Windows: 7.0 million lines
Linux OS: 0.5 million lines only, safely built.
Windows OS: 7.0 million lines!
B. Where is ChineseLinux?
Red Flag Linux (Shanghai), a publicly-funded entity,
devoted to Chinese LINUX development specially since 1990's.
See webpage
C. "One Laptop per Child" world education program
OS: Linux OS hardened with ASLR
In some way, it is more advanced than VISTA.
Quanta Computer, a company in TAIWAN has been selected
to develop the hardware of the 100,000,000 LAPTOP.
One publicly-funded Red Flag Linux Shanghai
After more than 10 years' development,
it needs to bear some "practical fruit" NOW.
2. needs an "input method(s)" which is(are) manageable by
an average Chinese child.
Two privately-funded organizations:
(i) CKC System (HK),
4-corner NUMBER CODE
("computer version" of WANG Yun-Wu 4-corner 10 strokes method)
(ii) GeoStroke System (USA),
(10 "Geo-metrical" typical-Stroke method)
After some 10 years' development,
both CKC and GeoStroke can do the job TODAY.
3. Without the publicly-funded "Red Flag" ChineseLinux,
one-laptop-per-child program will be DIFFICULT in CHINA!
But, it is not impossible!
(Overseas privately-funded organization(s) MAY turn out 2 versions,
traditional & simplified, of Chinese LINUX sooner !)
Are we ???