NOTE: I'm not using any templates, and my HTML coding skills are rudimentary at best. Therefore, there are no permalinks. If you look under ARCHIVES, to the right, you'll generally find an active link to a copy of the current day's page. If you want to link to something on this page, you should, instead, link to the archive copy, under this day's date. The stuff on this page changes; the archive copy should stay put.
The ARCHIVE heading itself is a link to a page where you can see what's become of my two previous blogs, MAJOR ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT'S WEBBLOG and DOC NEBULA'S EASTERN OREGON DUM DUM DEPRESSION BLOG.
Due to some publishing stuff that may or may not actually happen with some of my writing, I recently got a PAY PAL account, and since I got a PAY PAL account, and I'm currently unemployed and broke, and I think I'm a good writer and my writing should be worth money, I figured I'd stick a PAY PAL button on this site. Obviously, its use is entirely optional, but hey, if you feel I provided you with something of worth and you feel moved to make a donation, knock yourself out. I wanted one of those cool little 'don't forget to tip the website' buttons all the big kids seem to have, but I guess they aren't available as one of Pay Pal's free options. The button is at the top of my links list on the right of the blog itself. Go nuts.
And if you think I'm a soulless mercenary or just, you know, dreaming that anyone is gonna PAY me for this nonsense, you're probably right. There's a comment thread below. Go nuts there, too.
* RED ALERT * Because I'm an idiot, and got busy on Tuesday doing other stuff... shopping and cashing checks and seeing a movie... I completely spaced on what day it was and FORGOT BUFFY WAS ON TUESDAY NIGHT.
If anyone reading this taped the Series Finale, and can make a copy or will loan me their tape, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email me at and let me know. PLEASE.
Woden’s Day May 21 2003
Scott Shepherd probably speaks for my entire readership when he emails me and says, in tones doubtless ringing with appalled disbelief:
>>You forgot that Buffy was on????
Yeahhhh... hard to believe, but here's the drill...
I had a reasonably good day yesterday... I decided to give myself a Be Good To Darren Day, although I really couldn't afford it, reasoning no one else was going to do it if I didn't... and seemed to be in some kind of weird social 'zone'... I didn't get laid, mind you (that would have been completely wild and unprecedented success) but I met several interesting strangers in the course of the day and had some good conversations, from having a nice, shallow but fun little chat with a 19 year old former stripper and current bartender named Catherine that I was standing in line with at the bank, to meeting the Best Looking Male Comics Geek In The World at the bus stop at Britton Plaza, and having a long interesting chat with him about comics on the bus coming back over to my neighborhood. (He's a Grant Morrison freak, and aspires to write like 'that guy who wrote GRAVITY'S RAINBOW', so you know he's deeply, deeply disturbed, but it was the most interesting real time conversation I've had in months. I could not hang out with this guy full time, though; he’s just WAY too good looking. I like to choose my male geek friends so I’m the best looking guy in an admittedly trollish crowd whenever we go out to see movies together. Shallow but true.) And all through the day, I had these brief interactions with folks, strangers and casual acquaintances from around the apartment complex, and I seemed to offend no one, and in fact, most people seemed to find me funny and pleasant. Doesn't happen often.
In the course of the day, I cashed a check, treated myself to a comics buying expedition (the first in months), to a cheap lunch at a mall food court (just like I was a normal human being) to another showing of X-2 (this one in a comfortable theater)... and I simply lost all track of what day it was, or that by the time I got out of the 5:25 showing of X-2, we were hard approaching The Slayer Hour on Tuesday night. I still had a tiny bit of shopping to do, and didn't want to head home without picking the last few things... shampoo and milk... that I needed up (once that door closes behind me again, I don't venture out much before the following day, and I REALLY needed shampoo). So I headed across the street to Wal-green's, did what I needed to do with no sense of urgency at all... and didn't even notice what time it was when I got home. I signed online, started surfing and chatting with a few people... and realized, with an appalled shock, at about 9:15, that I was currently missing the Season Finale of SMALLVILLE and... holy shit!... had completely missed the Season Finale of BUFFY.
