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Who Moved My Cheese?

Now this entry isn't about the characters Hem and Haw, but rather one of those things that deals with my crazy life. This is a true story. This story takes place in the Southridge Apartments... Anyways, I am currently at college. Just when life starts to go a bit sour because of midterms, you get more problems. In my case I get a mouse. Yeah, a mouse...not the computer one (if that's what came to your mind first...I'm sorry, but you need to get out more), but one of those rodents that you never really want in your house. Still, I guess I could be grateful that it's not one of those huge ugly rats that live in the subways of good ol' New York City (if you didn't know, those rats are fearless, and they are mad scary). Even so, I still don't like mice. They chew through everything and anything they can sink their teeth into.

You're probably wondering how I discovered this little problem. One day, as I was minding my own business, this small brown "thing" scurried across the floor. Yeah, it was fast. I guess I should give it credit for being that brave (or stupid) since it was in broad daylight and it was pretty close to me. Since my vision is less than perfect I thought I was seeing things (Despite the fact that after going to Physical Science three times a week makes you start seeing things anyways). But, no. It soon ran back the other direction. Later I found that it chewed through a few of our cords and such...When that happened, it was time for the mouse to leave either this apartment or this life altogether. The war was on! Traps were set. It was only a matter of time now. Who would win the battle for the apartment? The mouse or the college student? Just letting you know, I never considered co-habitation. I like my privacy...

Okay, enough rambling (yeah, I'm making it a bit more dramatic than it actually was). The good news is today was the passing away of the mouse. My day was just a typical Wednesday. As usual, I went to my classes to receive more knowledge. When I came back I found the body of my small nemesis caught in the trap (yes, it was finally dead). Since nothing eventful really happens around here, I could consider it one of the highlights of the day. Come to think of it, however, this mouse did cost a total of $26 (one laptop cord - $25, one set of mouse traps - $1, and one dead mouse – priceless). The funeral was short and quick (just a small toss in the trash). But, the good news is that I have retaken my apartment. Now if you're brave, curious, or just dying to know if I'm telling the truth, you can see a picture of this mouse. Call it what you want. I call it "Victory."

Yet, one thing still bothers me. I continually ponder the question:"Was that the only one?" Okay, maybe I'm not continually thinking about this, but it still is one those unanswered questions...
