A Brown Eyed Handsome Man

Testing one two three
can anybody hear me?
If I shed the irony
Would everybody cheer me?
If I acted less like me
Would I be in the clear?
We recognize the present
Is half as pleasant
As our nostalgia for a past that we resented
Recast and reinvented
Until it’s how we meant it

Early Tuesday Dec 2 2003

You’re tired of me bitching about the lack of comments on this blog, and I’m nearly as tired of bitching about it, so… ::shrug:: I’ll thank Sidhe for her one comment on my last entry, mention in passing that you’ve all been told in the past what may well happen if I continue feeling like I’m largely talking to myself, and move on.

Paid the landlady today with a check that should be good, if Bank of America ever gets off their ass and actually validates my paycheck, which I deposited via ATM on Saturday afternoon. The check is drawn on SunTrust, and I assume Village Inn must be a sizable corporate account; why the money still hasn’t appeared in my account after a full day of regular bank service I do not know. But its been my experience that banks are not constrained by civility or even efficiency, and rarely influenced by either.

Mike Sawin is history. He had a comment on my last entry referring me to my email box; my email box contained a note from him with “All Good Things…” in the subject line. One presumes the rest of the quote was “come to an end”, and my only objection to that is his calling his interaction on my blog a ‘good thing’… but ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are always subjective.

I don’t know what the email said; I intensely dislike reading anything from Sawin for various personal reasons, so I deleted it unread. But I presume it was Sawin telling me that he’s not going to be commenting on my blog any more. If I’m wrong, well, I banned his ass anyway, so one way or another, that’s less irritation in my life.

I’m nearly finished re-reading Friday, probably for the fiftieth time or so. I have no idea what I’ll take down from the shelves next. I’ve started watching Angel Season 2. I just finished watching my DVD of The Terminator and I’m pleased to see that even after nearly twenty years (jesus christ! Who do I call to report two entire stolen decades?) it remains pretty much a perfect movie, and perhaps the best SF film that has ever been made… certainly it’s the best time travel movie ever.

JoeBobBriggs.com sent me a couple of packages of books a few days ago, but two of them are Terry Brooks horseshit I wouldn’t read unless the only alternative involved torture with hot irons. The other two are a commentary on Tolkien that I may read at some point, and an anthology of pre-Tolkien fantasy stories that were probably influential on the creation of Middle Earth, which I’ll check out, since early era fantasy can be interesting. The Terry Brooks garbage I’ll give to Paul’s friend Pat as an early Christmas present, since Paul has told me that Pat likes Brooks.

I’ve had very little email lately, and PublishAmerica hasn’t responded to my importunings as yet. Annoyingly, an SF contest that Hartmut pointed out to me is apparently overfull or not in existence any longer; I emailed three stories to them and got all three mailed daemoned back to me.

I’ve listened to the new CDs Scott Shepherd sent me a few times. The Barenaked Ladies one is quite good, although I’m already rather tired of the Monkey Postcards song. “War On Drugs”, “Shopping”, “Maybe Katie” and “Testing One Two Three” are all standout tracks so far, though. The Crash Test Dummies I’ve only listened to enough to be kind of familiar with it, but I enjoy the song about Superman and Tarzan. Thanks again, Scott.

Okay, enough of this, here’s the letter I mentioned from Adam Keller, which I found so heartening to receive:

From: "Adam Keller"
To: "docnebula01@juno.com"
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003
Subject: Heinlein

I just ran by accident into you Heinlein article, searching for something totally different, and I wanted to say that not only my general attitude to his work virtually identical to yours, but also my list of good and bad Heinleins is 95% the same as yours. The only conspicuous difference is Rocket Ship Gallileo which I like - but that might be because I read it while undergoing basic training in the Israeli Army back in 1974 which was a difficult and unhappy time (mostly because of the attitude of fellow-trainees rather than of the sergeant who was rather decent though severe) and needed an escape very much.

Farnham's Freehold is the only Heinlein book which I put down after reading less than half and never was interested to read how things came out, so only today I found about the really nasty parts in it. The Puppet Masters has always been my favorite, in either version. I have both side by side on my bookshelf, the 1951 paperback completely fallen apart but I would not give it away for whatever fortune.