I can't believe it either, but it happened.
On that subject, response has been immediate… emotional ubermensch Scott Shepherd, the no doubt astonishingly sexy Suspiria (hey, she’s a stripper in Las Vegas, she must be completely hot) and someone I don’t even know but am very happy to hear from named Jenny Forever (GREAT name), have all offered to send me tapes. Since I’d rather be bombarded with several copies of the ep than never see it, I’ve sent them all my snailmail address, and hope that either none of them are stalkers, or if any of them are, they’re female stalkers who look a great deal like they could star in their own shows on the WB Network.
This isn’t to say that anyone else out there may not send me the ep, too; as I say, I’d rather get fifty tapes than none at all, and the more people say they’ll put one in the mail to me, the better the chances of any one of them actually doing it. So if you’ve got a copy and want to be nice to… well, to a not very nice and really extremely annoying and whiney guy most of you don’t know at all, and who will never be in a position to do any kind of favor for you back, email me at and I’ll give you my snailmail address.
When and if I actually get one of these tapes in the mail, and it actually works in my VCR, I will post the news immediately so the rest of you can save on your postage charges. And, while I’ve written and thanked all these nice folks, I will do so here, as well. Thank you, Scott, Suspiria, and Jenny. You are all hereby declared Gifts of the Magii and Cultural Treasures of the Brown Eyed Handsome Nation.
NOW… Before my drop dead gorgeous female in-laws start jumping up and down in the comment threads wanting to know my chat handles so they can bombard me with IMs while I’m online… please know that I sign online to do one of several things these days… check my email, work on this blog or any of several other websites or MSN Groups I’ve put up over the last year or so to showcase various aspects of my creativity, check to see if Dubya has blown the planet up recently (or shifted the National Alert level to ‘Red’, meaning martial law has been declared and I might get shot if I go outside my apartment, since in a Florida context, I visually fit pretty much every deputy sheriff’s preconception of a terrorist), and last and certainly not least, pick up someone in an adult chat room and have some cybersex with them. None of those things are conducive to chatting with people who know who I am in the real world, which is why no one who knows who I am in the real world knows any of my chat handles. Nor will they.
That’s about as subtle as I get, Mel and Erica. YES, I WAS deliberately ignoring your hints in a former chat thread of long ago. Sorry, but email works just fine for maintaining ongoing contact with lovely women married to my close relatives. ;)
And… ::sigh:: the water is turned off in the building, and the noisy police style radios that the plumbers use to keep in touch with each other while they're installing new water heaters throughout the complex (like they can’t just get cell phones the way everyone else does) are making beeping and squawking sounds from down the hall, so I know it’s a shiny new day here in the Brown Eyed Handsome Nation. And you know what? I also have a shiny new water heater and now my hot water will no longer get really hot. I don’t even have to run any cold water mixed in with it when I take a hot shower, and it doesn’t really get what I’d call ‘hot’… just, sort of intensely warm. Very annoying. I think I’m being energy conserved whether I wanted to be or not (and, you know, if it means I can’t have a really hot shower any more, I definitely do not).
Yes, I’ll definitely find things to bitch about regardless of whether I shouldn't just be happy to still be alive and housed and fed, or not. We all need to have something we’re really, really good at.
For a change and a wonder, this one, our wrap up, should be relatively short.
This one is about trying to explain, not how vampire metabolism works, but exactly why, when vampires obviously have at least some sort of working simulation of living biological metabolism going on, they are, apparently, completely ignorant that this is so, and nobody else ever notices.
