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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
FBI: White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement
Topic: Racism

Black have long known about White Supremacist police officers.  History has documented numerous instances of White police officers also holding membership in the Ku Klux Klan or other racist terrorist groups.  The government also knows about this fact.  Click on the two entries below for more info:
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:32 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:26 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 12 July 2016
One-Pan BBQ Ribs Recipe (Video)
Topic: Food

Here is a great recipe for those times when you have a taste for ribs, but don't want to go through the trouble of firing up the grill.  I suggest using a cookie sheet as your pan.  Also, I substituted McCormick Grill Mates Barbecue Seasoning for the spices shown in the video.  The result was perfection!  Watch the video, make a slab of these delicious ribs, and enjoy!













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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 9:54 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:27 PM CDT
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Monday, 11 July 2016
Black on Black Crime & The Police
Topic: Racism

People -- including some misguided Blacks -- point to Black on a Black crime as a reason to let racist police and their Black minions go a hunting safaris in African-American communities across America.

Number 1: Pointing to what criminals do as a justification to let the police kill African-Americans at will is really a weak argument. Gangbangers account for most shootings in the Black community, and gangbangers are criminals! A criminal's job is to do criminal business, including murders. Because there are criminals killing us, saying that we shouldn't rage against the police killing us is insane and twisted! We pay police with tax dollars. Based on that logic it's ok for us to finance our own murders by the people we pay to protect us. Nonsense! This argument really boils down to being an apologist for racist White police murderers and their Black puppets.

Number2: Relative to Black on Black crime -- particularly with gang violence -- there have been many attempts to broker truces. Some have succeeded for a time and some haven't. But, what happened when someone really tried to ORGANIZE African-American gangs into a positive force for Black People??? The answer is he was assassinated by the government/police on December 4, 1969. His name was Fred Hampton, Deputy Chairman of the Black Panther Party, and he was murdered for his efforts to end Black on Black crime while empowering the people!  When his son, Fred Hampton, Jr.,  grew up to carry on his father's work, the government went after him too!

So, in the end, there are some truths: Black people don't own gun manufacturing companies or cocaine plantations, but the products of both infest Black communities. For background on Government involvement in destroying the Black community check out Gary Webb's Dark Alliance; as well as The FBI's War on Black America. Another truth is: When an African-American worked to politically organize gangs -- he was murdered by the U.S. government. The Black community has been set up to continually fuel the U.S. prison economy! On top of that, the police are wildin' in our communites with impunity.

To all my brothers and sisters, our lives might not mean anything to the Government or their gang in blue, but they are of value to us.  Be prepared to protect that life and those of your childen.  If you don't know how to shoot -- learn!  If you are a military veteran, train like minded brothers and sisters.  Be prepared to protect yourself and your community!  All power to the people!
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 3:29 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:28 PM CDT
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Saturday, 9 July 2016
Do You Have Computer Trouble?
Topic: Business
I recently had a computer virus. I'm not a tech savy person, so I had no idea what to do.  Then I turned to Infotech Solutions, Inc. for help -- and help came right away! If any of you are having computer issues I strongly recommend contacting them immediately! They can be reached at:
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 10:01 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:28 PM CDT
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Adult Star Haydee Rodriguez Opens New Website!
Topic: Celebrities

Adult star and cosplayer Haydee Rodriguez launched her official website this week.  Haydee, who is known for her ample bust, has created something worth seeing!  Videos, photos and more!  Check out her site today:
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 8:31 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:29 PM CDT
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New Boom Boom Bridgette Website Open!
Topic: Visual Media

A brand new website is open which focuses on the beauty and talents of burlesque model Bridgette Boum.  She's opened The Official Boom Boom Bridgette Website, and will be adding more content in the future.  Make sure to become a member and see every new sexy addition!  Check her out:











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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 8:13 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:30 PM CDT
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Police Murder of Philando Castile (Video)
Topic: Police Brutality
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 6:50 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:31 PM CDT
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Thursday, 7 July 2016
Testimony Submitted For Medical Marijuana Expansion In Illinois
Topic: Marijuana Legalization

