Jackpots at https://www.angelfire.com/blog/hja/Jackpots.html



Hitech-IT jackpots


over a billion Nordic bucks each.



By PAT, at Google Special4u, EXIO, Money, Art, 2008.




Today basics in modern advanced computer science,

a series of discoveries and apps (applications) have

made their 12 founding fathers super rich in about the

same technological area.


Topping more than a hundred wins under the billion $ each,

here are some of those hitting the absolute jackpot so far:


Lars Onsager, won a chemistry Nobel Prize in 1968

on quantization of magnetic flux in metals.


Sven Lagerwall, since the 70s, sold in Japan, Germany, UK,

Sweden, USA, France..., several discoveries and patents about

Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal displays (SSFLC),

described as the ancestors of modern Smartphones and today’s

flexible touch screen anticipated in a popular science press article



Haakan Lans, made his coins since the 80s in the Graphics tablet,

AIS system, GPS system, VHF radio, and Mouse business.


Linus Torvalds, Ari Lemmke, Linux, Linux-UNIX connection,    


Richard Stallman, GNU Project, Unix-like, 


Niklas Zennström, Janus Friis, KaZaA, sold Skype in 2005 to eBay

for 3.4 billion , sensing the $ would have to pay the war expenses,

and would dive sooner or later. Better than poker!


Michael Widenius, David Axmark, Allan Larsson, founded MySQL.


Mårten Mickos, sold MySQL to Sun for 1 billion $ of 2008 only.

Still better now (Jan 2008), if exchanged into , just in case the

$ would get even worse, when a new US president, whom ever,

will have to pay the bills of his predecessor and vice, anyhow!


The Nordic countries, that’s about the place where to make

some bucks! Need a billion ? Join this billionaire club!


But beyond billions, Art still remains the prime stuff, in all times!



Special4u EXIO Money Art