There is an obvious explanation, and it’s one I’ve bitched about at great length before this... Joss Whedon and his writers simply don’t care. Their attitude seems very much to be, they want to produce an entertaining melodrama/supernatural soap opera. They want vampires to be scary and inhuman and alien sometimes, and they want them to function as humans when human function is necessary or desirable to melodramatic necessity at other times. They don’t need no steenking badges, meester, or no steenking explanations, neither... if the fans want explanations that bad, they’ll come up with their own. All Whedon and his crew want, ultimately, is to cash their paychecks and chug some margaritas at the end of the day.
Before I go on with this, I want to take a moment to outline, briefly, the two different sorts of serial melodrama/fantasy fans there are, in this regard. This is important, because Joss Whedon seems to be one sort of fan, and thus, that sort of creator, while I am the other sort of fan and creator, and thus, intrinsically and irrefutably superior to Whedon.
These two basic groups of fans I call ‘continuity buffs’ and their opposite numbers, the It’s Just A Freakin’ Story, Fanboy Society.
Continuity buffs, like me, essentially care about our fictional realities and the imaginary friends who live in them. We like to take our fiction somewhat seriously. Most of us aren’t crazy enough to think that Earth: BUFFY, or the Marvel Universe, or Heinlein’s Future History timeline, are ‘real’ or ‘valid’ in any sense of actually existing out there somewhere in the multiverse, but while we’re watching or reading stuff set in these fantasy worlds, we want to believe in them. We read fiction because we enjoy being taken to some exciting place we can believe is ‘real’ and take seriously, and we like to meet interesting people who live in that place that we can similarly impose some credibility in.
Members of the It’s Just A Freakin’ Story, Fanboy Society, on the other hand, call fans like me ‘continuity Nazis’, and preen and give themselves airs as being just so unbelievably mature, because, yes, they watch SF and fantasy on TV and they read comic books and Robert A. Heinlein, but, nonetheless, they’re grown up enough to understand, as apparently we continuity Nazis do not, that BUFFY is just a TV show, and GREEN LANTERN is just a comic book, and it doesn’t matter whether every tiny little thing makes perfect sense or agrees with every other preceding tiny little thing. It’s Just A Freakin’ Story. And as long as they find it to be a good and entertaining story, well, they don’t care if Superman never in his life behaved so obnoxiously before John Byrne started writing him, or if it doesn’t make sense that Spike says he doesn’t breathe while lighting up a cigarette. It is, after all, Just A Freakin’ Story.
It should go without saying, I loathe these people the way Superman loathes Jimmy Olsen’s signal watch, the way Xander loathes Angel and Spike, the way Tim Drake loathes Jason Todd. And, unfortunately, Joss Whedon is one of these people.
I know Whedon is one of the It’s Just A Freakin’ Story, Fanboy Society, because, in point of fact, Whedon has given us continuity nuts a workable explanation for all these ridiculous problems and discontinuities in BUFFY and ANGEL. With a smirk and a sneer, he contemptuously tossed us this explanation, as if off handedly lobbing a poisoned milk-bone to an obnoxiously noisy dog, towards the end of the sixth season, knowing full well it would utterly infuriate every single intelligent, thinking BUFFY fan in existence. It’s a cruel, mean, horrible, and utterly unacceptable rationale, to those of us who love BUFFY and who want her world and the people who live in it to be ‘real’ on some emotional level... but, I have to admit, it’s a hypothesis that works really well. I reject it utterly, and think Whedon is a complete asshole for putting it into play, and frankly, to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, if this is how Joss Whedon is going to treat his imaginary characters and their fans, then he doesn’t deserve to have any of either. But I have to admit, he’s given us an explanation, and it’s one that works.
Whedon’s explanation is simple, and it’s just about the oldest, most obnoxiously unpalatable cliche there is... BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER is, basically, all a dream.
