Blue Steel
- Server: Silvermoon
- Guild: Blue Steel
- We have no heirarchy really, but the main constituents in the guild (based on time in guild, amount of help provided to guildies/the server, sweetness, and level) are Siimba, Zachmo, Morut, Niels, Sodie/Zerine, Veventhius, Crawshank and Blademaster.
- Guild Master: Elzroth (the dudes above have just as much control as me, so if you have any questions hit any one of us up) E-mail -
- We're on Ventrilo now (thanks to Zerine) and will be using it quite a bit since it's about the most convenient thing ever. If you want to group with us regularly, get Vent so you can at least listen to the strategy. Chances are that we won't be talking about strategy, but it's still pretty funny to bull shit with cool dudes.
- I have made strategy pages for 5 bosses now. I should put a page counter on them to show how little you all actually look at them, but I'm not quite that cynical. In all reality they are just there for people who have never come and have to have background info on the boss fights. If it's your first time in ZG and you haven't read these strategy pages, do not expect us to hold your hand or even keep you in the raid. Everyone else is doing work to prepare (and more importantly progress!) and if all you can do is check out the gear ZG/MC drops please leave. If you really are just stuck on wanting to know the loot a boss drops from just scroll down and people at least explain parts of the fights that you should know. I want to be able to take a group in here and get the 4 bosses within 1 and a half hours xD
- Well I don't know what else I can do to get people wanting to go to MC... I guess I'll run ZG until I die
The Things Going On
I'm very upset at the lack of interest people have had in forming a 2nd raid. This leads me to believe that most people do not want to do the required work to raid with us, only to jump along with our main raid and grab loot. If there are people from the main raid (myself included) who are willing to build a 2nd raid, why is no one displaying interest in this? Well we're starting MC now and hopefully we'll be able to get a few more people to join. If you expect to come along with us anywhere (and you're not normally part of our raids), you had best be prepared with potions and strategies. If you don't come with said items, you can prepare to never be invited back in to our raid. In a guild with 60 60s it should not be tough to get a 2nd raid together.
We're also at a point in the guild where invites aren't going to be extended to everyone who wants to join anymore. If they really want to join the guild, have them whisper me in-game and I'll have a conversation with them. After that I'll set up a time they can run with us and if they meld well with the group, they're in. I will say though that just because you're in the guild, it does NOT mean you will automatically be allowed to come along with us on raids. We keep a close eye on those that come who aren't regulars. If you aren't paying attention to a strategy, going AFK for long periods of time, being annoying (this one is particularily important), annoying Elzroth in tells for 10 fucking minutes, or being a loot hound you will be told what you're doing wrong. If you take offense to this, repeat the same behavior, or become a detriment to the raid, you will not be invited back and /gquit may be a good option for you.