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Our 2008 Online Catalog fresnal lense fresnel lens frasnal frasnel
Lens For 100-150 Inch TV Projector Instructions

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This type of lens is commnoly used for building your own big screen tv instruction book. Measures aproximatley 8" x 12" and is made of durable material. click here for more info

Sale Price: $19.95 $14.95

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spy ear spying spies spier agent espionage hearing ear ears heard listen listening device deaf grail funny laughing humor comedy children jokes joke laughterSPY.EAR - iSPY007
Listen to people talk from 20feet away. It's great to hear what people are talking about, and they won't even know it! The Spy Ear has a sensitive directional microphone and two headphones. Turn it on and you can pick up sounds and conversations you would not normally be able to hear. Includes batteries and an extra set of spare batteries. click here for more info

Sale Price: $29.95 $9.95

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spy spying spier agent secret fbi federal agentsThe Internet Spy Tool-Kit Software 2008!
bullet dot redObtain UNLISTED PHONE NUMBERS, email addresses, and DRIVING RECORDS.
bullet dot redConduct in-depth, complete BACKGROUND CHECKS on virtually anyone.
bullet dot redLocate old CLASSMATES and long lost LOVES.
bullet dot redSnoop on your BOSS, CO-WORKERS, and NEIGHBORS.
bullet dot redFind UNCLAIMED MONEY for you, your relatives, and friends.

click here for more info

Sale Price: $29.95 $9.95
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