(When I read the "full" version I know to the word which parts had been in the more slim version and which not. (I suppose it is the same with you.) One part of the full version - the pages which describe what the Titans were up to once they stop masquerading and discovered sex - is a bit disgusting and in bad taste and I think the book would have stayed better without it; but other parts of the full version I like and they make it richer than without them.

Whenever I go to see my parents in Tel-Aviv I pass the place where small bookshop once was (it ceased to exist more than twenty years ago) and I always think then of The Puppet Masters, because that is where I bought a Hebrew translation of the book when I was thirteen and stated to read it there and then on the street. I still clearly remember looking around idly and noticing the blurb on the back which started with the quotation "a man wearing a coat is an enemy - shoot!" which made me so curious I felt I MUST buy the book and read and see what can be so wrong about wearing a coat... (and now, when I get to that place in the book, I always think of the little bookshop). By the way, the Hebrew version - I think now that it was a pirated one without paying royalties - was entitled "The Earth Invaded!" and with a picture of more conventional, ray- gun toting aliens which had nothing to do with the book. And some years later I went to a cinema which featured a film also entitled "The Earth Invaded!" only to find that it was a Dr. Who film - a very good one in itself, but not what I expected...

Anyway, until now when I feel troubled I just pick up The Puppet Masters and open it at random and read a few pages and somehow it always helps. And three years ago, when I was waiting for four hours in a hospital anteroom while my wife was being operated inside, I read this book - knowing that there are in it some very scary bad scenes in it but that everything comes out right in the end, and trying to work a kind of sympathetic magic - which worked perfectly! (Well, it was not a very dangerous operation - which did not stop from being very scared...)

Some time ago when reading the scene in Congress I was struck by the President pointing a finger at somebody and shouting: "Mark Cummings - how about you? Are you a loyal citizen or are you a zombie spy?" and I realised that this was published in 1951 which is very much the McCarthy Era, and that the whole concept of people who look and behave as if they are OK but are in fact controlled by the enemy and are very dangerous and you have to discover them and then are completely justified in just shooting them could have a very unpleasant subtext. And still it does not in any way spoil my enjoyment of the book.

"Starship Troopers" I read at the age of 17 and it had an important effect on me - it was one of the main factors making me very much want to be a combat soldier and take part in a war. (There were many other influences, like a friend of my father coming back from the 1973 fighting on the Suez Canal and talking to us a whole night about his experiences and I sitting starry-eyed and not realising he was deeply shell-shocked and was to undergo years of intensive psychiatric treatment.)

By the way, we had in Israel a general name Rafael Ethan, who after the army became a politician and a government minister and who advocated in all seriousness the idea that only ex-soldiers would have the vote. I don't think he ever read "Starship Troopers" but rather invented it all by himself. Fortunately he is out of our politics now. (Plenty of nasty characters still in them).

You did not mention "Space Cadet" which is also a book which in younger age made me wish to have a miltary career. It is still one of my favorites, completely nonwithstanding that is supposed to be a "juvenile" which I long since stopped being, at least by biological age. On reading it now I am a bit shocked by the hero's ability to accept the idea of dropping nuclear bombs on cities, and still it does not stop me from liking the book.

I see that like me you like "Starman Jones" and especially part with the Centauroids (which is obviously Heinlein re-writing the fourth book of Gulliver's Travels and expressing his exasperation with Swift's admiration for the intelligent horses). And I am not really disturbed by the arguments used to convince Max to become captain, which are essentially very conservative.

You make no reference to Heinlin's short stories. For me the favorite of anything which I ever read of him is "The Long Watch" in "The Green Hills of Earth". That is one place where I can find no fault with hero's values and his underlying philosophy and can very much identify with the hero's motivation. And that was true, from different reasons, when I was 18 and very eager to be a combat soldier and deeply frustrated y the fact that my bad eye-sight made that impossible and asked for interviews with senior officers and asked and asked them to please reconsider and let me serve in a combat unit - and nowadays, three decades later, when I made a name for myself (at least in some circles) as a Conscientious Objector who had spent three terms in the military prison for refusing orders and writing anti-occupation slogans on 117 tanks, and finally kicked out of my reserve unit with a very dishonourable psychiatric discharge. (In prison I read "Farmer in The Sky" - and from a small notice in a newspaper I learned of Heinlin's death - that was April 1988, the time of the first Intifada when Israeli papers had much news more interesting to most of their readers than the demise of an American SF writer.)