In point of fact, it’s a very specific sort of dream… a paranoid delusion. As presented by Whedon 2/3s of the way through the sixth season, the truth is simple: Earth-BUFFY, as I’ve referred to it in these articles, does not exist. Buffy Summers is a deranged young girl lost in the throes of a complete schizoid retreat from reality. She’s in an asylum somewhere in California, and her adventures as a vampire slayer are nothing more than elaborately detailed and over-imaginative hallucinations on her part. Everything we’ve ever seen taking place in this show, in the movie, and on ANGEL is an imaginary scenario dreamed up in the depths of Buffy Summer’s psychotic mind.
In some ways, this is a brilliant explanation, because it means all that stuff about the soul and the self and vampire sexuality and even the completely ridiculous magical and technological devices Warren and Jonathan and Andrew all create... doesn’t matter. Yes, it’s absurd that Warren can speed up entropy with something the size of a grain of rice, or build functional slut-bots with artificial intelligences that both the living and the dead can actually have sex with, and that cannot easily be told from real human beings, in his mother’s basement. Yes, vampires having sex with humans is really crazy. Yes, if Jonathan can cast a spell making himself a veritable god, it’s insane that he wouldn’t simply keep casting it every chance he gets, or that Xander wouldn’t steal the scroll from him and cast it his damn self. Yes, all this is crazy... of course it is, because it’s simply a deranged hallucination, and therefore, it doesn’t have to make sense.
Now, I dislike this explanation. It’s the sort of explanation that is very nearly a pulsating avatar of the It’s Just A Freaking Story, Fanboy philosophy. It tells us that, in fact, there is a coherent, consistent explanation for the seeming internal contradictions displayed every week in BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and ANGEL... and that explanation is, literally, It’s Just A Freaking Story, Fanboy. Or, more literally, It’s Just A Freaking Paranoid Delusion, Fanboy… Get Over It.
One can very nearly hear Whedon laughing in the clear, cruelly strident tones of resident SIMPSON’S bully Nelson Muntz as he wrote this episode. “HA ha!” he sneers, as he types away with idiot cheerfulness, gloating as he willfully shreds the hopes and dreams and joys and emotional investments of a million or more of his greatest creation’s most devoted followers.
However, having said that, I will also say that I think this explanation is about half-right. Which is to say, I think there is, within the fictional multiverse that contains Earth: BUFFY, actually, a Sunnydale Mental Hospital that contains a patient named Buffy Summers, who has paranoid delusions in which she, and her imaginary friends, fight supernatural evil on an ongoing basis, often employing superhuman abilities and mythic weapons in their never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way.
And I also believe that within that fictional multiverse, Earth: BUFFY also exists, on a nearby parallel timeline. And, over the past six years, somehow the psyche of the Buffy Summers on the one timeline (where she is now completely whacked out and locked up in a loonie bin, which we’ll call, for the sake of convenience from now on, Earth: Crazy Buffy, or just Earth-C) has come into contact with the psyche of her dimensional counterpart, the Buffy Summers on Earth: BUFFY (Earth-B), who is, actually, a Slayer, and who does, actually, battle supernatural evil, along with her frequently superhuman friends and allies.
How this psychic link between two Buffies was forged I haven’t worked out yet (and don’t have to, since BUFFY is cancelled and no one is going to let me write ANGEL). Perhaps some nasty hellgod or powerful demon cast a spell or a curse on the Slayer and it wound up having this effect. Or maybe Crazy Buffy took some bad acid when she was 15, and wound up attuning her perceptions to an alternate timeline where magic actually exists, and her otherdimensional doppelganger is Mankind’s Chosen Champion against supernatural evil. However it happened, the end result is, Crazy Buffy is now psychically linked to Slayer Buffy.
However, this has not resulted simply in Crazy Buffy going, well, crazy. As Egon, Ray Stantz, or even Peter Venckman might inform us at this point, the door swings both ways. The link between dimensions does not simply cause Crazy Buffy to behave in a manner that is, in her own reality context, viewed as completely irrational and outright nuts, it also has a discernible effect on the reality of Slayer Buffy.
