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 2:01 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2016 6:24 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Tales From H-Town: The Age Of Underwear
Topic: Personal Stories


In the 80's, my friend Parrish Walker was always zooming around on his motorcycle. One bright sunny day he drove up outside my house on Vine in Harvey, Illinois. I was standing there with a bunch of friends. Somehow the discussion turned into a dare for somebody to strip and ride on the back of Parrish's bike. I had a knack for accepting dares, so I did. I stripped down to my underwear. Then, after mustering up the courage (or foolishness depending on your view), I took off my drawers. I put my hands on Parrish's shoulders and put my feet on the bike seat. We drove off down an alley, turned onto 155th and Myrtle, and then down busy 155th St. Passing drivers had looks of shock as we sped by in our modern day version of the Lady Godiva story He dropped my off at home I got dressed, and the dare was done..

One night I was in a car with David Dright (the driver), Aubrey Fourte and Tracy Dyson. We had been having a good time getting zooted. We ended up in West Harvey by Dixie Highway, when Tracy wanted to make a stop. He was seeing a girl in the neighborhood. Dave drove over to her house and parked across the street. We stayed in the car while Tracy went in. Maybe five minutes later Tracy came storming out! He came back to the car and said "Let's Go!" Before we could ask what happened, out came his girl into the street -- in her panties! She was screaming his name while she ran and dove through the car window, to stop us from leaving. She was laid out across Dave's lap, while Aubrey was in the passenger's seat. Aubrey and Dave looked at each other like Morris Day and Jerome from "The Time," simultaneously both said "Yesssss," and they started squeezing her ass like a pair of G.I. Joes with Kung-Fu Grips! Eventually Tracy got "Ms. Panties" back into her house and we left.

One Saturday night I was with my girlfriend at my house. We had just laid down to sleep when I heard a car door slam outside, and a car speed off. I got up and looked out the window. What did I see but a man with no shirt leaning up against my girlfriend's car. I ran outside to move him, but when I got close I saw that he had nothing on but his underwear. He looked like he was drugged or something -- fast asleep standing up in the street while leaning against a car in his drawers! I was like WTF!!! I called the police to come get that mofo!. I guess the gangs of Harvey robbed him, and left him with nothing but his underoos.

I was getting ready to leave out for my college classes and work one day when I heard a knock at my door. It was my friend Dino from around the corner. He was an older guy who was cool with me and my friends from way back. He said that he was being evicted. I walked around to his house with him and saw his furniture and things being laid on the lawn by sheriffs. I had to get going so I said I'd check him out later. I never saw Dino again. Last I heard, he was seen walking in downtown Harvey in his underwear!







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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:05 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2016 6:27 PM CDT
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Gangs Of Harvey: The Halloweens
Topic: Personal Stories


In Harvey Halloween had always been a fun time growing up. It was like Candy Christmas for my friends and I. By the time I hit high school the time for trick-or-treating had passed, but we still wanted to have fun. And so it began.

October 1981, I was a sophomore at Thornton Township High School. Halloween season came as it always did, and my friends and I wanted to get off of the block. We decided to go to The Harvey Park District's Haunted House at Harmon Park. We were a block away when a man ran out of his house at us with a machete. None of us were armed so we backed away. The group took a detour and made a quick exit. We never ended up making it back to the haunted house.

October 1982, my friends and I were determined to make it to the haunted house this year. We decided to roll deep (take extra people) in case anything happened. As I remember it was me, Mark Fourte, Aubrey Fourte, Rufus Chambers, Anthony Jones, Frank Johnson, Tim Collins and more. Tracy Dyson might have been there too. We were walking and joking and having a good time. We made it a block away from the haunted house --AGAIN! This time we were right in front of Thornton Township High School, when a car full of boys drove by. One of the boys yelled something out at us, and Frank replied with "Yo Mama!" Right then it looked like a scene from the movie "The Warriors." All of these hands came out of the car windows holding bats and chains. The car turned up on Thornton's lawn, pulled a U turn, and came right at us! We took off running! We made it into the parking lot on 151st when the car came speeding up behind us. We took off across the field! Mark and Anthony were gone! They were already ahead of the group by a block! The rest of us were still in the field when Frank yelled "I can't run no more! My stomach is about to fall out!" We stopped running and started heading back towards the car in the lot. The boys in the car piled out with their weapons, and we were about to bump heads, when one of them recognized Rufus. The tension broke, everybody laughed, and we went home. Once again we failed to make it to the haunted house.

October 1983 was Senior year in high school. We'd gotten used to the excitement from the past two Halloweens, so we decided to skip the haunted house all together. We were going to go out to find some more adventure! The group got together and we headed out to walk around Harvey. We were having fun as usual, walking past Ashland Park this time. All of a sudden a person in a window started shooting at us! Having found our excitement we took off running. No one got hit, and we ended the night in one collective piece. And so it was...







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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2016 6:29 PM CDT
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Sunday, 26 May 2013
Gangs Of Harvey: 1980
Topic: Personal Stories


When I was young I knew a little about gangs from living on Chicago's Southside. But when I was 7 my family moved to the Chicago suburb of Harvey. It was a nice town, and I didn't think anymore about gangs. That is, until 1980.

I was in 8th Grade at Lowell-Longfellow Elementary School in 1980. One night I walked to Sister B's Candy Store a couple of blocks from my house. As soon as I came out of the store, a group of boys started running at me. I... ran, and made it about half a block away on Myrtle, before they cornered me in a fenced yard. There were four of them. The first one ran at me and I threw him down, but three more jumped me. They got me down and started hitting me in the arms, legs and chest. Then they pulled out a knife! I thought I was about to get stabbed, but the boy with the knife grabbed my hair. I had big poofy, curly hair back then. A curly afro, but not after that night. He cut big clumps out. After I'd been partially scalped, they left.

