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The Whitehurst Blog - Politics, Racism, Military, Marijuana Legalization & More
Friday, 25 November 2016
The Rape of Black Males During Slavery
Topic: History


One of the main elements slavery provided to slave owners was sexual fulfillment.  Not only did the White plantation owner have his wife to provide pleasure, but he also had the pick of his female slave population.  This relationship of rape and sexual domination is depicted visually and very vividly in series and movies like Roots and 12 Years A Slave.  But what is never mentioned is the rape experience of Black males during slavery.
Gay slave owners would often buy Black males according to physique and penis size.  Just like straight slave masters, they bought what they were attracted to when purchasing for sexual pleasure.   There was also the practice known as "Buck Breaking" or "Breaking The Buck." A spirited Black male slave was selected by the "massa,"  then beaten and subdued.  Battered and restrained, he'd have his trousers removed and -- in front of his family and fellow slaves -- would be raped by the slave master.  Friends of the slave master were also invited to take part.  This act of debauchery acted as both a vehicle for the slave owner's sexual gratification, and a warning to other Black men and boys to submit. 
Black male slaves were also sexually abused by White women in the position to do so. These were women of status such as female slave owners, wives of slave masters, and the female relatives of plantation owners.  For those thinking that this might be enjoyable, or that it's impossible for a man to be raped by a woman -- think again!  Imagine being forced to perform sex acts with or for the most unattractive woman you can visualize, with a gun at your head and the real possibility of the trigger being pulled if she wasn't satisfied!  Imagine a slave owner's teen daughter forcing you to be her seuxal practice dummy, knowing the whole time that if/when you're discovered you'll be lynched or boiled in oil!  Imagine having to have sex with an animal for the enjoyment of the slave master's wife and her friends!  According to Captain Richard J. Hinton, an abolitionist commander in the , “I have never found a bright-looking colored man, whose confidences I have won… who has not told me of instances where he has been compelled, either by his mistress, or by white women of the same class, to have connection with them.” One former slave told Hinton that his mistress ordered him to sleep with her after her husband died. These are just two examples of the many stories abolitionists like Hinton told to prove the immorality of slaveholding.

In Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1867),  it mentions how planters’ daughters would take advantage of male slaves:

They know that the women slaves are subject to their father's authority in all things; and in some cases they exercise the same authority over the men slaves. I have myself seen the master of such a household whose head was bowed down in shame; for it was known in the neighborhood that his daughter had selected one of the meanest slaves on his plantation to be the father of his first grandchild. She did not make her advances to her equals, nor even to her father's more intelligent servants. She selected the most brutalized, over whom her authority could be exercised with less fear of exposure.


Africans who came to the Americas in bondage suffered in many ways.  One of the most dehumanizing and nefarious aspects was that of sexual abuse.  Black adults and children -- male and female -- experienced every kind of sexual degradation imaginable during this period in time when White skin equated to a free pass for sexual domination. 



Sex Farms During Slavery & The Effeminazation of Black Men

Slavery and Its Effect On Jamaican Homophobia

Sexual Relations Between Elite White Women and Enslaved Men in The Antebellum South 



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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 11:34 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 26 November 2016 11:01 AM CST
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Saturday, 12 November 2016
Topic: Politics
If you are working class or a poor American, this is a message to you.  The recent Presidential election was decided by the same people who decide every election. Whether it's the Conservative working class supporting the Republican Party, or the Progressive/Liberal working class supporting the Democratic Party, it boils down to everyday people who struggle to make a living being divided politically by ideology.  I think workers of every ethnic group and both genders really just want to know what it's like to actually enjoy life without crucial and consistent financial strife.  I believe that every citizen from this group of Americans -- a group which overwhelmingly makes up the electorate -- just wants to know that their bills will be paid, that they'll make enough money to apply some to the enjoyment of living, knowing that their children will be safe and satisfied in the present and future, that their government  -- which they elected -- actually addresses their needs and interests, and that they'll be fine when it comes to enduring sickness, disability and the inevitable process of getting old. The way I see things, the majority of Americans in the current economy, and political system, spend most of their lives working to make someone else wealth; while they themselves struggle to survive.  Workers spend decades providing both the workforce and the consumer base for companies, making the companies successful and making the wealthy even more wealthy.   In many cases these companies -- that were built on the backs of American workers -- then go on to automate Americans out of work, or to move the business itself across international borders to take advantage of a different set of workers who work for less money.  How can this situation improve for the average American?  This is a nation of laws, and laws are determined by our political system, so let's take a look at that system.

