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My Best Friend

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." -Ron Konkoma

My friend, Andrea, is one of my closest and oldest friends.
We've been best friends for almost a decade now. It's great hanging out with her because she's fun, talkative, and energetic.
The best thing about her is how she's always honest.
Even though her honesty may get irritating at times, it's great that I never have to question her integrity.
She's an outstanding person, and I know she'll do great things for the world someday.
There have been many friends who came into my life, but I know that Andrea will be sticking by my side for a very long time.

"A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Her favorite food is speghetti. Her favorite color is green.
Her favorite sports is tennis... Her favorite animal is a hamster