A few nights later me, Parrish Walker and Tony Jones walked to a store across the street from our school. On the way we passed about 30 boys on the basketball courts. We got to the store, shopped for candy, and left the same way we came.

When we got back to the basketball courts all of those boys came at us! Parrish went one way, Tony went another, and I went a third. I was never a long distance runner so I got caught -- AGAIN!!! Luckily it was by someone I knew. They looked at my head, said "we already got you," and they let me go home.

A group caught Parrish on a dirt mound in back of the school. They beat him so hard that the dirt went through his overalls --and other clothes-- and covered his body! Another group caught Tony in front of the school. He pulled out a knife of his own, but they jumped him and took it. Then they hit him in the mouth and busted his lip! By the end of the night Parrish was dirty, Tony was bloody, and I was just as scalped.

That was only the beginning in Harvey. That Summer we started to see the city change. We also started to hear stories of worse gangs that hung out near the high school we'd soon be attending. In a few short months we'd see. for ourselves..







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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 1:04 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2016 6:32 PM CDT
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Saturday, 18 May 2013
Rape & Sex
Topic: Crime

Rapes in the military, rapes on the streets, rapes during car jackings, rapes in India on buses, priests sexually abusing children, rapes of coma patients in hospitals, sexual harassment at the workplace, teachers and coaches sexually assaulting youth, Muslim terrorists killing innocent people so they can end up in Paradise with 72 virgins. This is really a sex crazed world! Sex can be a beautiful thing between people who care about each other. But sex in the quest for empowerment and domination over another living being is sick!






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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 4:03 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 6:42 PM CDT
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Thursday, 16 May 2013
Back In The Day On Vine St.
Topic: Personal Stories



Back in the day on Vine St.
The boys used to spend all day playing football and basketball. The girls played jump rope. And sometimes both played softball.

Back in the day on Vine St.
You had to watch your bbq on the grill, or someone would steal it.

Back in the day on Vine St.
We had bats that came out when it got dark

Back in the day on Vine St.
Mark Fourte got called Abdullah the Butcher Nose,
Anthony Thompson was known as Baboon Head,
Maurice Joshua was Sock,
Tracy Dyson was Snake
Tim Collins was Timmy Doo and The Black Fonzie
Hiram Walker was Goofy Cool
Reggie was Ebe
And I was Honkeyhurst and Skandor Akbar

Back in the day on Vine St.
The bread man went out for bread and never came back

Back in the day on Vine St.
We used to take 30 deep breaths, then hold the last one. A person would come up behind you, pick you up and squeeze you in a bear hug, and you'd pass out! When the boys did the girls, we would tell them about touching their bodies while they were knocked out. Dawn Colquitt and Carol Thompson do you remember??? No one ever really did any touching though.

Back in the day on Vine St.
Candy was going down the street with his walking stick and got mugged.

Back in the day on Vine St.
The Thanksgiving turkey got stolen and ended up on the ground.

Back in the day on Vine St.
Ponch sang "Aw Baby, you make me feel like a daisy."

Back in the Day on Vine St.
Donald and Mark were The Trenchcoat Brothers,
While David Wiott and Parrish Walker were Biker Boyz.

Back in the day on Vine St.
Joseph Sproles told legendary lies.

Back in the day on Vine St.
Bernie got caught tar and feathering a car.

Back in the day on Vine St.
We would mouth mix wherever we could.

Back in the Day on Vine St.
My friends and I had fun, even while being surrounded by rough areas. Gunshots in the night and wandering crackheads aside, Vine St. was and is a special place. It's special because that's where we grew up. From the magical times of childhood to the grim realities of adulthood. My friends and I made that journey on Vine St.

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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 12 September 2016 9:36 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Reunion Dates
Topic: Dating/Relationships

Instead of Class Reunions, schools should have Reunion Dates. People would be able to go on a romantic date with someone they had a crush on in school. Romantic dinner at the school's cafeteria, dancing in the principal's office, and an intimate overnight stay in either the school's pool area or at a local Sybaris. The Reunion Committee would be responsible for the costs of any resulting pregnancies.






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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 2:16 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2016 6:34 PM CDT
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Sunday, 12 May 2013
Topic: Dating/Relationships

Some adults never develop the maturity to stop playing games, and never develop the character to avoid telling lies. If someone is playing with your feelings, walk away. Like toxic waste, toxic people are hazardous to your health!






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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 9:08 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 September 2016 6:35 PM CDT
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Saturday, 11 May 2013
The Hatred For A Black President
Topic: Politics

The Republicans in Congress will try again to repeal President Obama's healthcare law next week. More wasted time and money voting on something that was passed years ago. Gun violence doesn't move the Republicans to action, but taking away health benefits from Americans does. Yet another snipe at President Obama and poor Americans. The simple fact is that many Republicans will oppose whatever the President does. Calls from the Right go up that Obama isn't American, that ...he's a Muslim, etc. and these charges lead back to The Republican Party's problem with race. Bottom line, many on The Right hate having a Black President! That party is well on its way to becoming a marginalized regional party with red states confined to the South. Doesn't surprise me that the area where they hold power today, is the same part of the country where White supremacist ideology and slavery thrived.

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 7:14 PM CDT
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Thursday, 9 May 2013
Finding Love
Topic: Dating/Relationships


When two caring hearts
Beat as one

When butterflies fill the stomach
At the mere mention of that name

When you ignore time and space
To be lost in the eyes of the other

When holding that hand is electric
Kissing is euphoric
And making love is paradise

When causing pain is unthinkable
And infidelity is impossible

When two souls are melded in harmony
And a lifetime together is far to short

When every waking moment is spent
Maintaining mutual happiness and respect

When you find this you have found love

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 9:28 PM CDT
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