Every four years Americans go to the polls to elect someone to lead the country.  By engaging in the exercise of voting people hope that election after election will finally yield a government that improves their lives.  However, over the recent decades, power has shifted back and forth between the Democrats and Republicans with little positive change for the struggling American worker.  Why is this?  What has this "battle" between the two major parties resulted in?  Answer:  While workers have remained divided (benefiting both political parties and the media), the rich have gotten richer with the income gap between rich elites and the average American growing ever larger.  With all of this change in our political leadership there is one constant that is often overlooked:  The people that we vote into the Oval Office all have wealth!  American workers want a government that feels and responds to their pain, but how can that happen when we continue to elect politicians who don't share that pain.  How can the masses of voters continue to elect wealthy politicians, and then expect those wealthy politicians to place the working poor as a main priority...I don't think this is realistic.  Both parties have failed to deliver on their promises to workers over the years.  Rather than continuing to elect people with a completely different set of economic values, wouldn't it make more sense to elect someone who shared the same financial reality?  To this end I think that real thought needs to go into the formation of a true WORKING CLASS INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY.  I worked in independent third party politics for years.  It is difficult due to the media backed monopoly on our political system by both major parties -- but it is possible.  In the not too distant past Ross Perot proved that a viable independent campaign for the nation's highest office was viable.  If this party came into being, it possibly could include some of the following suggestions as planks on the party's platform:

*A 40-50% cut in salaries for all elected and appointed politicians making over $50,000 annually; with at least a 10 year freeze on their salaries.  Additionally, future salary increases for politicians will be decided by the voters rather than the politicians.

*The goal of eliminating the control of the government by special interest groups and wealthy donors through significantly reducing amounts allowed for campaign contributions.

*All full-time workers would receive a month's vacation yearly.  The vacation would be mandatory and companies would be punished for obstruction.  Also, workers would be paid for vacation time.

*Companies that relocate to other countries after gathering wealth off of American workers would be harshly punished:  Import taxes on any products from said company and corporate fines; seizure of all possible assets; and a revocation of American citizenship for said company's executive board/ownership.

*Guaranteed debt-free higher education for all Americans.

*Eradication of all corporate tax loopholes.

*Support for labor unions with an additional goal of increasing worker confidence that they will be free from corruption by organized crime groups.  To this end all organized crime organizations would be declared domestic terrorists, would be immediately tracked down and removed from society.  

*Paid retraining programs for displaced workers

*A ban on any candidate with financial assets of over $150,000 wishing to run under the party's banner.

*Equal pay for equal work

*The true goal of guaranteed life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, social justice and equality for working class Americans and all Americans

Just some thoughts, but if workers really want a better economic future there needs a fundamental change in who workers elect to run our political system.  That might be done by eliminating big money in politics, and by workers supporting actual working class people for elected office.




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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 10:49 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 26 November 2016 1:52 AM CST
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Sunday, 18 September 2016
Chicken Tetrazzini
Topic: Food

photo credit: Steven Whitehurst

You will need:

10 oz. egg noodles

1/2 tsp. salt

1 1/2  tbs. butter

1/4 cup onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 cup chicken broth

1 tsp. seasoned salt

4 cups shredded cheddar cheese

4-5 cups cooked chicken, diced

2 oz. jar of pimento

2 tbs. parsley, chopped

 Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Coat baking dish with no-stick spray.  Cook noodles according to package directions and drain.  In a large saucepan melt butter over medium heat.  Add onion and garlic, cook 2 minutes.  Add soup, chicken broth, salt, seasoned salt and half of the cheese.  Cook until sauce is smooth and cheese is melted.  Add noodles and chicken, mix well.  Transfer to a baking dish, cover and bake for 30 minutes.  Uncover, sprinkle with remaining cheese, and bake an additional 5 minutes until cheese is melted.  Sprinkle with parsley and pimento, let sit for 5 minutes and serve.

photo credit: Steven Whitehurst





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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:48 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 19 September 2016 11:21 AM CDT
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Saturday, 10 September 2016
How-To Cut Up A Whole Chicken (Video)
Topic: Food
I sometimes think about the things that current and future generations have lost from those past.  My grandmother was a Southern lady who had done everything from tending a garden, to raising farm animals, by the time she moved to Chicago.  One skill of hers that I never quite picked up was how to cut up a chicken.  I really wish I had!  She used to do it so easily -- like it was second nature!  Grandma always told me that it was cheaper to buy a whole chicken and to do your own cutting, than to buy pre-cut pieces.  Guess what...She Was Rght!  By cutting up your own chicken you also get the back; with doesn't have a whole lotta meat, but is tasty fried or baked!  Here's a video to pass on what can be looked at as the lost skill of cutting up a chicken:

