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The World According to Me

This is the part of the program where I express my views on everything that's going on in the world, without any chance for anyone else to respond. Anyone who objects can take it up with the FCC. Good luck.

The opinions expressed in this weblog do not represent the opinions of Microsoft, white-collar criminals, angry dwarves, poor elves forced to work in chocolate-cookie-producing sweatshops, or roughly 2/3 of the residents of Narnia. (The other 1/3 are a crapshoot; no one knows what the hell they're thinking.)

What This Means To Me

1. Armageddon. Nice knowing all of you.
2. Is Canada really that cold this time of year?
3. Somewhere Jesus is smiling down upon us....and encouraging us to wage a nucular war against Arab countries across the globe.
4. Voter fraud.
5. I don't remember the car accident, but I've obviously arrived in hell.

Thank You for Fighting the Good Fight, John Kerry

In my darkest hours of pessimism and despair, I remind myself that 54 million Americans voted for your message of hope and equality. Maybe Canada can wait....

Keep fighting in the Senate!