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undefined SptEnNiSQt (8:43:02 PM): hi thomas
erislocke (8:43:08 PM): hi
SptEnNiSQt (8:43:17 PM): when's your econ final tomorrow?
SptEnNiSQt (8:43:31 PM): you can pull another all nighter w/ me and sara at my apartment again right?
erislocke (8:44:26 PM): 1:30
erislocke (8:44:29 PM): i think i can
SptEnNiSQt (8:45:20 PM): you think?
SptEnNiSQt (8:45:24 PM): oh god... i'll pay you!
SptEnNiSQt (8:45:26 PM): honest!
SptEnNiSQt (8:45:28 PM): $20!
SptEnNiSQt (8:45:31 PM): i bet sara
SptEnNiSQt (8:45:34 PM): is willing to pay too
erislocke (8:45:39 PM): don't pay me
SptEnNiSQt (8:45:54 PM): we desperately need your greatness!
SptEnNiSQt (8:45:57 PM): we do we do we do!
SptEnNiSQt (8:46:26 PM): :-\
erislocke (8:46:37 PM): no, don't pay me
erislocke (8:46:39 PM): :p
erislocke (8:47:34 PM): i think i can probably make it 2morrow unless i'm super tired ;p
SptEnNiSQt (8:48:24 PM): i'll buy you coffee
SptEnNiSQt (8:48:25 PM): or tea
SptEnNiSQt (8:48:29 PM): and i'll buy you food
SptEnNiSQt (8:48:32 PM): anything!
SptEnNiSQt (8:48:54 PM): and of course, you know you'll be napping a bit while we studying around 3am
SptEnNiSQt (8:48:54 PM): hehehe
erislocke (8:49:17 PM): =p
erislocke (8:50:33 PM): most likely i can make it ;p
SptEnNiSQt (8:51:22 PM): but still
SptEnNiSQt (8:51:30 PM): i'll buy you coffee or milk tea or anything
erislocke (8:51:49 PM): no that's ok, you don't have to buy me stuff ;p
SptEnNiSQt (8:52:18 PM): no no no you need something
SptEnNiSQt (8:52:27 PM): but i think you said caffiene makes you sleepy, right?
erislocke (8:52:37 PM): sometime it does :p
SptEnNiSQt (8:52:48 PM): would you like milk tea?
SptEnNiSQt (8:53:02 PM): i'll buy you milk tea tomorrow :-)
erislocke (8:53:11 PM): nono, its ok ;p
SptEnNiSQt (8:53:31 PM): i mean, i know i'm not gonna ace the final... but i appreciate all the help
SptEnNiSQt (8:53:38 PM): so i mean, it's the least i can do
SptEnNiSQt (8:53:42 PM): buying you milk tea
erislocke (8:53:56 PM): ;p
SptEnNiSQt (8:54:05 PM): stop w/ that face!
erislocke (8:54:26 PM): ;p
erislocke (8:55:38 PM): how far are you on bio right now?
SptEnNiSQt (8:56:32 PM): still trying to memorize the stuff in 26
SptEnNiSQt (8:56:43 PM): it would help if i knew what i really needed to know from that lecture
erislocke (8:57:45 PM): wait, 26 is the first lecture, right?
erislocke (8:58:08 PM): with lac stuff?
SptEnNiSQt (8:58:16 PM): yes
SptEnNiSQt (8:58:27 PM): i've been trying to memorize the words
SptEnNiSQt (8:58:29 PM): like...
erislocke (8:58:30 PM): yeah, that's really confusing stuff
SptEnNiSQt (8:58:40 PM): repressive gene
SptEnNiSQt (8:58:42 PM): or whatever
erislocke (8:59:00 PM): its just catabolite repression mechanism essentially
SptEnNiSQt (8:59:16 PM): uh...
erislocke (8:59:16 PM): catabolite repression/induction/repression w/ transciptional control
SptEnNiSQt (8:59:19 PM): O_o
SptEnNiSQt (8:59:22 PM): ok
erislocke (8:59:55 PM): i think i'm like 3.5 lectures behind from finishing or something
SptEnNiSQt (9:00:06 PM): ooo
SptEnNiSQt (9:00:19 PM): i think as long as i remember the 3rd midterm stuff and the new midterm stuff... i'm good
SptEnNiSQt (9:00:20 PM): hahaha jk
SptEnNiSQt (9:00:25 PM): i need to semi know the first two midterm stuff
SptEnNiSQt (9:00:27 PM): hehehe
erislocke (9:00:37 PM): i have the super condensed notes for those
SptEnNiSQt (9:00:41 PM): yay
SptEnNiSQt (9:00:47 PM): help us oh great one!
