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Hardcore Music

As the title of this page suggests, this page is about music. Badass hardcore rockin music. First off: Rap sucks. Country sucks. Punk rock sucks. Only the good stuff doesn't suck. My favorite bands are: Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn, and System of a Down. First off, no one rocks hard like Godsmack. Period. If you don't like the bands i said then you probably are in to Pearl Jam crap (those nasty Creed ripoffs. Creed is OK but they don't rock hard like the other bands i listed) and if i meet you i am going to kick your ass. Ok so this asshole had his hair all spiked up and he was wearing like this Sum 41 shirt. They suck hard. So i kicked his ass. Ok, let me explain each band i like and why they rock so hard.

GODSMACK. Ok, no band rocks like this band. They got this song called "Keep Away" right, and that song is like the best song ever. But i wish it had more bad words like "fuck" cus those words really get me going. I just want to break stuff when i hear it. Well anyway i think it's called "Keep Away" because they are trying to tell people to keep away from their music because their music is badass. Oh and there was this other band called Alice in Chains and they totally tried to copy Godsmack's style and their lead singer died. That's what happens when you don't "keep away" from Godsmack.

Korn. Ok, these guys are great. I mean, they are just so motherfucking talented. they are like 99.99% badass. And it's cool because they did a song with Limp Bizkit. I got all their albums, and i just want to bang my head real hard and break stuff when i hear their music.

System of a down. These guys just rock. Period.

Linkin Park. These guys are AWESOME!!!! I just got one of their CD's and i just play it over and over and over all day. I almost cried because they are so good (but not as good as the godsmack) but i didnt because I am a badass and crying is for pussies. I only know one Linkin Park song though, but im sure all the others are great. The song is "In The End" I just put it on repeat.

Limp Bizkit. I don't really have anything to say about them but they are great. But here's some lyrics for one of their songs and it alone should say that LB is a badass talented group: "Its just one of those days When you don't wanna wake up Everything is ****ed Everybody sux You don't really know why But want justify Rippin' someone's head off No human contact And if you interact Your life is on contract Your best bet is to stay away mother****er It's just one of those days!!" Oh yeah, my mom made me get the edited version so there are stars instead of the bad words but that song is badass anyway. I thinK the stars are supposed to be "Shit"s though. When i hear this song I JUST WANNA BREAK STUFF!!!