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Cody Hart

Cody Hart has been riding since the age of three. “I loved it from the start, and I’ve been doing it ever since.” Hart made the transition from calves to steers and eventually from junior bulls to big bulls. “I always looked up to Clint Branger because I liked his attitude. He stayed off to himself and didn’t really say much. Then, he took all their money,” Hart laughs. Hart says the greatest accomplishment of his career was winning the 1999 PBR World Championship. “I set my sights to win the title and to work your whole life and finally achieve it—it makes all the miles worth it.” Hart won that title in high fashion by setting a record--which has yet to be broken--of 6 event title wins in one season and sixteen 90 point rides in one season. On the sibling rivalry with his brother, J.W. Hart, he says, “My brother and I make a bet every year at Finals about who’s going to do better. “ Hart pauses, “I think we’re about even.”

About Cody