carmen's profile
full name: Carmen guinée
Nickname(s): car, carm, angel
Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: blue/green
Height: 1'62 cm.
Date of birth: 11th July 1985
star sign: cancer
Place of birth: antwerpen (Wilrijk, Belgium)
Fave singer/band: blue
Fave song: best in me (blue)
FAve album: both blue's albums
what's in your walkman: if you come back (blue)
fave book: I don't know...
Fave film: Lord of the rings
fave meal: fast food
Fave drink: pissang orange
Fave smell: eau de l'amour
Fave TV show: buffy, smallville, roswell
Fave actor/actress: Sarah michelle gellar
Fave football team: I dunno anything about football (lol)
Fave clothes store: pimkie, bershka
Fave colour: blue
Pepsi or coke: none (but coke if I really had to choose)
Day or night: night
Fave nightclub/bar: I don't really have one
Fave school subject: I finished school, so don't remind me of it!!!
worst school subject: look above!
Blonds or brunettes: both
Trousers or skirt: depeneds on the occasion
Fave city: London
Trainers or high heels: I can't walk in high heels but I do like them!