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Who runs The Tridge?

Crossen & Co., a leading media and publishing firm based in Mid-Michigan, owns The Tridge.

Is The Tridge liberal or conservative?

Neither. The Tridge solicits outside contributions, including political columns, articles, and essays that may individually reflect a certain political ideology, however collectively, the content of The Tridge is balanced. The Tridge Board of Advisors has Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

Can I submit an article, column, essay, poem, etc. to The Tridge?

Absolutely. Whether it has to do with politics, music (local or national), or technology, The Tridge does solicit outside material. In fact, diverse content is essential to our success. Please email any submissions/manuscripts to us at thetridge@gmail.com.

Angelfire... is this a joke?

It's no joke. We'll be the first to admit that the reputation for web sites like Angelfire and GeoCities isn't the best, mostly due to the colorful MySpace-like pages that were produced by amateur webmasters of the 1990s. The Tridge does use Angelfire, however it does not use the free service. Angelfire is a good service - if one is willing to pay for all of the benefits they offer - the most important of which is complete independence when it comes to site design and coding. Angelfire gives us a "blank slate" with no ad scripts or HTML restrictions.

There is a lack of content / When do you update the site?

We have been inconsistent in this regard. Currently, we are slowly working toward balancing the current content and establishing a weekly update - updated on each Monday. We are not a 24 hour news site, it's best to think of us as more of a periodical than anything.

Is there a print version of The Tridge?

Not yet. There are plans to produce a print version of The Tridge very soon.

How can we advertise with The Tridge?

Our rate card can be found in PDF format by clicking on 'Advertise' on the bottom of this page.

How many people visit your web site?

The Tridge receives over 500 visitors a day.

If you would like a questioned featured here, please email us at thetridge@gmail.com.


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