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Here is the self inflating conversation with "kevin Burgess"



- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

who the hell are you?

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

kevin burgess who the hell are you cock sucker

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

lol nice font there kevin burgess

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

why is cock sucker the first thing to come to head? last thing you did maybe?

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

the thing that a girl just did to me

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

wow took you 2 minutes to lets see write 9 words?

isnt it dangerous to use ones entire vocabulary in one sentence?

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

you confues me what do you like go to school in the summer or something nerd

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

or your dumb. theres that to. actually yes it is that because this is summer dumb shit so id be at school now

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

you dont make sence

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

ok pinkie if i wanted shit from you id squeeze your head. so why dont you go back to whatever hell hole you crawled out of and die.

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

come and make me assclown

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

assclown? thats the best you could come up with? A saying over used by a wrestler?

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

chris jerico?

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

dont type to fast

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

or stop

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

tok ya long enough to say tha.t who the hell is that? go fuck all your gay bitches

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:


- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

was that suppose to be English or are you just a fuck head?

you know id try to see things from you view but i cant stick my head that far up my ass

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

what the fuck are you going on about jackass

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

go hang around with your geaky friends and leave me alone fucker

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

dude your the one with the pink

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

your the fag fucker here shitbreak

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

dude my sister was on it last

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

i noticed you havn't change it

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

what the fuck speak engli

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

you like the pink the same way you like the cock

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

o sorry i forgot a d

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

i like girls sucking it yeah i know

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

call the press and tell them we have a "d" lover

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

probably stands for dick

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

your gotta pay people to suck your cock  exspecialy bos

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:


<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:


<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

and at least i dont pay people to be my friend

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

mhm so beside being a completely stupid ranting idiot what other qualities do you have?

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

killing andrew

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

making funn of andrew

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

ok any others that's a pretty limited list you got there

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:


<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

dude you dont have anything better

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

go fuck coreys cousin

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

what then devoting my life to being gay, stupid, killing Andrew, and annoying Andrew yes infact i do

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

id much rather not

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

whynot shes not a boy so you wont

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

ok sorry i forgot you only fuck boys

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

lol i noticed you talk alot about the gays do you feel a relation between you and them?

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

no i talk about how much your a gay perverted freak

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

and uh you still havnt' changed the pink

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

ok so a couple of minutes ago you ask who the hell is this after i asked you, now you seem to know my whole life story?

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

do you have cameras watching me?


 The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

do you have cameras watching me?


- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

ok tell me what finger im giving you

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

do you have cameras watching me?

ok tell me what finger im giving you

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:


- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

i said


ok so a couple of minutes ago you ask who the hell is this after i asked you, now you seem to know my whole life story? do you have cameras watching me?


ok tell me what finger im giving you

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

so that's three times I've said that need another?

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

that was my freind on mine at his hose

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

ill use small words or maybe just sounds is better

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

and whose your friend

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

better yet you are who?

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

who r u

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:


- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:


<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

from were

<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:


- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

kevin.... do you have a friends named Corey? who went out with a girl named jenny/

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:


<<SpOrTs_StAr>> says:

hold  on i will ask him

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

your going to ask him if you have a friend named Corey

- - R0x0R - - Busy but here - - says:

what you cant remember?



The end.
Remember hate mail goes here: