Welcome students to your Elves Class.

I'm your teacher. Professor honeykisses01

All homework question answered correctly is worth 10 points and Extra Credit is worth 15 points.

Lesson 1: House Elves

House-elves are small humanoid creatures who inhabit large houses belonging to wealthy Wizarding families. They are "bound" to the family of the house, which means they do all manner of menial tasks for them until they die. House-elves are apparently very happy with this arrangement and consider it a matter of pride that they serve faithfully and do not betray their families. There are over a hundred house-elves at Hogwarts; there they lay the fires, do the laundry, light the lamps, and do countless other such tasks. The House-Elves are also the chefs of the castle and they create wonderful meals in the huge kitchens. A house-elf is a short creature with large bat-like ears and enormous eyes. It is difficult to tell the difference between male and female house-elves, although the female generally has a higher, squeakier voice . Both male and female house-elves do not wear clothing (and would consider it shameful to do so) but cover themselves in towels, tea cozies, or pillowcases. If their owner gives them an article of clothing, it breaks the "enslavement" and the house-elf is free. For most house-elves, this would be the ultimate insult and they would be shamed forever. House-elves have a very powerful magic all their own, magic which requires none of the types of focusing tools (wands or words) that Wizard magic requires.


1. How many house-elves are at Hogwarts?

2. What do house-elves do at Hogwarts?

3. What do house-elves look like?

4. Describe the shape of house-elves ears.

5. Describe the shape of house-elves eyes.


Write 5 sentences about house elves and how they differ from us in apperance.

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