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On these
pictures, which one is:
coelacanth Ida, the “Missing Link”? Primates
Cro Magnon Humans The Junk King A
Also some other ancestors in that field:
Jussieu 1686, several until 1853, Buffon 1707 1788,
Linné 1707 1778, Daubenton 1716 1800, Lavoisier 1743 1794,
Lamarck 1744 1829, Lacépède 1756 1825,
Cuvier 1769, two of them until 1838, more
Darwin 1809 1882, Mendel 1822 1884,
Biology Biodiversity Species
Socio Bio Green Wilson EP HE HBE Genetics
EVOLUTION explained to Americans.
2/3rds of US population is “creationist”.
Europe, the majority is largely “evolutionist”,
Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, France... 80%
or more,
educated people, 95% in the
99% in
Click here or on this
map, and on each red dot
read more about the “Prehistoric Venuses”
For the original of this map, click here
This map can be blown-up as a jpg (48105 b)
or file (752 k) from this excellent Polish
Heidelberg Mauer Steinheim Neanderthal
About a Dream by Michel Jouvet
Jelisejevitsjij-Ukraine Mezyn in der Ukraine
Mezyn Mezin map Novgorod-Severskly, Shostka map Mezin
Hominia Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic
Near East Cradle Egypt Celts Hallstatt La Tène Vix Greece
Byzantium Ottomans Turks Liguria Etruria Rome Europe
Africa Ethiopia Scythia Asia
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Weltnaturerbe Grube
Hier geht
es zum Fragebogen.
For a map of the Messeler Park, click here
aus der Naturpark-Wanderkarte 1:20 000 Nr.14
Blow up view with the + cursor
and move photo from
side to side with the
horizontal arrows on you browser.
Panoramablick August 2006
Copy to any Paint,
Draw, Picture Manager, Photo shop...
software image programme and blow up parts or the
whole panorama as
Some German explanation:
Messel town museum
Fossilien- und Heimatmuseum Messel:
Im alten Rathaus der
unmittelbar benachbarten Gemeinde Messel werden in
modernen und besucherfreundlichen Ausstellung die
Bergbaugeschichte der Grube und originale Fossilien gezeigt.
Museum of Hessen in Darmstadt
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt:
In der Geologischen
Abteilung im ersten Stock werden herausragende Fossilien mit
einem Diorama der Grube zur Zeit des Eozäns in Verbindung
gebracht. Darin findet sich auch die Rekonstruktion des in
Messel gefundenen pferdeartigen Propalaeotherium.
Museum in Frankfurt
Naturmuseum Senckenberg: In Frankfurt am
Main können sich
Besucher eine sehr umfangreiche wissenschaftliche Ausstellung
mit spektakulären Funden ansehen. Insbesondere neuere
Verfahren der Präparation sind ausgestellt.
Für 2010 ist ein Besuchs-
und Informationsmuseum geplant.
Es soll ein architektonisch von der Schichtung des Ölschiefers
abgeleitetes Gebäude werden, das von außen hochmodern und
künstlerisch beeindruckt.
Jährlich werden rund 100.000 Besucher erwartet.
Changes of Tertiary
insect biodiversity exemplified with insects
the Eocene Fossillagerstätte Grube Messel, Germany
DFG-Project by Prof. J. Rust, Bonn)
The Eocene Fossillagerstätte
Grube Messel is famous for its
excellently preserved
vertebrate fossils. It is largely unknown
that there are also
extensive collections of insect fossils.
The outstanding preservation
of these insects is the basis for
the analysis of the former
terrestrial-lacustrine ecosystem that
existed 47 million years
Detailed comparisons between
the insect faunas of different
fossil sites allow the
reconstruction of temporal and spatial
patterns of biodiversity of
the insects.
For more photos of the Grube Messel, click here
The Grube
Messel in 2003 cooperation in this project:
The terrestrial fauna and
flora of the Insect Bed,
interpreting the climate
near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary
(current INTAS Project
03-51-4367 by Dr. A. Ross,
Limnology of Tertiary
Reconstruction of food webs
(completed DFG-Projekt by
Dr. G. Richter, Frankfurt/M.)
