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Welcome to my Life
Friday, 15 August 2003

Well, today was as uneventful as any other day. Alas, this is what allows the small things to be so amsuing, so I suppose there is an upside to it afterall. Today, I was woken by my cell phone when my brother called to ask me how to turn on the oven. I was tired, sleepy and oh so very confused. After going step by step through the process, I went back to sleep. My cell phone rings again, and I got walked through the whole process of my brother making cookies. He managed to put too much water in, add the wrong ingredients, and melt the chocolate chips. He also came up with the brilliant idea of making giant cookies, which expanded, went over the edge of the cookie sheet and burned in the bottom of the oven. I walked up the stairs, hoping to smell cookies, instead smelling the wonderful aroma of smoke, filliny my whole house. Oh the joys of younger brothers. Apart from that, my day was truly boring. I chased my dog around the island in the kitchen because he didn't want me to put his ear medicine in his ears. I was victorious in the end, and he really didn't mind afte I gave him a treat. I finished my Michael Ondaatje book and started another, good Lord my life is exciting! My good friend Siri called on her mom's cell phone, because she is a psychopathic freak, yet she can see past my patholocial lying ways, so I suppose I love her for that...but only that (Just kidddddding, or am I? Muah hahahaha) On a lighter note, ummmm, ok, so there is nothing to be said on this lighter note. My poor mummy is stuck in the airport. Damn power outages. Time for sleep. GOODNIGHT MY ZIGGY POP!

Posted by blog/aliltallerandsassy at 11:33 PM PDT
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Thursday, 14 August 2003

Well, well, well. I've finally got this working, after having dificulties with my computer yesterday. IT'S OUT TO GET ME. Last night, I was sitting here peacefully at a ridiculous hour, waiting for it to be 3 AM, and I saw a ginormous spider casually crawling across my desk,m like he owned it. Oh, this wasn't just ANY spider. It was an evil Wolf spider, and I am close to convinced that it is the culprit, the evil being that has been attacking me in my sleep, leaving me to wake up with wonderful welt like bites. I killed that little fawker, only to wake up this morning to guts sprayed accross my desk. Even after he died, he found a way to gross me out. They are smarter than we think...I talked to Bill and he told me about his incident with a spider that jumped off of a ledge and snuck up behind him. Evil, I tell you.
Alas, 3 AM did eventually come, and off I went on my walk of wonder. The street was rather quiet, and my shoes were making noise, so I decided to frolic down the road in my bare feet. I was looking for a spot to look at the stars, and I have never hated street lights so much in my life. They are most obstructive to a start gazing view, and I roamed about like a nomad for a good 25 minutes, until I settled on a cable box on a random street corner. I got rather comfortable laying there, and saw 5 meteors. Then, I got bored and went home. That was about the extent of excitement for my evening. Today proved to be even less eventful. Who knows, the day is still young and the night has not yet begun. There is still time for me to be kidnapped by a foreign sex God. It's possible, I KNOW IT IS!

Posted by blog/aliltallerandsassy at 5:03 PM PDT
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