Main search engines



The URL  internet  address of this

“Main search enginesweb page is:


by PAT at Special4u,


the lists below being retrieved from


in 2009 and updated 2010-2011.




Example of mixed choice of systems:


mac  pc  lin  ub  win  os  browser  player  wo




Main web browsers timeline


The following Web browsers have been used

from these years, often simultaneously for a

multitude of different applications:


WorldWideWeb 1991,  Mosaic 1993,  

Metacrawler 1994,  WebCrawler 1994,

Netscape Navigator 1994,  Explorer 1995,

Opera 1996,  Safari 2003,  Mozilla Firefox 2004,

Google Chrome 2008,  Multiple Internets 2008,

Special4u  Smart Selective System  2008.




A Smart Selective System has been set up

combining search and research models and

patterns determined as:


multi-lingual, multi-directional,


multi-dimensional, multi-fractals.




Search engines giving Special4u or some content

in any of its 18 main pages on 1st place as nr 1

on the top of their own search and ranking systems

by 2009 as listed below, are shown with symbols

such as # 1... Click on or touch these symbols.




Search engines giving Special4u or any of

its main pages on the top 20 of their search

and ranking systems are shown here below

with letters as B... Click on or touch these

letters to see the positions on their own

search and rankings by 2009.




Some other less well-known or more specialized

search engines not showing yet this Special4u

reference by 2009 are listed below as examples

but not marked with any symbol or letter.




These 2009 positions of the Special4u site

ought to be compared anew by the end of

2011-beginning of 2012 to see evidence of a

yearly improvement.




Here follows a list sorted by a year timeline:



Aliweb  The oldest search engine developed

by Martijn Koster from the Netherlands.

Aliweb is now sold to ATC.


If you don’t see this picture below, click on

or touch frame, or these links:




 Martijn Koster, a Dutch student born 1970,

 considered at age 23 the first developer of

 search engine industries now often valued

 in billions of €.

 By 29 Nov 2009, € 1 = $ 1.5 (1.499 exactly).



JumpStation, see at Google and Wikipedia,

was discontinued 1994.





Lycos  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Metacrawler  # 1  B  Special4u started 1994

to work on Metacrawler.

WebCrawler  B

Infoseek  Japan  B





AltaVista  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Excite  B


Open Text

Magellan is at





Inktomi = Yahoo  # 1  # 3  # 4 ranking

HotBot  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Ask Jeeves  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Dogpile  B






Google  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking


Northern Light

Yandex  Russian is not listed as a search engine

but as an online source for original information

and advice. It is written in English, and is aimed

primarily at North Americans. It is owned by

The New York Times Company.





AlltheWeb  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Teoma  thru Ask  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Vivisimo  thru Clusty  B


Naver  South Korean





Baidu  Chinese

Exalead  French




2003  B





Yahoo! Search  Yahoo  # 1  # 3  # 4 ranking

Sogou  Chinese




2005  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

GoodSearch  # 1  1st ranking

MSN Search  through bing  B






Live Search  through bing  B


Quaero  Français  English  Deutsch

ChaCha  India





Sproose  # 1  # 3  # 5  1st, 3rd and 5th ranking

Wikia Search






Sperse  # 1  # 3  # 6  1st, 3rd and 6th ranking

Viewzi  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Forestle  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Duck Duck Go  B


Picollator  Russian English


Boogami  slow downloading







Yebol  # 1  # 3  # 5  1st, 3rd and 5th ranking

Mugurdy  # 1  # 2  1st and 2nd ranking

Bing  B  owned by Microsoft






(Click on or touch to follow link)


Mozilla Updates Firefox

To Fix 'Highly Critical'

Security Flaws

By Elizabeth Millard,

Thu May 12, 2010,

The Mozilla Foundation has released a security update

for its Firefox open-source browser after exploit code

was made public for two "extremely critical" vulnerabilities.

Firefox 1.0.4 includes security fixes, as well as a correction

for DHTML errors seen on some Web sites.

The security updates address two vulnerabilities that were

rated as "extremely critical" by Danish security firm Secunia

and involved cross-site scripting and remote-system-access flaws.


Big Hole

Secunia did not have any reported cases of the vulnerabilities

being used by malicious hackers, but said that, when combined,

the flaws could be exploited in several ways.

For example, one flaw with how the browser treated IFRAMEs

and JavaScript could have allowed an attacker to steal cookie

information from sites that had been visited by an unsuspecting


The data could be used for identity theft or to get passwords.

Another vulnerability was in the IconURL parameter,

which could allow an attacker to gain user privileges.

When it learned of the vulnerabilities, Mozilla acted quickly,

changing its update Web service and advising users

to disable JavaScript temporarily.


Patch Work

The update follows another Mozilla security update for Firefox,

issued at the end of February.

In that update, Firefox 1.0.1, patches were put in place to block

flaws with how the browser treated Internationalized Domain Names

(IDNs) as well as some flaws related to arbitrary code execution and

cross-site scripting.

Unlike the current issues, however, the earlier problems were rated

as only "moderately critical" to "not critical" by Mozilla.


Browser Bugs

The security issues seen recently with Firefox do not set the browser

apart from others, said Secunia researcher Thomas Kristensen.

"Vulnerabilities appear with every browser, and Firefox isn't immune,"

he said. "You're talking about a multilayered, complex piece of

technology. It's going to have bugs."


Mozilla has noted that it will evaluate security issues on an ongoing basis,

with more security updates in the future when warranted.

The group advises Firefox users to download the updated version from its site.





Before there were any web search engines,

there was a complete list of all webservers.


The list was edited by Tim Berners-Lee and

hosted at the CERN webserver.




Special4u started to work with Metacrawler in 1994,

added Wikipedia in 2001, Yahoo in 2004, and

completed 2005 to 2009 with selected functions from:


Google  YouTube  Wiki  Wikt  Yahoo  Dic  Dmoz  Whatis


YP  Np  Pb  Ex  Sk  Ma  Tr  Mu  Pa  Blo  Ga  Mo  Ha  Art  Sp


My  Fa  flickr  tw


Sophisticated designs  Beautiful sites  DHT




More about search engines at Google:


Search engines

Search engine definition

Search engine definition at Wikipedia


search engine database

search engine design

search engine demographics

search engine directories

search engine land

search engines for kids

search engine optimization

search engine ranking

search engine marketing

search engine submission

search engine strategies

search engine watch


search engine for images

popular search engines

popular search engines by country

medical search engines

science search engine

science search engine for kids

search engine for students

search engine for blogs




The full list of search engines




Examples of system options:


Operating Systems


Operating System


Lists of OS


Word Processor


List of Word Processors


Lists of WP programs & software


Accelerator at Wikipedia


Lists of Download Accelerators




Example of mixed choice of systems:


mac  pc  lin  ub  win  os  browser  player  wo




The URL  internet  address of this

“Main search engines” web page is:



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