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Country Club Expansion Good News

People love to spend other people’s money. This was the central theme in the comments section of the Midland Daily News’ article on the Country Club’s $30 million renovation. It didn’t take long before comments came in on how "disgusted" certain readers were that that much money was being used in the expansion. These are the same folks who lamented Congressman Camp when his campaign wrote a $400,000+ check to the RNCC.

It’s called jealousy. The Country Club’s expansion is a great thing. It will provide more jobs for the community, as well as greatly improve a private facility. The folks complaining about this project have yet to realize that it’s not their money, and citing starvation in Africa doesn’t put them on moral high-ground. One person even asked the readers to think of what Jesus would do with $30 million. Good Lord. Luckily, we still have financial freedom in this country. For now, at least.

Great Final Week For Supreme Court

The Supreme Court did not disappoint The Tridge in its final week of the 2007-08 term. Two home runs for the Court (in Kennedy v. Louisiana and Heller v. District of Columbia) give us increased confidence in the judicial branch of the United States.

While the rape of a child is most certainly heinous and reprehensible, applying the death penalty to such a circumstance is disproportionate to the crime. The Court was correct in declaring that rape cannot compare to murder in its "severity and irrevocability".

The Heller case, which has already been analyzed to death, simply confirmed what most already had known: the Second Amendment grants an individual right to keep and bear arms.

MDN Investigative Dow Article Stretchy, But A Good Start

The Tridge is pro-Dow, however after examining Ralph Wirtz's investigative piece about the controversial firings of Pedro Reinhard and Romeo Kreinberg, we think Ralph needs to wipe off his mouth and brush off his knees. We agree more or less with the company's version of the events, however the article went out of its way at times to portray Reinhard and Kreinberg as dubious villians. That said, we'll back up on the criticism for now, as the MDN piece was a great start, although it read like a 1950's detective novel, more investigative pieces is exactly what the MDN needs. Let's hope they keep it up.


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