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Send all of your entries in to horse_wishes16. You will win one ribbon for your stable for every contest you win! Please, only send in one entry for each contest.

Word Unscramble

Unscramble the word. The first one to send in the correst answer wins a ribbon!
Scrambled word:
delasd kbealtn

Last Answer: leg wraps
Last winner: nikki12910


The first one to send in the correct answer to the question wins a ribbon!
What is an Arrappaloosa?

Guess the Breed

The first one to send in the correct guess wins!


Send in the URL of a picture, and the best one will win!
Find a picture of:
A foal
March 31


Send in the URL for a banner you have made for the guild, and it might be posted here or on the guild front page!

.Allies.Rules.Horse Facts/Tips.Council.