Age: 22
Height: 185cm
Hair: red
Eyes: green
Tora is a very mean person. He is used to get what he wants and if something or
somebody is in his way, he will just destroy it. He usually does not make
friends with others, unless he can use them in any way for his own sake. He is
also very sexistic and for him, girls are only objects he can use when he is
hot. With men it is similar, because he does not make a difference. When he
wants sex, he wants sex and will take the next person available, if he or she is
willing or not.
Special Powers:
Tora is the only one who wears some kind of power limiters, earrings, on both
ears. Those are made by the curse power itself to stop Tora from causing too
much destruction.
After Seira, he is the most powerful of the personalities and can use almost the
whole curse power.