In other words, Crazy Buffy’s desires, and emotional biases, and melodramatic needs for romantic mythological figures and themes, have infiltrated and undermined the basic physics and reality of Slayer Buffy’s world. Prior to the two Buffies’ minds being linked in this manner, vampires doubtless were simply walking corpses, and were entirely horrific and grotesque. Or, perhaps, they had necromantically reanimated but still functional biologies, and they were aware of it, too, and didn’t say stupid things like “I don’t breathe” while lighting up a cigarette.
However, Crazy Buffy perceives Slayer Buffy falling in love with a vampire named Angel, and she wants Angel to be able to have full human sexual/romantic function. So, in a dreamlike way, this change is imposed on Slayer Buffy’s reality. Alternatively, Crazy Buffy sees Slayer Buffy kissing Angel and says to herself, ‘that’s ridiculous, vampires are just walking corpses, that can’t possibly happen’. This alters Slayer Buffy’s reality to the point where vampires and humans believe what Crazy Buffy believes... that vampires don’t breathe and their hearts don’t beat... when, in fact, they do. But since Earth:BUFFY is now under the influence of a whimsical madwoman in another dimension, while the function of vampire metabolism remains the same as it has always been, now, no one notices it.
The whims of Crazy Buffy altering Slayer Buffy’s local reality also explains all that nonsense that Jonathan, Andrew, and especially Warren can do. Crazy Buffy is obviously a Silver Age comic book and SF/fantasy geek; she thinks artificial intelligence and humanoid robots and speeding up time and spells where a nerd can become a superstar to everyone else in reality are cool, so she imposes those bizarre and senseless fantasies on Slayer Buffy’s world. To an extent, everything that has occurred around Slayer Buffy since she became the Slayer has been increasingly tinged by madness over the past several years, as Crazy Buffy becomes more and more drawn into their mutually synergistic psychosis. It started gradually, with Angel declaring “I don’t have breath”, even though he obviously does, and always has, and he probably doesn’t understand why he said that, or believed it, at the time... as in a dream, when we all sometimes say, and do, and even believe things, that on some level, we know aren’t true.
It started with that, but it has since proceeded to truly insane levels of delusion. Angel leaves and goes to Los Angeles. Crazy Buffy hates this development; she was enjoying the whole Slayer/vampire mythic romance thing, so she begins to subtly alter Spike’s behavior so he can be a substitute boyfriend for Buffy. Her first attempt to do this was rather overt, in having Spike and Buffy briefly be mind controlled into falling in love; she then found more subtle ways to effect the changes she wanted.
The point is, eventually, someone on Earth-B would have to discover this psychic link that is wreaking such havoc in their local reality, and do something about it. Angel and his crew might well set out to go to Earth-C and kill Crazy Buffy, to put her out of her misery, and restore Earth-B to ‘normalcy’. Were I writing that story, I would, in the end, have Angel and his gang somehow or other manage to restore Crazy Buffy to sanity. (This would work better as an actual BUFFY story arc, but BUFFY is cancelled, so never mind.) Then we could do the scene where Angel wistfully watches from the shadows as Crazy Buffy, now sane, is taken home by her parents, who on Earth-C, of course, are neither divorced nor dead. (Having Spike watch with some satisfaction as he sees a still living Joyce would be good, although not as good as the wrenching emotions with which Buffy herself... Slayer Buffy, our Buffy... would watch such a scene, while knowing that she herself can never have that ‘normal’ life, and must, now, return to her own world, and her own duties as the Slayer.)
Anyway, that’s my explanation for all this nonsense, for what little it’s worth. It will never be ‘official’, but it incorporates everything we’ve been shown to date, and explains away all the annoying stupidities, not just of the last two seasons, but of every season, while allowing a way to proceed sensibly after the source of the inconsistencies is resolved.
And, yes, now we’re done! No more BUFFY nonsense, at least, for a while, we hope.
