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Drug Quiz Whiz

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Multiple Choice

1.  What drug is known to frequently be distributed at Grateful Dead concerts?

    Ecstasy      Methamphetamine     Ketamine    LSD    Heroin     Cocaine

2.  What is the common name for this drug - 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine?

    Ecstasy    Methamphetamine     Ketamine    LSD    Heroin     Cocaine  

3.  18-year-old Sara Aeschlimann died a few years ago from a drug called PMA.  What did she and five or six other people who died in a similar manner think they were taking?

   Ecstasy    Methamphetamine     Ketamine    LSD    Heroin     Cocaine  

4.  What is "purple haze?"

  Ecstasy    Methamphetamine     Ketamine    LSD    Heroin     Cocaine  

5.  Which popular drug is dangerous because it can short-circuit the body's ability to control its temperature?

     Ecstasy    Methamphetamine     Ketamine    LSD    Heroin     Cocaine  

6.  Which type of athletes are most likely to use EPO for performance enhancement?

    sprinters    endurance    archers and biathletes    none of these

7.  Which type of athletes use beta blockers for performance enhancement?

      sprinters    endurance    archers and biathletes    none of these

8.  Which country produces most of the world's ecstasy?

    U.S    Russia    Netherlands    Mexico    Colombia    Bolivia    Germany

    Myanmar    Thailand    China    Japan    Australia    Israel    none of these

9.  Which country produces most of the world's heroin?

   U.S    Russia    Netherlands    Mexico    Colombia    Bolivia    Germany

    Myanmar    Thailand    China    Japan    Australia    Israel    none of these

10.  Which country produces most of the world's cocaine?

     U.S    Russia    Netherlands    Mexico    Colombia    Bolivia    Germany

     Myanmar    Thailand    China    Japan    Australia    Israel    none of these

11.  Which country produces most of the heroin that is used by U.S. drug users?

    U.S    Russia    Netherlands    Mexico    Colombia    Bolivia    Germany

     Myanmar    Thailand    China    Japan    Australia    Israel    none of these

12.  "Robo-tripping" is taking:

    GHB    Rohypnol    Ketamine    DXM    Ecstasy    LSD   Cocaine                 

    Methamphetamine    PCP    Oxycontin    Hydrocodone    Psilocybin    Heroin

13.  Comes from a mushroom; "magic mushrooms:"

   GHB    Rohypnol    Ketamine    DXM    Ecstasy    LSD   Cocaine                 

    Methamphetamine    PCP    Oxycontin    Hydrocodone    Psilocybin    Heroin

14.  What drug has earned the reputation of "Hillbilly Heroin?"

  GHB    Rohypnol    Ketamine    DXM    Ecstasy    LSD   Cocaine                 

    Methamphetamine    PCP    Oxycontin    Hydrocodone    Psilocybin    Heroin

15.    "Liquid ecstasy:"

    GHB    Rohypnol    Ketamine    DXM    Ecstasy    LSD   Cocaine                 

    Methamphetamine    PCP    Oxycontin    Hydrocodone    Psilocybin    Heroin

16.  In recent years there has been an increase in theft of anhydrous ammonia (used as a fertilizer) from farmers.  Anhydrous ammonia is used in the production of __________.

   GHB    Rohypnol    Ketamine    DXM    Ecstasy    LSD   Cocaine                 

    Methamphetamine    PCP    Oxycontin    Hydrocodone    Psilocybin    Heroin

17.  This drug is known as "Special K" and "cat valium"

  GHB    Rohypnol    Ketamine    DXM    Ecstasy    LSD   Cocaine                 

    Methamphetamine    PCP    Oxycontin    Hydrocodone    Psilocybin    Heroin

18.  How many doses of LSD are contained in one pure ounce?

    10    25    1 00  274      566     872    1244    none of these

19.  What is the natural source of the very weak hallucinogenic substance - bufotenine?

    toads    rye fungus    cactus    mushroom    poppy plant    leaves from a shrub

    insects    tree sap    roots of a tropical plant    none of these

20.  What is LSD synthesized from?

   toads    rye fungus    cactus    mushroom    poppy plant    leaves from a shrub

    insects    tree sap    roots of a tropical plant    none of these

21.  Mescaline comes from what?

  toads    rye fungus    cactus    mushroom    poppy plant    leaves from a shrub

    insects    tree sap    roots of a tropical plant    none of these

22. Which soft drink has the highest amount of caffeine?

    Mountain Dew    Dr. Pepper    Coca-Cola    Mr. Pibb    Pepsi    Pepsi Blue

    Sunkist Orange Soda    Barqs Root Beers    Surge    none of these

23.  What drug do athletes take that has produced disfigurement by encouraging not only growth of muscles but also of bones, especially in the hands and feet?  (Some users of this drug develop jutting foreheads, prominent cheekbones, and an elongated jaw).

    anabolic steroids    EPO    Human Growth Hormone     Beta-blocker    none


24.  The major medical use of narcotic drugs is to relieve anxiety and induce sleep.

    True    False

25.  Hydrocodone is the most abused prescription drug in the U.S.?

    True    False

26.  Almost all of the ketamine that is used illegally is from ketamine that has been stolen from veterinarian clinics.

    True    False

27.  Heroin was first commercially produced by the Bayer company (same one famous for Bayer Aspirin) for treatment of analgesia, cough, and other ailments.

    True    False

28.  Mountain Dew sold in Canada does not contain caffeine.

    True    False

29.  Ecstasy usually causes a lowering or cooling of body temperature.

    True    False

30.  Ecstasy users often talk about having "Terrific Tuesdays" in association with their use of the drug.

    True    False

31.  The primary medical use of methadone in medical use is for pain relief.

    True   False

32.  LSD is rarely found in the form of blotter acid.

    True    False   

33.  A common form of heroin found in the U.S. is black tar heroin.

    True    False

34.  The "Golden Triangle" and "Golden Crescent" regions of the world are famous for wide-scale opium cultivation.

    True    False


35.  Lots of kids are getting high from a drug called DXM (dextromorphan).  What is the source of their DXM?


36.  What was the cause of Janis Joplin's death?


37.  What person was most responsible for popularizing LSD in the 1960s and 1970s?


38.  What drug did cross country skiers winning medals in cross-country skiing at the SLC Winter Olympics (2002) test positive for that lead to medals being taken away?


39.  What drug did home run hitter Mark McGwire admit using during his record-setting home run season?


40.  What is formication?


 41.  What are two things that ecstasy users do to heighten the effects of the drug?



42.  What unsuspecting group of people were recently recruited to smuggle ecstasy into the U.S. that made big headlines when it was discovered they were being used for this purpose?


43.  What are "body packers?"


44. What narcotic drug is crushed by abusers to disarm its time release formula so that it can be effectively injected or snorted?  It is said to produce a heroin-like high.


45.  What does a law named after 15-year-old Samantha Reid stipulate?


46. What reputation has the drug Rohypnol earned?.  In other word, it is frequently called the "" drug.


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