Throughout it all I could think of Johnny Dahlquist as a source of inspiration when I had to do something difficult, and I still do (even though I realise that in reality, dying of radioactivity is far more messy and unpleasant and involves processes which would spoil some of the romanticism - but it doen't matter).

Anyway, I have written far longer than I intended. I also don't have much opportunity for contact with Heinlein fans. In fact, I know only one such, and man named Yehuda Katz who lives in Tel-Aviv. His attitude to Heinlein is very similar to mine (and yours), so that makes three of us. If you want to publish this message and strengthen your hand towards these stupid blind admirers of Heinlein.


Adam Keller
7 Uziel St.
Holon 58343

PS: Re The Puppet Masters: a disturbing speculation which I have for years. What would have happened had the Titans succeeded in controlling Earth, or a part of it, for a whole generation. Suppose that only THEN, free human beings succeeded to get rid of them. Would people who had been controlled by them since being small children be able at all to fend for themselves? Would they be able to think their own thoughts after a Titan did their thinking for them for nearly their whole lifetime? Wouldn't the Titan personality overlay theirs much more deeply than that of a human who had had a time to develop independently? It might be interesting to write once a kind of alternative Puppet Masters history. Say that the initial skepticism of the President was not overcome, the US was overwhelmed, and the Old Man, Sam and Mary and few others escape into space or perhaps to Finland which is defended by the habit of communal nudity in the sauna (and which has a tradition of standing up against big odds) and plan the resistance from there. Enormous odds, but the Old Man if anybody could still somehow pull victory out of the jaws of such a defeat, after twenty years - but after they win, they then find bewildered young men and women who still half think Titan thoughts and dream Titan dreams and remember Titan memories, even when the Titans themselves are dead. And what then? All kinds of possibilities which could lead in directions Heinlein himself never thought of...

What can I say to that? I get a letter, not only from a fellow Heinlein fan and an obviously highly intelligent human being who has been touched on the other side of the world by my work, but this guy is obviously a genuine hero, as well… three prison terms in Israel for being a Conscientious Objector and writing anti-Occupation slogans on tanks? Holy mother of God. As Wayne and Garth have been known to intone, ‘I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy’… no lie there, either.

Adam, I’m astonished and touched you took the time to write to me, I’m enormously moved that my work meant as much to you as it did, I hope you got the links I sent you in response and are reading this now and have read my other Heinlein articles and enjoyed them too.

There are so many interesting comment hooks in Adam’s letter and that’s most likely what I’ll spend my next entry on, but right now, I think I’ll give my (perhaps entirely hypothetical) audience a chance to chime in. Whaddya think, folks? Isn’t Adam a mensch among mensches? Can you see why this letter means so much to me?

If I hide myself wherever I go, am I ever really there?


I just checked my martianmanhunter2 email account (which I do about twice a week) and in amongst the accumulated spam, found this email. I haven't done more than skim it, because it was obvious from the subject line that the writer was an emotional child, and it became obvious in the first paragraph that he was, in addition, subliterate, moronic, and boring. But I think it makes an excellent contrast to Adam's wonderful letter, above, and pretty much shows the opposite ends of the spectrum of the kind of unsolicited comments I get on my work. So, without further ado, here's Dipstick Dan:

From: "Daniel Sigal" (fightin_irish24@hotmail.com)
To: martianmanhunter*@juno.com
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 20:47:47 -0500

WOW, I didnt even bother finishing your article, 100% BULLSHIT, I have 2 things to say, one is that why is Star Wars not immoral but The Matrix is? some bullshit about it being ok in Star Wars because it was military action. Last time I checked, The Matrix was about a WAR between Man and Machine that had been going on for years, I believe you could classify that as military action, DIPSHIT. Second of all, you said that its not ok to kill minions of evil, which is exactly what your comic book "heroes" do is it not? they are always stopping crime, versions of evil minions. Now to the people of Zion these "evil minions" are the machines that are trying to destroy them, so therefore, by your logic, making their actions moral, correct? Now the agents are also "evil minions" but I will focus on Smith in Reloaded, in case you didnt catch it, Smith is a virus he is infecting the system, he should have left, but he didnt, now again, last time I checked, viruses where evil, therefore making Neo and the rest of their actions against the agents, moral.

