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The Token Outspoken Blog
Thursday, 1 December 2005
Mood:  down
I promised I would get back on here and make a post so here I am. I haven't figured out how to get pictures on here yet but wait for that to happen soon.

Angelfire has made blogging a fugging chore! Everytime I log in now it asks me to select my Membership Plan which I've done four times now. I'm cheap, give me the free one so I don't have to pay anything. I just lost $400, do you hear that Andreas, not $500. So my judgement for Angelfire is back to the jerkstore!

So I'm playing my old X-box now, looking at the insides of the 360 figuring out if I can fix it. I'm also having some issues around work. It's nothing bad I don't think. And I have to figure out this Angelfire blog thing so there's a lot to do.

Posted by blog/jerkstore at 1:51 AM CST
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Sunday, 27 November 2005
FUcking X-Box 360!!!
Mood:  irritated
Microsoft must die! That's all there is to it. Apparently to have a 360 that doesn't fucking crash, you need to put it on a cool surface or some shit like that. So instead of plugging a freezer next to my TV and keeping the 360 in there for cold storage I decided to take a baseball bat to it.

My friends should know I don't kid about this shit. Andreas can back me up on that one. And for all you non-believers out there, here's a picture to prove that I actually did bash in a $400 machine.

I'm not sure how to feel about that. All I know is that I'm going to send a bunch of Microsoft employees back to the jerkstore!

Posted by blog/jerkstore at 7:40 PM CST
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