By generally accepted social standards, I’m not a likable guy. I’m not saying that to get cheap reassurances. It’s simply the truth. I regard many social conventions in radically different ways than most people do, I have many many controversial opinions, and I tend to state them pretty forthrightly. This is not a formula for popularity in any social continuum I've ever experienced.
In my prior blogs, I took the fairly standard attitude: if you don’t like my opinions or my blog, don’t read the fucking thing. Having given that some more thought, though, I’m not going to say that this time around, because I’ve realized that what this is basically saying is, ‘if you don’t like what I have to say, tough, I don’t want to hear it, don’t even bother to tell me, just go away’.
And that’s actually a pretty worthless attitude. It's basically saying, 'I don't want to hear anything except unconditional agreement and approval'. And that's nonsense. This is still a free country… for a little while longer, anyway… and if you really feel you just gotta send me a flame, or post one on my comment threads (assuming they actually work, which I cannot in any way guarantee) then by all means, knock yourself out. Unless your flame is exceptionally cogent, witty, or stylish, though, I will most likely ignore it. You do have a right to say anything you want (although I’m not sure that’s a right when you’re doing it in my comment threads, but hey, you can certainly send all the emails you want). However, I have an equal right not to read anything I don’t feel like reading… and I’m really quick with the delete key… as various angry folks have found in the past, when they decided they just had to do their absolute level best to make me as miserable as possible.
So, if you don’t like my opinions, feel free to say so. However, if I find absolutely nothing worthwhile in your commentary, I will almost certainly not respond to it in any way. Stupidity, ignorance, intolerance… these things are only worth my time and attention if they’re entertaining. So unless you can be stupid, ignorant, and/or intolerant with enough with, style, and/or panache to amuse me… try to be smart, informed, and broad minded when you write me. Like it? Hate it? Hit me with your best shot.
Emily Jones (nee' Hawkgirl, she doesn't seem to be using that blog name anymore, but I'm a geek, I really like it)
ROBERT A. HEINLEIN, MARK EVANIER & ME: Robert Heinlein's Influence on Modern Day Superhero Comics
KILL THEM ALL AND LET NEO SORT THEM OUT: The Essential Immorality of The Matrix
HEINLEIN: The Man, The Myth, The Whackjob
Why I Disliked Carol Kalish And Don't Care If Peter David Disagrees With Me
MARTIAN VISION, by John Jones, the Manhunter from Marathon, IL
Doc Nebula's Phantasmagorical Fan Page!
World Of Empire Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign
Universal Agent*
Universal Law*
Return to Erberos*
Short Stories:
Alleged Humor:
Fan Fic:
A Day Unlike Any Other (Iron Mike & Guardian)
DOOM Unto Others! (Iron Mike & Guardian)
Starry, Starry Night(Iron Mike & Guardian)
A Friend In Need (Blackstar & Guardian)
All The Time In The World(Blackstar)
The End of the Innocence(Iron Mike & Guardian)
And Be One Traveler(Iron Mike & Guardian)
AMAZONIA by D.A. Madigan & Nancy Champion (7 pages final script)
TEAM VENTURE by Darren Madigan and Mike Norton
FANTASTIC FOUR 2099, by D.A. Madigan!
Ever wondered what happened to the World's Finest Super-team?
Two heroes meet their editor...
At the movies with some legendary Silver Age sidekicks...
What really happened to Kandor...
Ever wondered how certain characters managed to get into the Legion of Superheroes?
A never before seen panel from the Golden Age of Comics...
well, I can’t go outside, I’m afraid I might not make it home
I’m alive, I’m alive… but I’m sinkin’ in
If there’s anybody home at your house, darlin’
Why don’t you invite me in?
Don’t try to bleed me
‘cuz I’ve been there before and I deserve a little more
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Did I ask too much? More than a lot?
You gave me nothing, now it’s all I’ve got
We’re one…
But we’re not the same