Systematics and
palaeoecology of insects from the
Fossillagerstätte Enspel, Germany
DFG-Projekt by Dr. G. Tröster, Göttingen)
The discovery
was made at Grube Messel, near Darmstadt
Link? Darwinius Masillae Transitional Fossil
Human-Like Nails And Opposable Big Toes
By News Staff May 19th 2009
Neanderthal Intelligence Redux
Dolinasorex Glyphodon - Good Luck Taming This Million Year
Old Shrew
Bucher CityCat H2 - A Hydrogen Vehicle Your Local
Government Can Be Proud Of
It's always best not to go overboard but the discovery of
Darwinius masillae is pretty darn exciting, because it represents
the most complete fossil primate ever found; the skeleton,
soft body outline and even the stomach contents.
It is phylogenetically terrific. Or not. In any new claim like this,
there will be doubts.
The discovery was made at Grube Messel, near
specimens had been located before.
Because it was collected privately and sold in two parts,
it is only now that its significance is known. It's phylogenetically
intriguing because of the absence of a toilet claw and a
Darwinius masillae does have what are described as human-like
nails and opposable big toes, which places this fossil near the
beginning of human evolution.
Darwinius masillae is not simply a lemur fossil but instead part
of Adapoidea,
a larger group of primates – evidence of the early
haplorhine diversification. In layman terms, this was a lemur-monkey,
with features of both groups.
Darwinius masillae was a female that probably died in her first year
of life.
For radiographs of Darwinius masillae, click here.
Radiographs of Darwinius masillae. Relative positions and
museum numbers as in Figure 1. Radiographs show that all
of plate A is genuine, while cranium, thorax, upper arms (part 1),
and lumbus, pelvis, base of tail, and upper legs (part 2) of plate B
are genuine. From Franzen JL, Gingerich PD, Habersetzer J,
Hurum JH, von Koenigswald W, et al. (2009)
Complete Primate Skeleton from the Middle Eocene of
Messel in
PLoS ONE 4(5): e5723. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005723
So is this
a Rosetta
Stone of evolutionary biology?
It will
certainly be hyped a lot more than that but it may be
It's difficult to imagine studies of Eocene-Oligocene
that won't reference this discovery.
it is a lemur monkey that is 'incomplete' but very close –
a true
transitional fossil. Biologists hate the term 'missing link'
because it
isn't very scientific but this is a case where it may be apt.
It's hard
to imagine that a female monkey under 2 feet tall discovered
25 years
ago could accomplish all that, but after two years of study,
researchers are confident in their results.
primates began to appear about 55 million years ago,
at the
beginning of the Eocene epoch, in two super families,
Arsioidea and
Adapoidea. Though rare in Messel,
the maar
lake deposit turned out to be an ideal location
because it
was a paratropical Eocene rain forest.
From what
can be determined, the fossil was discovered
in 1983
and part of it basically hung on a collector's wall
for nearly
20 years while another part was purchased by
and work began using X-radiography and
For radiographs and hands drawings, click here.,11,148,0
interview of
Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu at
de Panafieu at Special4u
Ida är INTE länken mellan apa
och människa
Ibland blir det
fel. Idag rapporteras det i tidningarna om fossilet som
kallas Ida. I DN (skrivet av Mikael Bondesson; Karin Bojs, hann du inte
med faktakollen?),
Expressen (”Hälften människa - hälften Lemur”)
och Aftonbladet (”Forskare: Nu kan vi förklara evolutionen”) rapporteras
att Ida skulle
vara den felande länken mellan apa och människa.
Det finns flera
fel med den rapporteringen.
- Ida är 47 miljoner år gammal. Människans och schimpansens senaste
förfader levde för 5-7 miljoner år sedan. Ida levde istället i
perioden då halvaporna och de egentliga aporna separerade.
Nog så intressant!
Ida verkar istället vara en väldigt tidig representant
för den linje som blev
Hela talet om
felande länkar är fel ute. Vi har ingen aning om arten
som Ida är ett
prov på var en förmoder eller en förgrening på familjeträdet.
Det enda vi vet är
att arten har egenskaper som placerar henne tidigt i
utveckling. Det här länkpratet får dock ligga forskaren till last
som rapporterar om
fossilet. Han har till och med kallat hemsidan om
fossilet för “the Link“. Det är att spela på populärkulturella föreställningar
om hur evolutionen
går till. Han borde veta bättre. Istället verkar han tro
att vetenskap och
populärkultur är av samma skrot och korn:
“Any pop band
is doing the same thing,” said Jorn H. Hurum, a
at the
of scientists that studied it.
“Any athlete is doing the same thing.
We have to
start thinking the same way in science.”
Rent biologiskt är
faktiskt människor fortfarande primater.
Det man letar
efter är istället fossil om hur utvecklingen från
vår sista
gemensamma förfader med schimpanserna gick till.
