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<title>Brazilian Lost in Norway</title>
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<h1 align="left">Brazilian Lost in Norway</h1>

<div align="center"><img src="RUSS_LET.JPG"></div>

Leticia Schmidt Camara<br>
<a href="/blog/leticiacamara/">/blog/leticiacamara/</a><br>
<a href="mailto:teeshaa@hotmail.com">teeshaa@hotmail.com</a><br>

<!--Freetext-->Hello Everyone! 
Well i guess i'll have to explain a little about myself! im Born in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, but since the age of 4 ive lived in different countries : Japan, Korea, Singapore and finally im here in Norway!
Am currently doing the International Bacchalaureate Diploma in Oslo. Now you'll frequently hear me complain about this in my BLOG  (just click on the link on the front page) Im a pretty normaly person although i have friends who will probably disagree! Have quite lame humour, and i absolutely love to be out in town, shopping, sitting at a café with my girls!Speaking of friends i must say i have wonderful friends! Together we manage to make life in Oslo fun, despite all the cold weather. Love music and dancing, martial arts, swimming etc..too many hobbies and interests to list hear, dont want to bore all of u! i'd love to hear from you guys so just email me and PLEASE SIGN my guestbook, and enjoy!<!--EndFreetext-->
