
Mitsukake Juan Myou
Age: 32
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
is a doctor with special healing powers. He can heal wounds and a few
kinds of illnesses by letting his ki rush through the wounded body. He
is a very kind man that cares a lot for his friends.
he was younger, he had a lover named Shoka. When he was on a trip to a
village to help the people there with a certain sickness, Shoka herself
became ill. She waited for him to return to save her, but in the end, she
died before he came back. Mitsu never forgave himself for letting her
down, although it wasn`t his fault.
is now in love with Tomo. First, he only wanted to comfort the younger man
a bit after what Tama had done to him with his words and actions. But now
he has very deep feelings for the strange actor.
Seishi Sign means "sadness" and is located on
the palm of his left hand. He
is dedicated to Suzaku.