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random summer pictures above

I got my roomates for college the past week. All I have to ask is who's cruel idea was it, at the Seton Hall residence hall, to give me two roomates both named Chris. Note the 's' at the end of roomate bc I dont have one but two roomies. There's going to be three of us assigned to a double ... luckily one of them is going to moving out in october when the finish building the new rooms.

Roomate number one is: Christopher Michael Joyce from Stamford, Conneticut.
Roomate number two is: Christopher Henry Den Dulk from Kinnelon, New Jersey.

If anyone can tell me what country of origin the last name Den Dulk is from i'll give them a cookie. Two cookies if you can tell me where the hell Kinnelon New Jersey. Well it's not so bad all i have to wait for now is to see what my roomates are like ... I hope they're not tall. Imagine me rooming with two giants - i'd die. Has anyone else called their roomates yet? Maybe I'll get around to it when I come back from Spain.
so the summer is winding down to the wire and the countdown to college has begun. It's amazing to think that the summer is almost over and we're gonna all be heading off to college. There's soo many people I want to see before I leave, so many people I want to just talk to ... but I dont think there will be enough time. I'm going away this friday for my vacation to Spain! I'm getting excited bc its nice to just get away from it all once a year. I'm excited to go to the Strait of Gibraltar and look at Africa from Spain. I'll be back in a week at which point I'll have 5 days to spend with people before everyone leaves.

important dates
leave for spain 08.15
return from spain 08.22
leave for college 08.28

so xanga has been down for a while ... in absence of updating my xanga i decided to move/edit an old website to this new name.

Went to six flags with glenda, joanne, and shahzad on friday. After months of saying we were gonna go we finally planned it when we could all make it and went. The weather was forcasted to rain - and we were ready to bare down the thunderstorms when they came. But to our luck we got a very light drizzle for 5 minutes and then the sun came out so it turned out to be a lot of fun. Woke up at 6 so that we could have breakfast at glenda's ... then headed out. First plan of the day: Wild Safari. I encourage driving through the wild safari especially if you haven't been there in a while. It was the most hilarious time of my life ... what made it even better was that we had a camcorder and we made a video of it- from feeding the animals, getting attacked, and almost being kicked out of the park. Great times.

Then we headed to the park and juss went around to all the rides. Best rides:: nitro & superman at night. Joanne and Shahzad did the daredevil dive. I've never heard anyone scream as loud as they did. We ended up staying at the park till closing to watch the fireworks ... it was a nice end to such a great day. It was like an episode of family matters ... of course that is until we got lost on the way home and ended up in some forbidden forest.

[ random pictures from the safari down below ]

Saturday I got re-acquainted with my cousins from New York at a family party. Went to Jane Choi's party at night ... and watched the Safari Video we made at Shahzad's house