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All About Me

Welcome to a page all about me. If you care.

Me and Corn, January 2002

I'm pretty much a hermit, except when I associate with people. I'm also not very photogenic. My average day consists of going to work, where I edit books and contemplate new things to add to my weblog; speaking to as few people as possible; and returning home in time to watch the O.C. When I'm not sitting, eating, or sitting some more, I'm planning my wedding or downloading music. Or sitting.

My friends from college

These are some friends from Penn. We were actually all in a sorority together, but none of us really did much. No pillow fights or fat circles...there won't be a Lifetime Movie about the experience. Or a porn flick.

The best thing ever created by man

I never go anywhere without my iPod. I would be lost without it...forced to take in the sounds of nature and humanity around me. Or even worse...forced to speak to someone.