Där finns numera tusentals fossil att undersöka.
Det intressantaste
(tycker jag) är hur många arter människor/apor
som fanns under
den utvecklingspreioden. Att vi är ensamma
mäniskor på jorden
nu är en historisk tillfällighet.
Svenska Dagbladet fick rapporteringen någorlunda rätt.
del i evolution hittad
Publicerad 19 maj
2009, i web tidningen Fredag 22 maj 2009
"Ida" beskrivs av forskarna vid Naturhistorisk museum
i Oslo som hälften
lemur och hälften människa. Enligt norska NTB
är Ida det äldsta
skelett av en apa som någonsin hittats och bär på
många viktiga svar.
De 60 centimeter
långa kvarlevorna tros nämligen vara en
saknad länk i den
mänskliga utvecklingen och en viktig
pusselbit i läran
om evolutionen.
Fossilet hittades
redan 1983 men amatörerna som upptäckte
skelettet insåg
inte dess vikt. 14 år senare köptes fossilet av
museum där många tester gjorts innan resultaten
presenterades i
USA på tisdagen.
- Detta är som att
hitta Noaks ark. Fossilet kommer att bli bland
dem som avbildas i
läroböcker de kommande hundra åren,
forskningsledaren Jörn Hurum till amerikanska tv-kanalen
officiella namn är darwinius masillae men kallas Ida
efter Hurums snart
sexåriga dotter. Enligt Hurum påminner
dock skelettet
mest om Pippi Långstrumps apkompis Herr Nilsson.
The complete report:
For a complete report with images, click here
(Darwinius masillae)
Detta sagt så är
Ida (Darwinius masillae)
ett makalöst fossil.
Hon är extremt
välbevarad med intakt skelett, fossiliserade
matrester kvar i
magen och till och med märken av päls och
muskler runt
kroppen. Hon är 47 miljoner år gammal och
representerar en
ögonblicksbild från en viktig del i primaternas
nämligen då strepsirhini och haplorhini separerade.
Dock kanske den
exakta placeringen i primaternas släktträd
inte är så säker som forskarna som analyserat henne gör
Publicerad: 20 maj, 2009 i Vetenskap.
Mai 19,
2009 par Oldcola
Il est
tout mignon ce petit !
Il semble
que c’est un petit non pas seulement par la taille
mais aussi
par l’âge.
Pour en
savoir un peu plus sur Darwinius masillae,
le papier (d’où vient la photo ci-dessus,
e Franzen et al. en Open Access :
JL, Gingerich PD, Habersetzer J, Hurum JH,
Koenigswald W, et al. (2009)
Complete Primate Skeleton from the Middle
Eocene of Messel in Germany: Morphology and Paleobiology.
PLoS ONE 4(5): e5723. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005723
The best European locality
for complete Eocene mammal
skeletons is Grube Messel,
Although the site was
surrounded by a para-tropical rain forest
in the Eocene, primates are
remarkably rare there, and only
eight fragmentary specimens
were known until now.
Messel has now yielded a
full primate skeleton.
The specimen has an unusual
history: it was privately collected
and sold in two parts, with
only the lesser part previously known.
The second part, which has
just come to light, shows the skeleton
to be the most complete
primate known in the fossil record.
We describe the morphology
and investigate the paleobiology
of the skeleton. The
specimen is described as Darwinius masillae
n.gen. n.sp. belonging to the
Because the skeleton is
lightly crushed and bones cannot be
handled individually,
imaging studies are of particular importance.
Skull radiography shows a
host of teeth developing within the
juvenile face. Investigation
of growth and proportion suggest
that the individual was a
weaned and independent-feeding
female that died in her
first year of life, and might have attained
a body weight of 650–900 g
had she lived to adulthood.
She was an agile,
nail-bearing, generalized arboreal quadruped
living above the floor of
the Messel rain forest.
Darwinius masillae
represents the most complete fossil primate
ever found, including both
skeleton, soft body outline and contents
of the digestive tract.
Study of all these features allows a fairly
complete reconstruction of
life history, locomotion, and diet.
Any future study of
Eocene-Oligocene primates should benefit
from information preserved
in the Darwinius holotype.