Next, I found this paragraph, well quite, idiotic: "It's been a while since I watched The Matrix, but as best I can remember, no reason is ever given for exactly why every confrontation between Neo and the vaguely defined forces of evil is inherently violent. You'd think that an alien computer which can create and maintain an entire collective virtual reality would also be capable of doing more subtle things to retard Neo's rebellious activities (like, for example, creating a windowless steel cube around him and his friends, or turning the atmosphere around Neo into chlorine gas). You'd also think that Neo and his friends, all of whom can manipulate the physical parameters of the virtual reality around them pretty much any way they like, would be able to take any number of productive actions besides (a) create magical automatic weaponry with an unending supply of bullets and (b) shoot evil police officers over and over again while bouncing off the walls and ceilings."

Ok first of all, the "aliens" do not control the matrix, if you watched the movie, the architect created the matrix, the machines do not have complete control over the matrix, if they did, they would not have allowed Neo to be freed. Second of all, they cannot manipulate everything in the matrix, if you payed any attention to the movie, you would have realized that they were hackers, like in real life, hackers do not have access to everything, only some things. I would just like to make a little comment on your "unending supply of bullets" comment, if he had unlimited bullets, then why would he keep changing guns? wouldnt that just slow him down, but no, he had to because he didnt have unlimited bullets, what were you doing? counting off the rounds fired?

Thats it, Im through with you, next time you want to insult a movie, you might actually want to watch it and pay attention to it, DIPSHIT.

Just in casual passing, I'll note that (a) I've long since outgrown the need to respond to something I read on the Internet (or anywhere else) which expresses a subjective opinion I disagree with, even if I disagree virulently, unless that opinion is so onerous, and on such a vital subject (having to do with, you know, the welfare of fellow human beings) that I just HAVE to write. To my mind, coming across something someone has said about, you know, a movie or a book or a comic, and feeling so irate about it that you have to write to them and tell them you hate them is the act of a profoundly insecure, immature, and troubled mind. That observation is only compounded by the frequent personal insults salted around this missive, which is simply never called for.

Beyond that, taking this kind of near sociopathic personal umbrage at someone when you haven't even finished reading what they've written is simply stupid.

Finally, and worst of all, not only is Dipstick Dan a big whiney babygirl, he's a boring big whiney babygirl.

But, these two letters pretty much represent the extremes... heroic, intelligent, articulate strangers write to tell me they've enjoyed my work, and support why at great and flattering length... and, ::sigh:: drooling pinheads shriek like monkeys into their modems at me because I said something mean about their favorite action movie of all time, which its doubtful they themselves actually even partially comprehend.

And yet, both these folks, different though they are, are aspects of Divinity, just like me and thee, and my spiritual siblings.

'You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve,' said Aslan. 'And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor in earth.'"

-- C.S. Lewis

Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves
of all these demons haunting us
to keep us company?
Won't it be odd to be happy like
we always thought we're supposed to feel
but never seem to be?


In one of his many invaluable essays on life in Hollywood, Mark Evanier described his first meeting with legendary TV comic and icon Milton Berle. Upon being introduced to Uncle Miltie and shaking hands with him, Mark, who is a pretty witty guy, blurted out without even thinking about it, “Wow, I didn’t recognize you in men’s clothing”. According to Mark, this soured Uncle Miltie on him from that point forward, because Mark had broken Rule Number One When Hanging With Milton Berle, namely, Never Be Funnier Than Milton Berle.

I’m reminded of that anecdote now.