erislocke (9:00:53 PM): lol ;p
erislocke (9:03:09 PM): i think i might pull an all nighter 2night ;p
SptEnNiSQt (9:06:20 PM): aww
erislocke (9:10:34 PM): but yeah, most likely i can make it ;p
SptEnNiSQt (9:10:43 PM): i'm really scared, thomas
SptEnNiSQt (9:10:44 PM): i really am
SptEnNiSQt (9:10:53 PM): i'm lucky if i can get at least a 2.5 gpa this quarter
SptEnNiSQt (9:10:55 PM): cuz of bio
erislocke (9:11:06 PM): you'll do fine, don't worry
SptEnNiSQt (9:11:09 PM): the only class i can get an a- in right now
SptEnNiSQt (9:11:11 PM): is asa 3
SptEnNiSQt (9:11:15 PM): for a b- in psych
SptEnNiSQt (9:11:19 PM): i need a 46/50
SptEnNiSQt (9:11:26 PM): and for soc... god knows what i need
SptEnNiSQt (9:11:37 PM): hopefully i can't get any lower than a b- in soc
SptEnNiSQt (9:11:47 PM): i can deal w/ a-, b-, b-, c-
erislocke (9:11:56 PM): =p
SptEnNiSQt (9:12:01 PM): don't gimme that face
erislocke (9:12:07 PM): ;p
SptEnNiSQt (9:12:11 PM): if i could... i'd want a c+ in bio
SptEnNiSQt (9:12:18 PM): and a b+ in soc
erislocke (9:12:27 PM): did you fill out the survery for bio
SptEnNiSQt (9:12:33 PM): hahaha no
erislocke (9:12:34 PM): its 10 free points
SptEnNiSQt (9:12:36 PM): i didn't go to class
SptEnNiSQt (9:12:41 PM): crap
erislocke (9:12:43 PM): you can still get a copy or something
SptEnNiSQt (9:12:47 PM): too late
erislocke (9:13:02 PM): they said you could bring it hope to think about and bring it final day? or something
SptEnNiSQt (9:13:10 PM): huh?
SptEnNiSQt (9:13:39 PM): if you can get me one tomorrow and bring it over when you help us study, and if i can really turn it in still, that would be lovely
erislocke (9:13:44 PM): its a survery of when you go to class/how often you study/ your advice for next students, something to that extent
SptEnNiSQt (9:13:55 PM): ooo
erislocke (9:13:55 PM): i don't have one :P
SptEnNiSQt (9:14:02 PM): where do i get one???
SptEnNiSQt (9:14:04 PM): ugh
erislocke (9:14:11 PM): from a ta i guess
SptEnNiSQt (9:14:13 PM): cuz i don't go to campus tomorrow
SptEnNiSQt (9:14:18 PM): are you kiddin' me
SptEnNiSQt (9:14:25 PM): man, i'm screwed
erislocke (9:14:31 PM): they handed them out during discussion
SptEnNiSQt (9:14:45 PM): well i had an incomplete essay to do!
SptEnNiSQt (9:14:49 PM): ugh...
erislocke (9:15:00 PM): i have ochem review, which i left early to go there :p
erislocke (9:15:11 PM): you essay turned out well, right?
SptEnNiSQt (9:15:13 PM): if i had gone to discussion... i would've had even less pages to turn in
SptEnNiSQt (9:15:25 PM): no.. i only got 3 pages in
SptEnNiSQt (9:15:30 PM): i was crying all afternoon
SptEnNiSQt (9:15:41 PM): cuz i missed discussion
SptEnNiSQt (9:15:46 PM): and i didn't even finish my essay
SptEnNiSQt (9:15:52 PM): so i got really sad
erislocke (9:16:36 PM): aw :/
SptEnNiSQt (9:18:10 PM): but yea...
SptEnNiSQt (9:18:19 PM): i can't believe i missed out on 10 pts!
SptEnNiSQt (9:18:25 PM): god... that so could've helped
SptEnNiSQt (9:18:30 PM): then my test scores would be
SptEnNiSQt (9:18:39 PM): 31, 63, 63.5
SptEnNiSQt (9:18:44 PM): wait... scratch that
SptEnNiSQt (9:18:50 PM): 33, 61, 63.5
SptEnNiSQt (9:19:02 PM): but nooo... i didn't go to discussion
SptEnNiSQt (9:19:04 PM): ugh
SptEnNiSQt (9:19:08 PM): now i'm gonna cry again
erislocke (9:19:29 PM): don't cry!
SptEnNiSQt (9:19:50 PM): i missed out on TEN points!
SptEnNiSQt (9:19:56 PM): TEN easy points!
erislocke (9:20:48 PM): you can still get a survey i think
SptEnNiSQt (9:21:03 PM): how?
erislocke (9:21:10 PM): ta office hours?
SptEnNiSQt (9:21:14 PM): when?
SptEnNiSQt (9:21:30 PM): can't you go pick one up for me tomorrow and say that i was sick and see if you can pick one up for me
SptEnNiSQt (9:21:45 PM): no... not "was" sick... i'm "still" sick
erislocke (9:23:30 PM): mmm, i don't think i'll be on campus except to take my final :/
SptEnNiSQt (9:24:10 PM): what time is that?
erislocke (9:24:18 PM): 1:30
SptEnNiSQt (9:24:25 PM): isn't that an office hour time?
erislocke (9:24:37 PM): i don't know, i've never been to office hours
SptEnNiSQt (9:24:51 PM): me neither
SptEnNiSQt (9:28:28 PM): mark has office hours from 12-2 tomorrow
SptEnNiSQt (9:28:43 PM): you think you could try to get me a survey?
SptEnNiSQt (9:28:47 PM): pwetty pwease
erislocke (9:29:38 PM): mmm, its hard to say no to that :p
SptEnNiSQt (9:29:49 PM): hehehe
erislocke (9:30:00 PM): i'll see what i can do
SptEnNiSQt (9:30:04 PM): see now i really hafta buy milk tea for ya
erislocke (9:30:22 PM): no, that's ok, you don't have to buy me anything ;p
SptEnNiSQt (9:35:09 PM): I WILL BUY IT
erislocke (9:38:59 PM): mm, you don't have to buy me stuff, its ok!
SptEnNiSQt (9:39:50 PM): well you're GONNA drink it if i buy you one
SptEnNiSQt (9:39:51 PM): so yea...
SptEnNiSQt (9:39:55 PM): that's the end of that
erislocke (9:40:06 PM): heh ;p
SptEnNiSQt (9:40:11 PM): :-D