Of particular importance to
phylogenetic studies, the absence
of a toilet claw and a
toothcomb demonstrates that Darwinius
is not simply a fossil lemur, but part of a larger group
of primates, Adapoidea,
representative of the early haplorhine
Search keywords:
bbc, Ida, Darwinius masillae, messel shale pit discovery,
missing link, fossil, David Attenborough,
darwinius massilae,
earliest ancestor,
Home > Evolution
> Ida Darwinius masillae earliest ancestor
Missing Link Fossil
Darwinius masillae - Ida
Missing Link / earliest
ancestor fossil
The story of a possible
"earliest ancestor / missing link
fossil discovery", of
an extinct species of Adapid that has
been given the scientific
name Darwinius masillae,
(to celebrate Messel, her place of origin, and the
of the birth of Charles Darwin), and also the familiar
after the young daughter of one of the team leaders,
has become the subject of a
ninety-minute-long special
TV production hosted by the
well-known natural history
broadcaster Sir David Attenborough.
The discovery of this
possible - earliest ancestor - fossil
was made at the Messel Shale
Pit, (a former quarry!), near
Darmstadt, and some 35 km
southeast of Frankfurt am Main,
yield of interesting
fossils, (including mini-horses, bats,
a possible anteater and a
tapir), - famous enough to have
been declared a World
Heritage Site by UNESCO in
December, 1995.
Half of the Darwinius
masillae fossil was found in 1983
but it was only when the
rest of the fossil skeleton was
discovered in 2008 that
scientists realised its importance.
The ground-breaking research
was only possible after
earliest, "1983",
portion of the fossil from a private collector
Dr. Jørn H. Hurum, a
paleontologist at the
and a leader of the
research, subsequently arranged for a
team of German and American
scientists to study the bones
with CT (i.e. Computed
Tomography) imaging and other
advanced technologies.
Using contemporary CT
imaging technology it is possible
to "virtually" cut
fossils into digital slices by running them
through a supercharged CT
scanner, that resembles a
medical CAT scanner but has
much more power available
for image capture. It is
currently possible obtain somewhere
in the region of 400
"digital slices" across a depth equivalent
to the head of a pin - and
in much finer details than medical
CAT scans, as radiation
exposure is not an issue with animal
A lemur jumping between tree
Adapids, or the Adapidae,
are a now extinct family of
lemur-like creatures related
to early primates.
The new Adapid fossil
discovery from Messel Shale Pit
is that of a nearly complete
specimen of a young female
Adapid that would have weighed
just 0.90-0.95 kg.,
or 2lb, when fully grown.
This young Adapid was less
than a year old but had been
weaned and had developing
For the Shale Pit, click here.
The Messel
Shale Pit is believed to have begun its existence
as a volcanic caldera lake
in which billions of algae bloomed
and the expiry of these
billions of algae tended to produce
oxygen-poor conditions in
the lower levels of the lake within
which the remains of
deceased animals birds and plants could
be very slowly fossilised
and without being disturbed by disruptive
predators or scavengers.
With some specimens, the
bodies are surrounded by a so called
Hautschatten ('skin
This dark area preserves
impressions of plumage on birds and
the individual hairs of
mammals. The wing membranes and details
of external ears are known
from bats.
The Darwinius masillae
fossil has been described as the “most
complete fossil primate ever
discovered,” lacks only the lower
left limb, and appears to
exhibit an important primate attribute
in the form of opposable big
toes and thumbs.
Due to the special
conditions prevailing at Messel impressions
of the animals fur and of
its soft body outline are discernable –
the remains of its last meal
– comprising fruit and leaves - have
been detected in the stomach
The completeness of this
fossil has allowed paleontologists to
gain new insights into the
Adapid family.
The researches have
concluded that this fossil was of a creature
that was "not simply a
lemur" and that its discovery "is going to
advance our knowledge of
Darwinius masillae differs
from lemurs in two key ways - it does
not possess the
"toothcomb" set of lower front teeth lemurs use
to groom fur or the
"toilet claws" on the hind feet the lemur family
tend to use for scratching
leading the researchers to depict it as
having been a
This sketched representation
of Ida, and her kind, is taken from
the report published by the
research team on the Public Library of
Science web site.
The image is Fig. S6 of the
PLoS ONE article, published under the
Creative Commons Attribution
License; any reuse should cite the
authors and journal. Full
citation details here
After two years of secretive
preparation full details of the project
that became the Darwinius
masillae study were given at a fanfare
launch at the academically
History on Tuesday, May 19,
2009, arrangements also having been
put in place for an associated
TV special, entitled "Uncovering our
earliest ancestor - The Link",
to be rolled out world-wide.