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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 6:23 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 6:27 PM CDT
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Friday, 9 September 2016
Model Jeane Monroe Unveils New Website
Topic: Visual Media

Jeane Monroe, a 5'4 105lb. beauty from sunny Tucson, Arizona has just opened her new website to the public.  Born on October 5th, this gorgeous green-eyed blonde is looking to make her mark on the modeling world.  With her looks she's sure to do just that!  Take a look at her site and you'll agree!!!  Visit her website today:

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 3:19 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 September 2016 6:34 PM CDT
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Friday, 2 September 2016
Entice Love Entices Fans With New Website
Topic: Visual Media

The gorgeous Entice Love has just cracked the seal on her brand new official website, opening it up to all admirers.  The 5'7 125 knockout hails from Sacramento, California and is offering website members access to her latest photo shoots, live shows and more!  Join her website today and you won't be disappointed!

Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 8:22 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 5:50 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Chinese Military Moving Into Africa
Topic: Military

photo courtesy of

China is building a military base in the small East African country of Djibouti.  Chinese media reports that a $4 Billion railroad will link the capital of Ethiopia to the new port housing the military facility.  Due to be finished next year, the base will feature weapons stores, ship and helicopter maintenance facilities, and possibly Chinese marines or special forcesChina has long been involved in deals for Africa's natural wealth, but now the Chinese will have a standing military presence on the continent.
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 9:36 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 5:54 PM CDT
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Harvey School Board Member Charged With Sexual Assault
Topic: Crime

photo: School District 152

A longtime Harvey, Illinois city employee and member of that community's School District 152 Board has been charged with committing sexual assault at Harvey's City Hall.  The sexual assault allegedly happened on Friday.  On Monday Tyrone Rogers, 59, was charged.
A 49 year-old woman had gone to City Hall to meet with Rogers on behalf of a friend.  She alleged that she was led into a room, then Rogers locked the door behind her and commenced with the assault.  Rogers, Director of Commuter Parking for the city was placed on unpaid leave.
Roger's wife, Janet, also a school board member, was convicted of theft and state benefits fraud in 2004.  She stepped down from the board, but rejoined it with a criminal record after she was pardoned by then Governor Pat Quinn (D).
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 4:34 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 5:56 PM CDT
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Monday, 29 August 2016
Great American Lobster Fest - Sept. 2nd & 3rd (Chicago)
Topic: Food


Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 12:18 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 5:57 PM CDT
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Sunday, 28 August 2016
Election 2016: Decision 2016!
Topic: Politics

In the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election, The Whitehurst Blog makes no endorsement.   Me personally, I'm not voting for any of these candidates and here's why:
There is no way I'm voting for a Republican or a Libertarian. The Republican Party (proud home of the Tea Party) wears their bigotry like a badge of honor.  The Republican Party doesn't even pretend to like people of color in general, and Black people in particular.  As this relates to the Libertarian Party, Libertarians are just Republicans running under another party banner.
As far as Hillary Clinton goes, I remember her campaign as being the group that started the stupid and racist "Birther" movement against Barack Obama in 2008. I also never forgot the fact that Hillary Clinton had investments in apartheid South Africa; when every person of conscience was told to divest. Between 1978 and 1981 she owned shares in DeBeers diamond mines...Can anyone say supporting an apartheid economy and blood diamonds simultaneously?
Lastly there is Dr. Cornel West's chosen candidate, Jill Stein from the Green Party. I was thinking of voting for her, but she considers Wikileaks to be heroic. I think Wikileaks is a threat to national security. Besides that, they've published personal info on everyday people, including outing a gay man in the middle east where such a revelation can be deadly. Wikileaks has also published the personal information of rape victims and children -- absolutely disgusting!  The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, even made a veiled threat against Bill Maher when he was interviewed on Maher's show.
I'm not voting for any of these candidates! I'll stick to the congressional races. Now that Obama's presidency is coming to an end it's back to really sub-par candidates!  President Obama hasn't been perfect, but in my opinion he's been very good!  He ended the war in Iraq, created a health care system (as flawed as it may be), he got Osama Bin Laden and he pulled us out of the economic meltdown that George Bush left behind.  The inept candidates in this election won't have the same accomplishments, because their aims are very different from what Obama's were. Based on who wins, the next president will either benefit Wall Street (Clinton) or Wall Street & Klan Street (Trump).  Neither one will be too concerned with welfare of Black Street!
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Posted by Steven Whitehurst at 9:19 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2016 5:58 PM CDT
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