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Commissioner James Leigeb

Rounding out the first annual 'MIDLAND 30' is Commissioner Leigeb, barely beating out Commissioner Waterman because of his announced plans to step down.


Diane Bristol

Bristol is chairman of the Midland County GOP, the seemingly unstoppable political party in the County in almost all elections.


Commissioner Rose Marie McQuaid

This commissioner has it easy when it comes to campaigning. Her district is only a few city blocks wide, in lieu of other districts which contain multiple townships.


Councilman Maureen Donker

The last spot for what is becoming an irrelevant City Council (perhaps that just means they're doing their jobs). Three out of the five made the list this year. Hollis "Sleepy" McKeag and Councilman Rokosz didn't make the cut.


John Palen

Palen is the editor of Midland Issues, a local news publication and Web site that focuses on City-wide politics, including schoolboard issues. Palen was also editor of the Midland Daily News.


Jim Pilgrim, Ph.D.

Classy. Influential. Rich. Dr. Pilgrim just barely lost the Ward 3 City Council race last November in a shocker to Councilman McKeag. His reaction to the results, however, left many Midlanders scratching their heads.


Dennis G. Lennox II

If you're involved in Michigan politics, you know who Dennis Lennox is. His actions at CMU regarding Gary Peters led to results and proved he is capable of immense influence. His recent campaign for the State House, while directly in the spotlight, was as classy as they come. No dirt, pure smoothness. An up and comer with great things ahead of him.


Councilman Tom Adams

The leading candidate to replace Bruce Johnson as Mayor of Midland. Adams represents Ward 1 on the City Council and succeeded former Mayor Black.


Commissioner Otis Wilson

Another commissioner on the last third of the 'MIDLAND 30' that is laden with councilmen and commissioners.


Commissioner James Bradley

Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for Midland County and a card-carrying member of the old Midland Republican guard.

Editor's note: As the list goes on (11-20 and 1-10) the bios/excerpts will get longer. As a matter of principle, no member of The Tridge's staff is on the list.





Wow, I didn't know the Tridge was GOP propaganda. My mistake.

Randal Painter

I really like the look and feel of the Web site, particularly the fonts. Look forward to more content. I subscribed.


No members of The Tridge's staff? Dennis Lennox is listed on the staff page.

Cindy Lothaar

Wow, I can't wait to see the top 10!

Carl Aspen

30-21 is filled with city and county government officials... i hope the next batch actually has some business leaders

Carl Aspen

Dennis isn't on the staff.


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