Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Hows is your holiday ? me cham lo work with father in workshop , damm tired always . But quite happy in the work la .
yo , so long no post something here liao la , sien la ..... nothing to do in holidays .
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
today i went out to fix my hp mar..something spoil aredi, cheap hp.. then i go walk walk while wait for them to fix it... i saw got milk tea shop..den go in... happy .. see got rose tea.. finally..1st time in spore...then i sure ask for green tea der..but hor.. the uncle say.. its not nice with green tea lor..but i still wan with green tea der.. then.. he look weird on me lor..but still in his sweet smile lar.. coz never heard before.. rose green tea mar... is that.. i reli miss the taste.. nice.. i finish up the tea so fast.. hahaha!
today i just heard of chelsea this soccer team..from my friends.. of coz they are boys lar... haha..duno who they talk about.. a black man... duno wat name ler.... forget liao.. aiyo.. u cannot expect i can rmb lor...! soccer ar.. long time no watch lor... is like.. i only watch world cup ba?
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Very happly yesterday chelsea win 5-0 over wolve , haha ........ i think will be very sien de , because striker not mutu or crespo on the first line up , but when crespo subsitute one minute then score liao , so i hope today man utd can win more lo
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Tonight got nice football match , so i will not go out de , haha~ But tomorrow also got my favorite == Man Utd vs Newcastle so i really hope them can win la . So tonight is not family day or girl fren night , is only a simple football night .
Got many ppl ask me what is this ........ er , how should i tell ? A place that can online post your bull shit and something that u want to xian jia . Is that what answer u want ?
Friday, September 19, 2003
u boliao until i duno how to say lar,but its fun lar,sometime.u should ask more ppl join here and have a msg board like that mar..aiseh... i got time onli come in post some msg ok?;p
When free what we do in kuantan ? Easy question ! YAM CHA ! This is the calture of kuantan ppl , maybe of this , many ppl come to kuantan also say nothing to play lo , haha ~ but for me i think this is very enjoy for me ...... ^^
Morning ~ eh , sorry ya , good afternoon , after i weak up also 1.30 pm liao , so forget is afternoon liao la , so ............. hehe ^^ nothing to do , lasy to do my project also ...... how ar ?
Attention Guy and Girl ! This is a new stuff that will famous like others thing in internet coming soon or can say already . This is a stuff called "Blogger" just something like a diary , u can add it online and just bull your shit ~ have fun when u are boring ~
Yo , so sien ... this sem short sem very boring la . I dont like short sem ~ just dont know y , maybe need to adsorb the knowledge very fast !
CHHS Alumni Homepage <== I found it at yahoo! de , so i think its quite good and quite long time liao !
Huh ~ new stuff right ? Also sien la , but nothing to do ma . Now is something call "study break" , but for me is just a week to online at house . Hehe ~ see you all in icq la ~ have a nice day !