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Saturday, 21 June 2003
Lawn clippings and realitives
So I've worked for an equivelent of 16 hours for ten people who have been to my house several times but for some reason every bit of cleaning I've done is not good enough. Anyway, basically I can't stand cleaning because I have too many cats, and a Dog who has so much fur I don't think she has legs...Anyway, I'm annoyed with allergies and dust. Midnight plays tomorrow, and of course I'm cursed with a terrible runthrough to make me nervous enough to warm up before the show.

Posted by blog/dork at 10:42 PM EDT
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Of pride and Celebration
So I achieved the rank of Eagle scout in BSA today. A big occasion for many young maen as they finish the summit in what seems to be a hopeless organization sometimes. Not that there is anything wrong with Boy Scouts, but I can only take so many doped up riddlin kids in a certain time..I guess I just wish we'd stop numbing our nation but that'll never end as long as we refuse to feel the benifit and the discipline of pain.

Posted by blog/dork at 12:20 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 June 2003
A story about a girl
There is a girl Named Mary, she lives 30.6 miles away from my house, it cost about $5.60 to pick her up and drop her off, it takes about 32 minutes to get to her house, and some days thats too long for me. I'm in love with her, and its not that I don't love her, I'm not a superhero, I want to give her more than I have, but I suppose thats what makes this good...I love her, and I think I always will.

Posted by blog/dork at 9:08 PM EDT
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Love, an unexplained emotion..extreamly complex emotion at that. I feel love, the only problem is, for her life to be better, I think I should leave it..and I hate it, she seems happy with me, but I'm not exactly the greatest person in the world, far from to be exact.

I'd die for her, there's no doubt about that, the only problem is..I'd think twice about it first, and I guess thats the problem is there really is doubt, there's doubt, mistrust, and sometimes betrayl...the only problem is...its all me.

Posted by blog/dork at 4:20 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 17 June 2003
After the picnic, Rain and Requiem in the hall

Let me tell you about somebody, she's a Goddess in her own manor..I love this all should meet her, if any of you actually read this. Basically she looks like the kind of girl you get tattooed on your back with bat wings and fangs, very sexy.

Anyway, I went to High school with her, had a huge crush on this girl, unfortunatly, I cared enough not to use her. Anyway, we are going out to coffee, and thats good, I just wish somebody could tell me how to let this girl know that she really is an amazing women, I mean christ the girl is hot as hell, and has more talent in the hair of her ass than I could ever wish for, but of course I'm babbling, help me help a friend, she's sad and I need advice on how to fix that...damn emotions.

Posted by blog/dork at 1:43 PM EDT
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Monday, 16 June 2003
Poems on the walls
The things you may see In Midnight Radio's (my band) studio.
"Aaron if you had children, I'd drown them in the river"

"Wes you're such a downer, if I was a drug addict I'd take a bite out of you every day"

"We'll F*** it up at least 18 times so we know what will go wrong live"

Posted by blog/dork at 11:51 AM EDT
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Life Ended when I couldn't fly
I realized there didn't seem to be much excitment to life when I learned that humans really couldn't fly. The superheros in all my dreams soon became mild mannered businessmen who drank, smoked, cheated, and lied, and the next thing I know I'm bleeding my life on the internet with a beer on the table and a cigar in my hand...I'm 18 years old and I already have given up hope on myself, granted I'm a happy person, I just don't think life will ever change for me..but its probably my fault

Posted by blog/dork at 2:28 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 June 2003 7:47 PM EDT
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