Knowing Chinese Computing
GeoStroke Navigator
Searching A Chinese Character |
INDEX Method |
Chinese UNICODE Won't Help At All. |
Decimal Internal Code |
Chinese Computing Chinese KEYBOARDs GBK Code
continues in GBK - search |
Following are the "Attached FORMS" used by
UNIVERSITY Entrance Examinations
in mainland China.
In case the above CHART disappeared
from w.w.w. again, please "click" here to view the .gif in file.
How does a student know the GBK code
(or other "code") of his "name" ?
Are the hundred-some-page "cross-reference books"
widely available in all remote villages ?
From a long long not-well-organized list, do you know
how time-consuming is it to find these "codes" for a "name" ?!
This backwards method needs to be "improved" ASAP.
Since January 1, 2007