The project apparently had
its origins in December, 2006, at a mineral
and fossil fair in
a private fossil dealer
named Thomas Perner who was already known
to him and who, over fruity
vodka drinks with umbrellas, showed him a
few photographs of the
fossil, which had been found at Messel Pit in
1983 and had subsequently
lain in a drawer in the house of a German
collector. Herr Perner
discreetly advised Dr. Hurum that the fossil had
already been quietly
"on the market" for some six months at an asking
price of, wait for it,
Two prominent German museums
had already been approached but
had baulked at this asking
price for a fossil of unproven merit.
Dr. Hurum was so excited by
what he saw in this picture, ("I knew that
the dealer had a world
sensation in his hands"), that he reportedly “could
not sleep for two nights,
just thinking about this specimen.”
Back home in
fossil and equally
extra-ordinary asking price to his colleagues.
Somewhat unexpectedly funds
were made available such that Dr. Hurum
was able to enter into
negotiations leading to the purchase of the fossil.
Referring to an already
celebrated missing link fossil which was purchased
by a museum
Darwin's Origin of Species),
and provided evidence of Dinosaur-Era life
forms becoming adapted into
bird-like life forms, - Dr. Hurum is on record
as stating:-
“I realized at first it’s
a primate. It just screams primate: opposable
big toes and thumbs, no
evidence of claws. This is like the Archaeopteryx
of primate evolution.”
It would seem that this
extraordinary fossil “is important in being exceptionally
well preserved and providing
a much more complete understanding of the
paleobiology” of a primate
from the Eocene (tr. "Dawn of the Present")
A bone in Ida's ankle called
the talus is shaped like that members of our own,
Anthropoid, branch of the
primates. Ida's nail-bearing fingers and toes also
confirm her to having been a
primate. So the researchers believe she may be
on our evolutionary line
dating from just after the split with the lemurs and
that this fossil is from
"a transitional species showing characteristics from both
the non-human (prosimians
and lemurs) and human (anthropoids, monkeys,
apes and man) evolutionary
lines," and that it follows from this that Darwinius
masillae could actually be
from a “stem group” from which higher primates
Whilst the research team
involved state that, "we are not advocating that here,
nor do we consider either
Darwinius or adapoids to be anthropoids”,
Dr. Philip Gingerich, a
leading American primate specialist based at the
and co-author of the
Darwinius masillae study, went so far as to state that:-
“This discovery brings a
forgotten group into focus as a possible
ancestor of higher
Russel Wallace biography
Malthus Essay on Population
quotes his beliefs about God
Henry Huxley Darwin's Bulldog
In May 2009 the Ida fossil
skeleton was give an ambitious PR launch as
the missing link to our
earliest ancestors and as the "Rosetta Stone" of
Human Evolution. Some
scientists meanwhile see her as being more of
a great-great-great aunt
than a great-great-great grandmother.
Has our earliest ancestor
been identified?
A particularly important
clue may arise from the very completeness
of this fossil if
researchers are ultimately able to discern whether or
not this fossil was of a
creature that had a "wet" nose.
Modern primates are divided
into two suborders: the strepsirrhines,
or “wet-nosed” primates,
include lemurs, bushbabies and lorises,
while the haplorrhines or
“dry-nosed” primates include monkeys,
apes and humans.
The Faith versus Reason
The Wisdoms and Insights
available on our
site include some about
Human Existence itself
" is a bundle
of relations, a knot of roots,
whose flower and fruitage
is the world..."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It seems highly likely that
such Human-innate
"bundles of relations
and knots of roots"
give rise to the
"World" of Human Societies!!!
Explore Human Nature thru our radical Human Nature-Tripartite Soul page
The Public Library of
Science hosted research article
originally available on the
PloS ONE web site at:
JL, Gingerich PD, Habersetzer J, Hurum JH,
Koenigswald W, et al. 2009
Complete Primate Skeleton
from the Middle Eocene of
Messel in
PLoS ONE 4(5): e5723.
For a photo of Brian Switek, click here.
Brian Switek is by June 2, 2009 a science writer who focuses
paleontology, evolution, and the history of science.
He also
blogs for Smithsonian magazine's Dinosaur Tracking.
For anyone
who can read Dutch, the blog Evolutiebiologie has
posts going over the technical
details of Darwinius.
A scan of
Ida's mouth showing milk teeth, permanent teeth, and
permanent teeth. From the PLoS
One paper.
Grube Messel,
Darmstadt, at Google Images
Darwinius masilae at YT
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part 3
part 4
part 5
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