On May 2nd, 2016 my written testimony was submitted to Illinois lawmakers on the issue of expanding the medical marijuana program.  Illinois' medical cannabis program is restrictive in a number of ways, from requiring fingerprints and passports to enroll, to the limited number of illnesses covered by law.  People in the state are suffering, while legislators are restricting use of a relevant medicine.  Illinois is a cash strapped, mismanaged state that could benefit by expanding availability of weed to patients in need.  Beyond that limited step, Illinois needs to take advantage of the tax revenue that would be generated by recreational use. #FreeTheWeed

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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 11:10 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:31 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 19 April 2016
College Financial Aid: An Open Letter To My Elected Officials
Topic: Politics

Dear Elected Official:

I'm a disabled Illinois resident, on a fixed income, and my daughter is graduating high school this year.  We were looking forward to her pursuing a degree in the medical field at a state university, until we saw the $27,000 per year price tag.  I was the first in my family to obtain a college degree, and that was done with a combination of Pell Grant and Illinois State Aid.  I assumed that the same help was available for my daughter and her generation in their pursuit of education. Ha!  I was thoroughly shocked when we got back her financial aid letter -- $5000 for Pell Grant and nothing for state aid!  I decided to look at the financial resources that my elected officials are working with:


President:  $400,000 per year plus pension and perks

Vice President:  $233,000 per year plus pension and perks

U.S. Congress:  $174,000 per year plus pension and perks

Illinois Governor:  $177,000 per year plus pension and perks

Illinois General Assembly Member:  $67,000 plus pension and perks

It seems that my elected officials have voted themselves to get thousands of dollars; while the poor, who are trying to educate themselves in furtherance of a better future, have been left in the dust.  How are the people of America in general, and of Illinois in particular, supposed to compete in a future economy without education?  What have you all been doing while in power?  I understand that both the U.S. and Illinois governments seem to enjoy being in a perpetual state of gridlock, but your lack of funding for Federal and State financial assistance is killing the collective brain of our future generations.  How do you plan to address this issue?  Action please!
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 10:48 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:33 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Profits Over People!!!
Topic: Varied Thoughts

Is anyone else paying attention to the money driven society that we live in? Yes life costs money, but our society has become an all out quest for profit. When you would think that certain aspects of American life would be guaranteed to insure the health and well being of the populace, instead it's a rat race to make money -- and everyone else be damned! Capitalism is running wild!

We live in a society where Americans starve to death. We have under-supported food banks in a country that spends trillions on war. Americans, including veterans, go homeless in a country where people spend their last dime on the latest brand name purse or gym shoes. Automobiles can cost as much or more than houses did 30 years ago, and houses cost so much that you need to win the "Little Lotto" in order to pay it off without crushing debt. Again, Capitalism run wild!

When you'd think the synergy between a healthy educated populace and a healthy/strong nation would be recognized, people have to make life decisions to get either. Relative to health, even with the Healthcare Reform Act in place, people still have to make choices between seeing doctors with rising health insurance costs or buying food. That same food where a loaf of bread or a bag of chips for the family can cost more than a gallon of gas! Companies even sell bottled water now! Water was free 40 years ago!

You'd think that the American government would want an educated population to fuel the country and its progress. However, college costs require our potential students to choose between getting an education with crushing debt, or being uneducated with a dim employment outlook. In the current economic climate both choices can leave a person poor! When I went to Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 1984, it cost less than $7000 and all of that was paid by government Pell Grant plus state aid. Today, it costs $27,000 a year to go to the same school! My daughter planned to attend until we found out that our total government aid came to $5000. That is ridiculous! For a degree a person comes out of school over $80,000 in debt. Again, Capitalism run wild!

We've even come to the point where people choose their mates based on money. Profit has become so ingrained in our American collective consciousness that we turn away people who may bring wondrous joy into our lives, simply because a wallet or a bank account isn't "big enough." I had a woman refuse to talk to me because I didn't have rough hands -- meaning that I didn't have a good job. Stop the madness! People are more important than material goods! It's time for a mindset change to -- PEOPLE OVER PROFITS, before it's too late...
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 5:18 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 6:34 PM CDT
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