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Island of Yap
The Island of Stone Money, Traditional Cultures, and Great Diving

Welcome to Yap Island--The Land of Stone Money


An interesting mix of old and new, Yap is the ideal getaway for those interested in really getting away
from it all without sacrificing many comforts of the modern world vacation. This tiny island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean has survived more than two centuries of colonization, first by Spain, Germany, Japan, and most recently the United States, to emerge as a politically indepedent nation (along with 3 other islands, Pohnpei, Kosrae, and Chuuk) that still retains many aspects of its traditions and lifestyles. With some advanced planning and research, you can find reasonable rates and packages that can start
you on your way to this unspoiled island paradise for a trip back in time.

Yap is a small island located about 450 miles southwest of Guam and is just one of the thousands of islands comprising the Micronesian Islands. Perhaps best known for its stone money and for maintaining many aspects of its cultural traditions, in recent years it has also become a favorite destination among serious divers.

This young girl shown to the right is wearing the traditional grass skirt and has probably just been participating in a dance. The photo background showcases the traditional currency of the island. Although the American dollar has replaced the stone disks in today's market, the traditional stone money is still used in many cultural transactions and exchanges.


Picture of girl among stone money

Picture of Giant Manta

This view of a majestic manta ray is the reason why Yap is quickly becoming famous among divers-mainly for its exclusive location of congregating mantas, a very rare site elsewhere in the world.

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