Recent experiences at Electrolite being pretty much entirely similar if not completely identical to my previous experiences at Uppity-Negro.com and TampaTantrum.com, I thought I’d take the time to extrapolate whatever wisdom there is to find in the whole mess. Here’s The Deal, as far as I can see:

If you want to make friends and influence people when you head out onto the blogging trail, at least, as regards your posting comments on other people’s blogs, you MUST NOT:

(a) seem smarter than the person writing the blog you are posting comments to

(b) be funnier than the person writing the blog you are posting comments to

(c) be a better writer than the person writing the blog you are posting comments to

(d) be correct when you point out some manner in which the person writing the blog you are posting comments to was wrong, and/or

(e) Upset The Wimmenfolk On The Blog.

Rule E comes mostly out of my experiences with Aaron Hawkin’s Uppity-Negro blog. He gets a lot of female posters and like any of us male geeks would be in that admirable position, he is thoroughly whipped by them. If a new reader comes along and does anything whatsoever to offend the babes on Aaron’s blog, that new reader can expect a cold shoulder from Aaron roughly the size of the Greenland glacier. I don’t really blame Aaron for this; for a male geek, positive female attention is a jewel beyond price, and if I ever had any women posting to my blog who weren’t related to me by marriage, I’d most likely dance and sing like a puppet on a string when they cracked the lash, too.

I should add to this that I’ve learned, from Electrolite, that one Must Not Be Whimsical, Oblique, or Overly Geeky When Posting To A Big Important Political Marketplace of Ideas Type Blog, because those guys just have no time for Theodore Marley Brooks or Cornelus van Lunt references, regardless of how amusing or entertaining you and some others may find them.

Now, I am posting this to point out that while these may be the universal Rules of the Road on other blogs (and as far as I can see, they are, indeed, pretty much universal) you can ignore them here. I don’t care if you:

(a) seem smarter than I am, I like people who are smarter than I am, as long as they’re not jerks about it;

(b) are funnier than I am, then I get to laugh at your witty remarks, and hey, that’s all good;

(c) are a better writer than I am. Although I’m in a peculiar place as regards writing skills; good enough to be better than nearly all the amateurs out there, not good or lucky enough to be a professional at it. So if you are a better writer than I am, you are probably a professional writer and therefore do not have time to post comments on other people’s blogs, so this probably doesn’t matter, as relates to this blog;

(d) correct my mistakes; unlike apparently 95% of the remainder of the human race, I am under no illusions as to my own infallibility and simply don’t care if someone points out that I am wrong about something. Being wrong about things does not strike me as either a character flaw or a shameful embarrassment; we are all wrong about a lot of things every day of our lives, and that’s just how that works;

(e) Upset My Wimmenfolk. Well, actually, I shouldn’t say I don’t care if you upset my wimmenfolk, I do, the very thought deeply offends me. However, it’s just that the wimmenfolk at this point on this blog are my mom, my cuz in law, and my sister in law, and if you do something to upset them, I strongly doubt the authorities finding what’s left of you will be able to identify you without a DNA comparison. My mom, and any woman who marries any of the males in this family and stays married to him for any length of time, are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. So offend them all you want; it’s a self correcting problem.

Oh, and I like geeky references and would just adore whimsical, cleverly elliptical posts to my comment threads, although I suspect I’d get annoyed if someone started posting a whole lot of Harry Potter-speak here, just for one example.

If there is a universal rule on this blog, it is quite simply, Do Not Be A Bigger Asshole Than The Blogger. In fact, if you can avoid it (and most of my small number of regular posters avoid it with style and panache) Don’t Be An Asshole At All. I am quite a big enough asshole myself to supply all the assholiness necessary for any blog, and I will continue to keep this blog well furnished with stupid remarks, doltish mistakes, whiney rationalizations, and defensive recriminations by the ton lot, there can be no doubt. You need bring none of your own asshole nature with you, I have plenty and am always willing to share.


By generally accepted social standards, I'm not a likable guy. I'm not saying that to get cheap reassurances. It's simply the truth. I regard many social conventions in radically different ways than most people do, I have many many controversial opinions, and I tend to state them pretty forthrightly. This is not a formula for popularity in any social continuum I've ever experienced.

In my prior blogs, I took the fairly standard attitude: if you don't like my opinions or my blog, don't read the fucking thing.

