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My Corns from Birth to Faimly.

This is the mother of the babies, her name is Raddish

This is what she looked like as a baby,

Big difference huh?

Her parents were these.

Ones an albino and ones a normal, and how do snakes make babies u ask? like this.

Anyhow, she is HET for albino meaning shes not albino but carries the recessive traits. For those who dont care, scroll pas this part cus im gonna try to explain it.

If my friend Mark is het for blue eyes, it means his dad

or mom has to have blue eyes.

So ok, here we go, Phil has brown eyes, Jill has blue eyes, they marry and have a kid Mark. Now mark CANT have blue eyes unless his dad was het for blue eyes which he wasnt.

So mark has brown eyes but carries the blood for blue eyes

Jane has blue eyes but Manny has brown eyes, they marry and have a kid, Jackie. Now jackie also carries the blue eyes gene

So Mark and Jackie have a kid and 1 out of 4 of those kids will have blue eyes

2 of the 4 will be het for blue and one will be full brown eyes

Raddishes Husband.

So heres Raddish laying her eggs.

68 days later they are starting to hatch. This is what i kept them in, a styrafoam box so no tempurture fluctuations plus good humidty since its very closed off

First one to emerge, i opened the incubator to see this guy tryna get out

then another and another, right now there are 5 popping heads out, i have 12 eggs so i'll putdate as they keep comming

HERE THEY ARE, this is HALF of the babies. The red/white ones are albino, the brown ones will grow up to look like mama

These babies are soo huge.....a normal baby is HALF that size