Having given that some more thought, though, I'm not going to say that this time around, because I've realized that what this is basically saying is, 'if you don't like what I have to say, tough, I don't want to hear it, don't even bother to tell me, just go away'.

And that's actually a pretty worthless attitude. It's basically saying, 'I don't want to hear anything except unconditional agreement and approval'. And that's nonsense. This is still a free country... for a little while longer, anyway... and if you really feel you just gotta send me a flame, or post one on my comment threads (assuming they actually work, which I cannot in any way guarantee) then by all means, knock yourself out.

Unless your flame is exceptionally cogent, witty, or stylish, though, I will most likely ignore it. You do have a right to say anything you want (although I'm not sure that's a right when you're doing it in my comment threads, but hey, you can certainly send all the emails you want). However, I have an equal right not to read anything I don't feel like reading... and I'm really quick with the delete key... as various angry folks have found in the past, when they decided they just had to do their absolute level best to make me as miserable as possible.

So, if you don't like my opinions, feel free to say so. However, if I find absolutely nothing worthwhile in your commentary, I will almost certainly not respond to it in any way.

Stupidity, ignorance, intolerance... these things are only worth my time and attention if they're entertaining. So unless you can be stupid, ignorant, and/or intolerant with enough wit, style, and/or panache to amuse me... try to be smart, informed, and broad minded when you write me.





Friday 4/18/03

Saturday 4/19/03

Sunday 4/20/03

Sunday, later, 4/20/03

Monday, 4/21/03

Tuesday, 4/22/03

Wednesday, 4/23/03

Thursday, 4/24/03

Friday, 4/25/03

Monday, 4/28/03

Wednesday, 4/30/03

Friday, 5/2/03

Sunday, 5/4/03

Tuesday, 5/6/03

Thorsday, 5/8/03

Frey's Day, 5/9/03

Day of the Sun, 5/11/03

Moon's Day, 5/12/03

Tewes Day, 5/13/03

Woden's Day, 5/14/03

Thor's Day, 5/15/03

Frey's Day, 5/16/03

Satyr's Day, 5/17/03

Tewes's Day, 5/20/03

Woden's Day, 5/21/03

Frey's Day, 5/23/03

Satyr's Day, 5/24/03

Day of the Sun, 5/25/03

Tewes's Day, 5/27/03

Woden's Day, 5/28/03

Thor's Day, 5/29/03

Frey's Day, 5/30/03

Satyr's Day, 5/31/03

Day of the Sun/Moon's Day, 6/1&2/03

Woden's Day, 6/3/03

Thor's Day, 6/5/03

Satyr's Day, 6/7/03

Moon's Day, 6/9/03

Tewes' Day, 6/10/03

Thor's Day, 6/12/03

FATHER'S DAY, 6/15/03

Tewes' Day, 6/17/03

Thor's Day, 6/19/03

Satyr's Day, 6/21/03

Day of the Sun, 6/22/03

Tewe’s Day, 6/24/03

Thor’s Day, 6/26/03

Frey’s Day, 6/27/03

Day of the Sun, 6/29/03

Tewes’ Day, 7/1/03

Thors’s Day/Frey’s Day, 7/3&4/03

Moon’s Day, 7/7/03

Woden’s Day, 7/9/03

Frey’s Day, 7/11/03

Moon’s Day, 7/21/03

Thor’s Day, 7/24/03

Moon’s Day, 7/28/03

Frey’s Day, 8/01/03

Saturn’s Day, 8/02/03

Saturn’s Day, 8/02/03

Tewes’ Day, 8/05/03

Thor’s Day, 8/07/03

Frey’s Day, 8/08/03

Satyr’s Day, 8/09/03

Tewes’ Day, 8/12/03

Woden’s Day, 8/13/03

Frey’s Day, 8/15/03

Day o’ de Sun 8/17/03

Tewes' Day 8/19/03

Thor's Day 8/21/03

Saturn's Day 8/23/03

Moon's Day 8/25/03

Woden's Day 8/27/03

Satyr's Day 8/30/03

Moon's Day 9/1/03

Th/Fr’day 9/4&5/03

Mday 9/8/03

Thday 9/11/03

Snday 9/14/03

Mday 9/15/03

Wday 9/17/03

Saday 9/20/03

Mday 9/22/03

Satday 9/27/03

Snday 9/28/03

Wday 10/1/03

Thday 10/2/03

satday 10/4/03

tsday 10/7/03

frday 10/10/03

satday 10/11/03

sun/monday 10/12&13/03

tuesday 10/14/03

thursday 10/16/03

saturday 10/18/03

sunday 10/19/03

monday 10/20/03

tuesday 10/21/03

friday 10/24/03

saturday 10/25/03

monday 10/27/03

tuesday 10/28/03

thursday 10/30/03

friday 10/31/03

saturday 11/1/03

sunday 11/2/03

monday 11/3/03

tuesday 11/4/03

wednesday 11/5/03

thursday 11/6/03

saturday 11/8/03

sunday 11/9/03

tuesday 11/11/03

wednesday 11/12/03

friday 11/14/03

sunday 11/16/03

thursday 11/20/03

friday 11/21/03

sunday 11/23/03

thanksgiving thursday 11/27/03

Sunday 11/30/03


Pen-Elayne on the Web

Dean's World


Reach-M High Cowboy Noose


Pop Culture Gadabout

Why Not? (A Blog By David Fiore)

Vanessa’s Blog

Bored and Broke

If anyone else out there has linked me and you don't find your blog or webpage here, drop me an email and let me know! I'm a firm believer in the social contract.


Buffy Lives! Her Series Dies! And Why I Regard It As A Mercy Killing..

ROBERT A. HEINLEIN, MARK EVANIER & ME: Robert Heinlein's Influence on Modern Day Superhero Comics

KILL THEM ALL AND LET NEO SORT THEM OUT: The Essential Immorality of The Matrix

HEINLEIN: The Man, The Myth, The Whackjob

BILL OF GOODS: The Words of A Heinlein Fan Like Nearly Every Other Heinlein Fan I've Ever Met, But More Polite

FIRST RAPE, THEN PILLAGE, THEN BURN: S.M. Stirling shows us terror... in a handful of alternate histories

DOING COMICS THE STAINLESS STEVE ENGLEHART WAY!by "John Jones" (that's me, D. Madigan), & Jeff Clem, with annotations by Steve Englehart



Why I Disliked Carol Kalish And Don't Care If Peter David Disagrees With Me

MARTIAN VISION, by John Jones, the Manhunter from Marathon, IL


Doc Nebula's Phantasmagorical Fan Page!


World Of Empire Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign

The Jeff Webb Art Site

S.M. Stirling


NOVELS: [* = not yet written]

Universal Maintenance

Universal Agent*

Universal Law*

Time Watch




Warren's World

Warlord of Erberos

Return to Erberos*



In The Early Morning Rain

Short Stories:


Good Cop, Bad Cop


Talkin' 'bout My Girl

No Good Angel

No Time Like The Present

Pursuit of Happiness

The Last One

Pursuit of Happiness

Return To Sender



Alleged Humor:

Ask A Bastard!

On The Road Again

Meeting of the Mindless

Star Drek


Fan Fic:

The Captain and the Queen

A Day Unlike Any Other (Iron Mike & Guardian)

DOOM Unto Others! (Iron Mike & Guardian)

Starry, Starry Night(Iron Mike & Guardian)

A Friend In Need (Blackstar & Guardian)

All The Time In The World(Blackstar)

The End of the Innocence(Iron Mike & Guardian)

And Be One Traveler(Iron Mike & Guardian)



AMAZONIA by D.A. Madigan & Nancy Champion (7 pages final script)

AMAZONIA (Alternate Draft 1)

AMAZONIA (Alternate Draft 2)

AMAZONIA (World Timeline)

TEAM VENTURE by Darren Madigan and Mike Norton

FANTASTIC FOUR 2099, by D.A. Madigan!







Help Us, Batman...

JLA Membership drive

Don't Leave Us, Batman...!

Ever wondered what happened to the World's Finest Super-team?

Two heroes meet their editor...

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What really happened to Kandor...

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A never before seen panel from the Golden Age of Comics...